Stop Wasting Time On The Internet!

Are you ready to stop wasting time on the internet? Most of us are consumed by the internet in some way or another. It’s a modern day disease! The algorithms running such social media platforms as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are designed to keep you on them. They show you more and more content of the kind you like; to suck your time away and keep you engaged!

stop wasting time on the internet

Time enjoyed wasting isn’t wasted time! Still, hours on your phone or laptop each day equates to years of your life lost over time. So what’s the answer?

One solution is to remove distracting apps such as Facebook and YouTube from your phone. At the very least turn off notifications. Once your apps are popping up with little red icons, and you’re jumping to attention at them, your phone is using you, you’re no longer using your phone!

Stop Wasting Time On The Internet – Build An Online Business Instead

Building an online business has made me super aware of the time suck-age which happens when you’re online. Once you get into habits of checking social media, replying to messages instantly and checking your email inbox constantly, you’re no longer in control. You’re reacting to stimulus rather than choosing purposeful pursuits.

So one of the best ways to put yourself in control of your time is to choose a purposeful activity. Don’t log online unless you have a specific reason to. In Tim Ferris’s 4 hour work week he suggests strategies to control your time online. Avoid constantly checking emails and designate only two specific time slots daily for doing so. This free’s up your time and mental energy, which can be used on more productive pursuits – such as building an online business, for example!

Stop Wasting Time On The Internet – My Daily Average – OMG!

Looking at my daily average time spent on just my phone is horrifying! 4 hours and 20 minutes spend looking into my screen!

Admittedly some of that time is to look at statistics and reply to emails I receive for the online business. But I would hazard a guess than most of it is spent browsing social media and sharing amusing memes! This definitely isn’t the best use of my time!

One of my productive habits however is creating content such as this post.

Strategies To Organise Your Time

There’s several strategies you can use to fight big tech. Those algorithms are run by artificial intelligence – so it’s your brain against AI when it comes to getting addicted to social media. You will lose unless you deliberately take back control on your time.

You can set app limits using your phone or remove the apps altogether. Spend time digitally detoxing completely for at least a day a week. You’ll probably find the itch to grab your phone at some point, especially if you’re hooked. Place your phone in another room from your bedroom and remove the desire to grab your phone first thing in the morning.

Here’s a great video from Tim Ferris on how to not let your phone use you:

Be Productive Instead – Build An Online Business

Now you’re more aware of the massive suck-age of time your phone creates, why not use that time to build an income online instead. If I spent as much time as I do on my phone actually working on my online business I would surely be much more successful with it by now!

If you’re ready to start, join a step by step course which shows you exactly how to get started, even with no products or experience.

stop wasting time on the internet
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