If you’re an affiliate you’ve probably experienced overworking and burnout. Because affiliates are only paid when they make a sale, there’s often a lot of work involved; particularly in the beginning of your affiliate career. Initially you’ll do a lot of work and not see much in the way of results. Over time, your work can compound to generate a passive income even, if you stick at it long enough.

If you can see this eventuality, there can be a compulsion to over work. Over time this can lead to burnout and even quitting. So it’s important to notice when you are emotionally, spiritually or physically exhausted through over work. Don’t quit, just rest.
When this time comes, and it will, you need to be prepared to let go and unplug. It can be difficult to unplug from your affiliate “baby” but it’s well worth doing so. You’ll come back stronger and with more clarity if you do.
Overworking and Burnout – Shifting Strategies/Tasks
If you belong to a community of people who can help you, you can also switch tasks: watch a webinar or join a new training course. Try something different to what you are doing on a daily basis in your affiliate business. Or have a full week or day off the computer completely.
Screen time can affect your sleep too and it can be easy to continually have a screen stuck to your face as you check emails endlessly and look at your website traffic.
Here’s an awesome video I found from Tim Ferris in which he explains how to use your phone! I’m sure you think you know how to use your phone, but after watching this you’ll know how to not let your phone use you. It will also help your sleep which is a vital part of success in any venture.
Exercise and Sleep
If you’re experiencing burnout it’s also useful to prioritise some of the things you’re probably taking for granted. Exercise and sleep are often two of the main things which start slipping if you’re overworking. Take time out and focus only on activities which are the most important in your business, if you can’t completely stop.
Remember Wu Wei – effortless effort? Wu Wei is a philosophy where you use just the right amount of energy in the appropriate time and place. Sinologist Jean François Billeter describes it as a “state of perfect knowledge of the reality of the situation, perfect efficaciousness and the realisation of a perfect economy of energy”.
That’s all very well if your affiliate business is running on all cylinders. But if you’re just starting out, you could spend months without seeing any results in terms of sales. This can be super frustrating but as with many things, stepping back and looking at the bigger picture can often lead to larger breakthroughs than by maintaining work for work’s sake.
Why Work Doesn’t Always Work
Work doesn’t always work because often you can spend time in all the wrong places. Affiliate marketing is hard, at least at first. So it’s important to develop a growth mindset so you are working in the most efficient way possible for your business. This sometimes means not working. Practice a day of “mindful inactivity”. This can be very difficult for productive people, especially if you’re desperate for success with an affiliate business. But often the very nature of being “desperate” can push success away. A stressed and fearful mindset is seldom one which makes good decisions for your business.
Sometimes some time out can allow your mind to settle and you can often receive insights and inspirations which you were blocking out through overworking. Cloudy water soon settles when it is still.
Overworking and burnout is common and not just in the affiliate marketing business. By taking time out, prioritising diet, exercise and sleep, you can solve problems which only existed in your mind. Let the cloudy water clear! Namaste!