The Stuart Lichtman PDF “How To Get Lots Of Money For Anything Fast” is one of the best resources I’ve found online. Whether you have a business, are learning affiliate marketing, or are trying to achieve anything, this book is for you! In it, Stuart shares what he calls the cybernetic transposition technique which he personally developed. Cybernetic transposition is a technique for transferring a success in one area of your life to another. So if you can remember a success you’ve had, you can transpose it to another area of your life.
“Cybernetic Transposition is the proprietary technique I developed and perfected, and which companies paid me $25,000 a day to teach their employees.” – Stuart Lichtman
Cybernetics is the science of how electronic machines and human brains work, (and developing machines that do things or think like people). Transposition means to transpose, or move one part to another; or an interchange of two parts.
Stuart Lichtman PDF

If you have read any of the classic books on the Law Of Attraction, you’ll understand that thoughts become things. See motivational books pdf free download and working with the law pdf. But Stuart Lichtman has taken this concept to another level in his book.
Here’s an extract: “Cybernetic Transposition may be the single and most powerful technique ever developed for personal achievement. What Cybernetic Transposition does is empower the mind to use one success – any success – that you have experienced, and “transpose” (or transform) that first success into the solid foundation for a success in another area.” – Stuart Lichtman
But just exactly how does this work and how does Stuart do it?
Cybernetic Transposition
To achieve anything takes focus. But what most of us do is get distracted and take our attention off the outcome we desire. Habits can be detrimental to our success if we allow the bad ones to grow and don’t encourage the good ones.
Here’s a quick summary of what’s involved in the technique:

- Firstly create a target or a goal which you know you clearly want to create in your life. It needs to be understood by all major aspects of your unconscious mind. This means getting very clear on exactly how you would like your target to look when it comes about.
- Prioritise your target so that your unconscious mind will focus on it, even when while you are not thinking about it.
- Resolve any unconscious habit patterns which would normally prevent you from achieving your target.
In Stuarts book you’ll need to work through this creating an outcome which is truly desirable to you. An important distinction with goal setting is that many people create goals which they either don’t believe in, or are not truly aligned with.
By resolving the conflicts which will undoubtably arise in your unconscious mind, you can get clear on your objective. If your goal doesn’t give you a 10 out of 10 for both desirability and belief, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Something in your subconscious mind will sabotage your efforts, and you’ll find a way to fail.
Stuart Lichtman Cybernetic Transposition – The Meta Story
There are some exercises in the book which you’ll need to work through. Be prepared for some hard work here! Stuart will make you write out your goal many times, correcting it accordingly to resolve any conflicts which come up. For example, your goal might be to lose weight. But you might also like eating and hate working out. By resolving these issues, you will come up with an appropriate goal which aligns with all parts of your mind.
Once you have got very clear on what you want, both in terms of desirability and belief, you can build what Stuart calls a Meta story.
A meta story is the end goal narrative in which you have created the outcome you desire perfectly. It’s the story which you are going to communicate with your subconscious mind in order to create a powerful objective. If your meta story is littered with objections and doubt, your subconscious mind won’t flag it as a priority; and it won’t have the same power.
Therefore getting clear on an objective is essential to this process of creation.
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