4 Hour Work Week Questions And Actions

After the reading the 4 hour work week I had a few 4 hour work week questions and actions I wanted to know. Like, how do I actually build an automated business which gives me this kind of freedom? I loved the idea of a life of freedom and flexibility but how was I going to achieve it? Working online in the early 2000’s on eBay, I had struggled to build a life of freedom, and was snowed under with customers and headaches! I wanted a better way to earn from my laptop and I knew this wasn’t it.

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I had bought an ebook from eBay some months earlier. This purchase set the wheels turning in my mind and I realised that this was the answer. I needed a method of making money automatically over the internet. After writing my own ebook and trying to sell it from a website, I realised I was in over my head! So I put myself on a marketing course and this led me to a better business model, a business model known as affiliate marketing!

4 Hour Work Week Questions And Actions: Affiliate Marketing

Despite having spent some time writing my own ebook to sell, I now realised that I could sell other people’s products online for a percentage of the sale value. A sale of a course for example would give me 40% of the transaction. With a $100 course this was $40. My ebook was on sale for only $10 so even though I would receive 100% of the profit from my own book, selling other people’s products was more lucrative.

beginners guide to affilaite marketing

With affiliate marketing there are a lot of products to choose from. You can sell products from Amazon for example and Amazon has thousands of products you can choose from. You can also sell digital products, which pay more and there’s also subscription affiliate products and high ticket affiliate products. With subscription products you can earn a monthly income from each sale. High ticket products are valued much higher than standard products. So you can earn much larger commissions from selling a single item.

I started learning the tactics of affiliate marketing and I built many websites and wrote a lot of content. But after several months I was still struggling to sell anything! I had one or two affiliate sales drop in, but it wasn’t enough to call it a proper income and they were far too sporadic.

4 Hour Work Week Questions And Actions

Despite the struggling, I was determined find a way to make the 4 hour work week possible! The odd sale here and there didn’t make a living, but it gave me some hope! I was browsing through facebook one day and I found a video of a guy on a pedalo who was talking about online business systems and automation.

Of course I signed up for the free video series and they led me to an online business mentorship community. It was this find which was to signal the turnaround of my online struggles!

four hour work week questions and actions
Is the 4 hour work week possible?

Before finding this online business community, I was trying to sell affiliate products in all the wrong ways! I was selling low valued products and making only a pittance! I learned how to build a sales funnel through the step by step training and to start building an email list of subscribers. Get started here.

In the beginning there was a lot of work to be done and much of my efforts seemed like they were for nothing. In the beginning, it seems like progress is very slow. But ultimately I was setting the foundations in place for an automated business which could run itself.

The main elements for this business model were the combination of subscription and high ticket digital products within an automated sales funnel.

Using these types of products allows affiliates to earn the maximum amount per sale. This also gives you greater scope to use paid marketing strategies which are globally scalable.

Is The 4 Hour Work Week Possible?

Within only a few months I had made my first high ticket sale! This was around $1000 commission which to me at the time was like a $1,000,000! Before this time I was making peanuts selling books from Amazon online and was making less than $1 for each referral! More than just a commission, it marked a turning point in my belief and direction with the online business.

If I could make sales like this on a regular basis, using automation, I would be able to quit working a job permanently, I thought! Finally I thought I had found the 4 hour work week! Alas the sales didn’t last and because my finances were a mess I dug into my commissions to pay the bills! It was only later that I learned those in the know would reinvest their returns into their marketing budget.

4 hour work week questions and actions
Is the 4 hour work week possible? Check out the free videos and learn more here.

My lack mentality/poverty consciousness kept me stuck for some time before I realised that I needed to do this, and that I need to avoid spending my earnings and reinvest them instead. The more I could reinvest into my marketing budget, the more sales like this I would make, and the faster I would learn what worked and what didn’t!

This is the point where many affiliate marketers will quit, and I nearly did too. But something kept me going and it was the idea of the 4 hour work week which kept the belief alive – thanks to Tim Ferris!

Building A Scalable Online Business

Yes, it’s possible, but the journey to building a 4 hour work week has many twists and turns and will certainly take more than 4 hours a week to succeed with! 20 years ago it was much more difficult but today you can access a step by step business system which gives you products, sales pages, webinars, tools and resources to make the journey much easier. Get started here.

Once set up, your only job is to send targeted traffic into your sales funnel and make sales. Because you can automate advertising and scale up to a global audience, this has to be the easiest method of building a business which can give you time and financial freedom.

That’s not to say it’s easy, just that it’s easier than building your own business in the traditional sense. Plus you have access to a global audience with a laptop and internet connection, something which was impossible only a few years ago without a huge marketing budget and lots of know how!

If you want to learn more and join this online business community, access the free video series here, or create your free account here.

4 hour work week questions and actions
Access a free video series to learn more.