Presell Page For Affiliate Marketing

The presell page for affiliate marketing is a page created to “warm up” a customer before sending them to a sales page/product. A good example of a presell page is a product review. Product reviews attract customers who are already in the last stage of the buying cycle.

They are simply looking for some information about a product before they make the final decision to buy something. So if you create a great product review about some item you’ve personally bought and benefited from, that would make a great pre-sell page.

presell page for affiliate marketing

In this example the customer has read your review of a product. They might even relate to your experience and trust your article if you’re genuine and sincere. In this scenario, they are much more likely to go on and purchase the product, having read your favourable review.

If they had only seen the sales page, they may not have all the information they needed to make the final decision to buy. So they might have some more questions which need answering before they make that decision.

This is why the presell page for affiliate marketing is so important. One affiliate might send someone directly to a product, through a paid ad, for example. If the customer isn’t certain about their purchase, they will look for a review of it! They find a review article created by another affiliate (the pre-sell page) and that affiliate makes the sale! Hence the power of the pre-sell page.

PreSell Page For Affiliate Marketing – The Pre-Sell Video

The pre sell page concept is used well on YouTube too with a pre-sell video. With a video you can set the scene for building rapport, communicating to your viewers through use of pain points of your target market customer persona.

If you target your advert carefully, and do some work on your customer avatar, you can find people and speak to the pains and problems they have, building rapport. Once you connect with your viewers they are much more likely to take some positive action, such as sign up to your email list or purchase the product you recommend.

see video here

The Pre-Sell Format

The pre-sell format is as follows:

  • Intro
  • Hook
  • Problem
  • Solution

In a YouTube video, the into is pretty important. After a few seconds most people will click “skip video” to get to their content. The rest who stay are who spend your advertising budget on. So you need to pre-qualify them as interested parties before you pay to show them your advert. The first few seconds of a video advert usually has an intro and a hook.

You’ll then see the problem presented (associated with a pain point). In the video ad I created on YouTube, the pain point was one I experienced struggling getting work and paying the bills. The solution presented is the internet business I found and the call to action in my video is to join my email list and access the free video series I offer!


It’s definitely worth using a pre-sell page for affiliate marketing. Sending traffic directly to a sales page doesn’t always result in a sale.

Think about the information the customer consumes just before they decide to buy something. Often this is a review or some piece of information which assures them the product is genuine. Is the product going to be a suitable fit for their needs?

Think about what you look at just before you buy a product/service online. Notice your own behaviour and it can give you clues you can use in your affiliate business. For more marketing tips visit digital marketing mentors or sign up on this website to learn about building a from scratch online business.

presell page affiliate marketing
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