Manifesting Your Dream Job

Knowing what you want is the hardest step in manifesting your dream job. Once you have a clear intention, you can learn what you need to do in order to achieve it. You can then set about working towards gaining the necessary qualifications, experience and/or contacts to bring about your dream job.

If you’re stuck in a job you hate, this can seem a lot more difficult. Your mind is clouded with doing the things you don’t want to be doing. It takes up all your time and energy. However, this experience is useful because it can give you the necessary motivation to work towards something more enjoyable.

When you’re suffering in a job you hate, it can give you more clarity, both in terms of what you don’t want to do and what you would rather be doing. But you need to make sure you don’t give up on your dream, and get stuck in a job you hate.

Manifesting Your Dream Job – My Story

I was in exactly that situation – working several jobs I hated, directionless and unmotivated. Just removing the struggle was my motivation, rather than finding my dream job. Then in my 20’s I met a stuntman – I thought “wow that’s amazing – that’s my dream job”!. But until that day I didn’t realise such a job was possible. Suddenly everything changed. If he could become a stuntman, so could I! My life changed because I knew it was possible to do something I loved and everything became about making it a reality.

manifesting your dream job
Doubling Jack Whitehall on Bad Education – the movie

I went about finding out what I needed to do to join the British Stunt Register. You can read about it on my stunt website here.

It was a long list of qualifications which took a few years to achieve. But because I was super motivated to achieve my dream job of becoming a stuntman, I took the necessary steps.

Manifesting Your Dream Job – Knowing What You Want

This is why knowing what you want is so important. Unless you do, it’s easy to get caught up following other people’s advice to take a nice steady pay day for the ease of it. Before you know it, you’re stuck in a job you have a growing distain for!

Many dream jobs don’t offer a nice steady payday, or at least getting there may require some out of the box thinking. You might have to accept that getting there will require some long term motivation. But once you have made the decision to go for it, life becomes about that goal, and deliberation over it doesn’t happen any more.

At this point you may get some bad advice from well wishers who “just want the best for you”. These are people who accepted the status quo and want you to as well! Beware of them killing your dream! If you’re still deliberating your intention, it’s a good idea to be around other dreamers who support you and your dreams, not those naysayers who say it can’t be done!

Creating Your Plan

My dream was to be a stuntman and it required me to acquire a bunch of qualifications in various activities:

  • Fencing qualifications (the sport not the barbwire kind!)
  • Martial arts – level below black belt.
  • Climbing instructor – Single pitch award
  • Trampolining instructor – elementary gold level
  • SCUBA diving – Divemaster (PADI)
  • Swimming qualification

These did take some time and dedication to achieve, but I knew I had my dream job at the end, so that was my long term goal. To make these achievements more realistic, I broke them down into much smaller easily achievable goals which I could work towards every day.

manifesting your dream job
Falling from a go ape platform on an episode of Emmerdale

Easily Achievable Steps

Once you have decided on what you want, and have learned what it will take to get there, you can break down the goals into easily achievable steps which you can do on a daily basis.

For me, it was to contact a fencing club and go and join a class. Or find out where I could learn SCUBA diving, for example. Depending on your dream job, it could be to call a company, or do some research on your dream job, and how to get into it.

The key is not to think you have to do everything at once and overload yourself with an insurmountable mountain of a goal. anything can be achieved with the right mindset and a plan broken down into easily achievable steps.

manifesting your dream job
On X-Men First Class doubling for Nicholas Hoult as “The Beast”

Readjusting Your Goals

You may also find your goals change as you go along. Perhaps you’re not that motivated to get your dream job after all, and something else is more suitable and realistic. It’s worth re-aligning your goals over time because you can find you become attached too much to your outcome, and miss out on another (possibly better) opportunity.

Once I had achieved my long term goal of becoming a stuntman, I was out of work a lot. So I was still working on building sites, delivering take aways and driving taxis and HGV’s etc. Life didn’t suddenly become the dream I had expected it to be! There were still challenges and over time my love for being a stuntman changed.

I found that an online business gave me much more freedom and flexibility than the stunt work did. Waiting by the phone constantly for stunt jobs over the years took its toll, and the insecurity of the film and TV business wasn’t ultimately the only thing I was looking for.

If you’re looking for more freedom and flexibility in your work, access a free video series here and learn more about starting your own online business.

You may also be interested in Stuart Lichtman cybernetic transposition which is a technique for manifesting impossible dreams.

Doubling for Stellan Skarsgard in “River”
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