Sniply Affiliate Program

I just had a look for Sniply affiliate program. It turns out that they don’t have one currently (November 2020).

Sniply Affiliate Program

I did however notice this on the official Snipl.y website, but this was over a year ago. so perhaps Sniply do have plans for an affiliate program in the future.

Sniply Affiliate Program

Sniply Affiliate Program – What Sniply Does

Despite the nonexistence of a Sniply affiliate program at the current time, affiliates can use Sniply to create “snips” to promote their affiliate products. I first discovered Sniply a few years ago as a free marketing tool.

You can use Sniply in conjunction with another great affiliate tool called too!

With Buzzsumo, you can find the best performing content which is trending on social media sites and creating the most engagement within your niche.

Buzzsumo then lists the content which is doing the best. You can then take this content and put it into the Sniply tool.

Take a look at the image below which shows the top ranking articles/content for “affiliate marketing” when I typed it into Buzzsumo.

Then, I can take the top article and paste it into Sniply, adding my own pop-up advert to my affiliate products. (See below).

Sniply Link

I then take my Sniply link and paste it thoughout my social media sites, and wherever I can online. As the content is already clearly trending, there’s a high chance it will be shared and each share has your pop-up advert attached.

You can also email your Sniply link out to your email list too, if you have one. If not, email to friends if they would be interested in the content.

In an ideal world your Sniply link will go viral and get thousands or tens of thousands of shares online.

Using Sniply like this can be a good addition to any affiliate marketers daily habits.

Choosing Content To Snip

It’s important to choose content which is relevant to your affiliate link, or website. Ideally choose a topic which relates closely to your own. People who are interested in reading about knitting, for example, won’t want to necessarily buy your affiliate marketing course. On the other hand, if you offer health and fitness related products, you could use a trending article in that niche to attract potential buyers.

You can of course use Sniply with any piece of content – even your own. If you regularly post your blogs throughout social media, it can be worth putting your pop up on it too. It can add another opt-in option to help build your email list.

Sniply Affiliate Program

I would personally recommend Sniply to anyone who wants to get more traffic and sales online. I created a video about Sniply years ago and it still brings me leads to this day. (see below).

I apologise that there’s no Sniply Affiliate Program available and I’d certainly welcome a program if and when they do create one. In the meantime, why not use Sniply to generate more traffic to your website.

Here’s a short video explaining one strategy you can use with Sniply:

If you’re interested in other free marketing strategies check out my article the best free traffic sources for affiliate marketing.