Making Money On Autopilot

Making money on autopilot can be done with a business model known as affiliate marketing. Affiliates sell other people’s products online and make money as third party referrers. Because someone else fulfils the product delivery, an affiliate can simply refer sales through their links.

When someone buys a product online through an affiliate link, the affiliate receives a commission based on the sale.

Therefore the crux of making money on autopilot for affiliates is to learn how to refer products through their affiliate links at scale.

Making Money On Autopilot – Marketing

Initially when learning affiliate marketing you will learn how to promote your affiliate link through any given marketing method:

  • Blogging
  • Video marketing
  • Pay per click advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • SEO – Search Engine Optimisation

Your first goal might be to make a single sale online using any one of the methods above. But the key is to be able to automate a marketing strategy which works, and then scale up to an ever growing audience.


To do this at scale quickly, you need to run paid advertising and send qualified visitors to a landing page where you can collect their email details. This is done through offering some kind of value giveaway, such as an ebook, or a video course. As people pass through your email message series, which might run over several days or weeks, they are offered your affiliate products through your affiliate links.

With a well targeted visitor/subscriber sales happen quickly as they see the value in your products.

Making Money On Autopilot – Choosing Products Which Sell

Finding an affiliate product which sells is priority number one for an affiliate. unless you product choice is a good one, no amount of marketing will help it! Your choice of affiliate product is therefore pretty important because it can make or break you as an affiliate marketer.

Ideally find a product in a niche you have some kind of alignment with; in a good topic in which you know something about, or have a passion. This makes things a lot easier if you’re going to create content in your niche. In an unfamiliar niche, this can be more difficult, but not impossible.

A good product will sell easily to the right audience. So if you find the right target audience to send to your website/landing page, they will sign up to your list and purchase your products quite quickly.

Making Money On Autopilot – Why Use An Email List?

There’s also going to be potential customers who have some questions, and might buy your product down the road rather than straight away. This is the reason you should use an email list. On an email list you have the ability to “nurture” your subscribers for a much longer timeframe than is possible from a website alone.

On a website, it can be more difficult to automate sales because most visitors only stick around for a few minutes. But once on your email list, subscribers can choose to buy an affiliate product weeks, months and even years after they have signed up!

An email list allows you to build trust through delivering value driven messages (on autopilot).

Using Subscription Products & Product Ranges

It’s a good idea to use subscription products too if you want to make money on autopilot. With most online referral sales, you only get paid once. But with a subscription product you can earn commissions month in month out for each customer you refer through your affiliate link.

making money on autopilot

That soon adds up to a nice passive income once you have learn a marketing strategy which works for you. Subscription products are digital products such as software and membership products. With a software product, such as email autoresponders, their purchase is vital for an online business to operate. So they can be a great choice of product to sell for an affiliate.

If you can find products which have multiple items within a product range, that’s also another key to online success as an affiliate. With a product range, you can earn more per customer than with standard affiliate products. This is because your existing customers can purchase more products later on from which you can earn commissions. This, nor recurring commissions are possible with most affiliate products.

Content Marketing Versus Paid Advertising

The two main types of marketing used by affiliates to make money on autopilot are content marketing and paid advertising. Some affiliates focus solely on paid ads, whereas others use organic methods such as blogging or video.

Of course you can also use a combination of the two. Paid marketing is the fastest method of building an email list to sell affiliate products. With paid marketing, you should start out with a small budget, testing various adverts to send people to a landing page. As you get a positive result, you can scale up by increasing your budget once you are profitable.

Content marketing takes a but longer and you need to do a lot of work upfront. It’s more difficult to scale up because you can’t simply turn up your budget. However, the benefit of content marketing is that your work compounds over time and you will start to see sales dropping in from content you’ve created previously. As you create more and more content, you should see your sales increasing as a result of the volume of content you’ve created over time.


If you’re ready to get started building your own autopilot money making system, you’ll need to learn some of the basics of affiliate marketing and set up a sales system – with products to sell. Get started here with this course.

Once you have set up your website and sales system, you can choose a marketing strategy to drive traffic towards your affiliate links. Ideally use an email list and a marketing strategy you can stick with for a few weeks or months at a minimum. Test out a few adverts if paying or create content if you’re going down the content marketing route.

Stick with it long enough and you will see your first online sale. This is a key moment and once you arrive here, you’ll know exactly how to make sales on complete autopilot! Good luck!

Get started here.

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