Pre sell affiliate marketing is a means of positioning your affiliate product before the sales pitch. A pre sell page is often the first point of contact with the customer. It is used to educate customers about a product and persuade them to take action when they hit the sales page! With the right pre sell page, your sales rate can dramatically increase.

A pre sell page can use bullet points, testimonials and benefits in order to highlight the case for purchase.
It’s used to “fire” up a customer and turn them from a warm lead into a “hot” lead.
Pre Sell Affiliate Marketing
In yesterday’s blog post I talked about getting people to your affiliate link. But it’s often how you get them there which makes the most difference. Most people when they land on a sales page aren’t ready to make a purchase. This is why the email list is so important. When you spend your advertising dollars on directing people directly to a sales page, you waste most of it. That’s because most people will simply bounce.

Why? Studies have shown that most online consumers will want at least a few touch points with a product or website before they make the sale. They want assurance that the product/website is genuine and that it will genuinely help them. You can’t really blame them, I’m the same with someone I don’t know, particularly in the online world.
Amazon perhaps is one exception because it has built up a recognisable and trustworthy brand. But if you’re an affiliate you haven’t done that! That’s what the email list is for. With an email list you can build trust through offering value to your potential customers.
Pre Sell Affiliate – Positioning
Pre selling is simply positioning of the product through the building of trust. Often a pre sell page will have testimonials, or benefits on it. This positions the product in a more attractive light, so when the customer lands on the sales page, they’re more geared up to buy.
“Pre selling” can be done through an advert too and it is the affiliates who make a lot of effort on their “front end” advertising who do the best. That’s because they have positioned their product to their audience before they even sign up to your email list.
A good video advert simply makes the business work. If you communicate the value of your product through your advertising, there’s a lot less work needed to do the selling. You’ve already “positioned” the product in a way which speaks directly to the needs of your audience.
This is why it’s so important to know who you’re selling to. I mentioned this in my last post too. It’s not enough to get people to your affiliate link. You also need to get the right people to it and position the product in a way that communicates its value directly to their needs!
Pre Sell Affiliate Marketing Example
For example, one of my YouTube adverts talked about my own personal journey in becoming an affiliate marketer. I knew I was fed up of struggling with my previous career, but I was stuck in it! In my advert I stated that “I didn’t want the next 10 years to be the same as the last” – meaning my struggling with money and juggling work commitments.
I picked up customer from this messaging because her own situation was similar and she wanted to spend more time with her family and less time in a corporate career.

By positioning the product I promote, the online business training, (learn more here) as a solution to her problem, I was able to communicate it’s value through my advertising.
The pre sell works if you’re an affiliate and if you can position a product to a very specific audience and get the messaging right, your sales can get a massive boost. The key is to know the type of person who would benefit the most from your product and create a marketing message which speaks to their pain or needs.
This is the customer avatar and it’s worth spending some time learning exactly who you wish to help with your products. When you have absolute clarity as to the small slice of the online marketplace you want to put your products in front of, it gets much easier promoting them because you know for a fact they are a good fit for your customer.
If you’re harbouring doubt about your product, you’ll likely convey this in your messaging. At the very least you won’t feel right promoting something you’re not aligned with and this can have a negative effect on your affiliate efforts.