Why is the self image, paradigm and circle of influence so important for affiliates? If you’re an affiliate, the chances are you don’t come from a background of entrepreneurialism. More likely you’ve come from an employee background and that usually means you’re surrounded by other employees rather than entrepreneurs. Have a look around at the five people you spend the most time with.
Jim Rohn “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”
They are your circle of influence – they influence you the most. So if you’re striving to build an affiliate business and they are not, they are more likely to be trying to talk you out of it than applauding your successes. Why is this? Simple, if you should attain a level of success which means you don’t need a job any more, it reflects badly on them. The elevation of your “status” isn’t great for them. In becoming financially independent (and no longer needing employment) also means their “social status” also devolves by comparison.

Even if your friends mean well, they are likely to carry beliefs and communicate in ways which aren’t going to help you. This is likely to be unconscious, but regardless, it can have the effect of demoralising you and scuppering your plans to become an entrepreneur.
What’s the answer? Be careful when sharing your “wins” with the wrong people. If they’re not cheering you on, they may be unconsciously hoping for you to fail. Play your cards close to your chest and find new people who have the same goals and aspirations.
Self Image, Paradigm And Circle Of Influence – Paradigm
Your paradigm is the belief system you carry with you and it has a huge influence on you too. If your belief system doesn’t support your entrepreneurial venture, you’re much more likely to fail.
Whether a man believes he can or he can’t, he’s right – Henry Ford
If you’re new to entrepreneurialism and just getting started with an online business, for example, you’re likely bringing some unhelpful ideas with you from your previous life. What can you do about this?
Checkout Bob Proctors book change your paradigm change your life pdf here for free. To change your ideas you first need to notice them! Pay attention to your words and thoughts when you talk about yourself and your beliefs around the subject of money, difficulties and work, for example.

Get help and learn how to shift your mindsets around money, wealth and work. Visit money mindset coach for more information on this and see also overcoming limiting beliefs about money.
Self Image, Paradigm and Circle Of Influence – Self Image
“Until you make the conscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate” – C Jung
Your self image is another “invisible” barrier to your success in any endeavour, and not just with an online business/affiliate marketing. But particularly when you try something new, such as building an online business, you’re going to be operating from your existing self image. If your self image is one of an “employee” or you hold some negative/limiting ideas of who you are in your mind, it’s going to act like a handbrake on your best intentions.

So how can you change your self image? Firstly become aware of it, as with your paradigms which might be holding you back. What do you say about yourself when talking to others or talking to yourself (inside your head). This is a clear indication of how you perceive yourself. What stories do you tell yourself when you approach a difficult task or an uncomfortable circumstance or situation?
Our stories (of ourselves or of our past) can often give you insight into your perception of your self. If these stories don’t help you, they can limit you. Bring awareness to your story of yourself which might be holding you in an old paradigm/belief system. Ask yourself whether your story is true. Can you reframe the sad (poor me) story in another light, for example?
Maxwell Maltz and Self Image
A good book on the topic is Maxwell Maltz’s book Psycho-cybernetics.

Maltz was a plastic surgeon who realised that many of his clients were still unhappy after their plastic surgery, even after corrective surgery. He started delving into their self image and got them to change the self image before they had their procedure. Once someone had changed their view of themselves, they often no longer required the corrective surgery on their outer features as a result.
Self image is massive if you’re undertaking a new venture such as an online business. If you still see yourself as an employee, or have a limited idea of what you can accomplish, it can completely halt your progress even if you are taking massive actions otherwise. You’ll sabotage your best efforts because the self image always follows you no matter how hard you try on the “outside”.
As an affiliate marketer myself I have struggled with feelings of unworthiness, limiting beliefs and poor self image. Undoubtedly these issues have held back my progress as I wrestled with my inner monologue which either supported or denied my ability to make a living online.
When you look to others for support and advice, it is your closest friends and family who you’re most likely to lean on (your circle of influence). Since most people aren’t business owners, and consider business risky or even dangerous, they aren’t going to be an inspiration to you! More likely they will talk you out of it, or encourage you to talk yourself out of it!
So if you’re struggling to make money as an affiliate I can highly recommend working on these important issues for your own personal growth and for that of your online business too.
Join an online community where self growth is part of the curriculum here.
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