Most Profitable Affiliate Niches

What are the most profitable affiliate niches? The top most profitable affiliate niches fall into these main categories:

  • Technology
  • Wealth and money making
  • Health and fitness
  • Dating and relationships
  • Fashion and beauty
  • Lifestyle
  • Hobbies
  • Pets and pet care
  • Travel

These are known as “evergreen” niches which means they typically will make money all year round, as opposed to seasonal niches. The main problem with going in to the most profitable affiliate niches is that there’s huge competition in them.

most profitable affiliate niches

This means your advertising costs are higher. It’s also more difficult to get traffic organically too.

The Trouble With The Most Profitable Affiliate Niches

In the most profitable affiliate niches, affiliates are spending huge amounts on their advertising budgets. If you don’t have a large advertising budget this can leave you on the sidelines, unable to compete with them in these top niches.

If a niche is over subscribed it pushes up the advertising costs because more people are competing for the traffic and outbidding other advertisers. Similarly if you’re trying to rank your website in a top niche, it’s going to be very difficult. There’s already thousands of other affiliates already pushing their content and ranking on the search engines for even the less competitive keywords in the niche.

With multiple high authority websites in a competitive niche, a new website won’t get much traffic when it’s competing against these types of site. One way around this is to find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty. But in a top niche, even this can be tough. There’s another way to get around the issue of high competition in a profitable niche through too.

Most Profitable Affiliate Niches – Finding A Sub Niche

Another way of getting around competition in a top niche is to find a sub-niche within the niche. A sub-niche is a niche within a niche which is typically more specific and less general than the main niche.

A sub niche of money making online is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a competitive topic too, so a sub niche of this topic might be “affiliate marketing for seniors“, for example.

A popular niche in the health and fitness niche is Yoga, which is also a competitive topic. Here’s a sub-niche I found in the Yoga space “Chair Yoga for Covid recovery”:

most profitable affiliate niches

Finding a sub niche can mean you can still tap into the earning potential of the most profitable affiliate niches, but that you can also reduce advertising costs and/or find organic traffic much more easily.

If you were to attempt to rank a website for Yoga, for example, you would find there’s a tonne of competition. But “Chair Yoga for Covid recovery” will be a much less competitive topic and therefore you’ll find traffic for it much more easily and or cheaply.

Choosing A Topic You Love

Another way to stand out in competitive niche is to choose a niche you have a special interest in. If you have a passion or specific knowledge of a subject, you can sustain your efforts for much longer than the rest. This can give you an advantage, especially if you’re creating a lot of content either written (if you’re a blogger), or in video form with a YouTube channel, for example.

most profitable affiliate niches

As an expert in your field, you can create more relevant content in greater quantity and of greater quality than your competition. If you enjoy your subject, your affiliate business will be “labour of love”, rather than a chore to build.

This can give you a huge edge over your competition. Your content can be more easily created (assuming you know your topic) and you can sustain your efforts over a much longer period of time than your competitors.

Choosing Less Competitive Niches

The most profitable affiliate niches aren’t necessarily the best niches to choose if you’re a beginner. As an affiliate marketer you only get paid when you sell something. In a top niche, you’re going to have a harder time doing so because there’s so much competition. You’re up against affiliates who have huge marketing budgets, high domain affiliate websites and huge lists of subscribers.

most profitable affiliate products

An alternative is to pick a niche which has lower competition. So long as you can monetise it, a less competitive niche might be more profitable for you, if you can generate traffic and sales in it. Low competition niches have lower costs and less competition floating around on Google. This means you can tap into a low competition niche much more easily than a top niche, which has a tonne of competition for advertising, keywords and SEO (Search engine optimisation).

Here’s some example categories where you might find low competition niches:

  • Solar energy products
  • Eco-friendly products
  • Home office equipment
  • Health and beauty
  • Pet products
  • Sports equipment
  • Indoor sports
  • Hobbies and special interest
  • Bluetooth gadgets
  • Bathroom accessories
  • Kitchen accessories
  • Smart home devices
  • Car parts/accessories
  • Gaming accessories
  • Travel accessories
  • Kids and baby goods


Choosing a topic within the most profitable affiliate niches comes with some difficulties. Although a top niche may be potentially more profitable, you only make profit when you start generating sales. This is considerably more difficult in a popular niche because of the huge competition for organic and paid traffic. There’s a few things you can do to give yourself an edge:

  • Choose a sub-niche – a niche within a niche
  • Pick a topic you love or have a special interest in/passion for
  • Find a less competitive niche – with less competition which is easier to find traffic for

If you love your affiliate business, you’ll work harder for longer in it. This is one of the best things you can do for the success of an online business. If you hate working on and in your business, you’ll find it easier to give up!

Get started with building a business you love here.

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