Low Competition Niches For Blog 2023

What are the low competition niches for blogging in 2023? Unfortunately most blog niches are well subscribed to. Those with the least competition tend to be more difficult to monetise anyway. So perhaps the best question to ask isn’t which is the best niche for blogging with low competition, but which niche is the best for you.

Low Competition Niches For Blog 2023

After all, blogging is most definitely not a quick fix. It can take months or even years to break through with blogging and start earning regular traffic and sales. If you’re starting a blog from scratch, expect a long journey. That journey is going to be much more pleasing and enjoyable if you choose a topic which you actually enjoy writing about.

Low Competition Niches For Blog 2023 – Sub Niches

So you might be thinking that your favourite topic is simply too competitive. If this is the case there’s always a sub niche. A sub niche can be where you strike a balance between something you can monetise and less competition. An example of a sub niche for the “making money online” category is affiliate marketing, for example.

Low Competition Niches For Blog 2023
Building blog traffic takes time!

You can find sub niches within a competitive industry by delving down and looking for more specific areas of the larger topic. So for the health and fitness niche, you might choose Yoga. For the Yoga niche you might choose chair Yoga for rehabilitation, for example. A sub niche can be great for a couple of reasons:

  • There’s always fewer competing websites (less competition) in a sub niche compared to the bigger niche
  • Having a more specific niche means your audience is more targeted. This can be a good thing for sales if you’re selling something specific.

See also best profitable niche for blogging.

Low Competition Niches For Blog 2023 – Finding Your Niche

Imagine you’ve been writing your blog posts for six months now. How do you feel? What ideas have you been writing about? Are you ready for another six months of this? This is a good question to ask yourself because it’s likely to take much longer than you expect before your blog starts generating income.

Low Competition Niches For Blog 2023

So it can help to brainstorm ideas before you actually decide on your niche. Writing in a niche you hate, is going to make it very difficult to sustain the necessary effort required to make it work.

I once built a blog around the obscure topic of mushroom harvesting! After several months I was completely demoralised and my blog hardly made a thing!

Although my blog ranked and got some traffic, it didn’t make any money and I soon lost interest. In a subject you’re passionate about, you can keep going for long enough to overcome the competition and get traction.

Blog Niches – Things To Consider

There’s a couple of things to consider when choosing your niche. One is how you will attract traffic to your blog. In a very competitive topic, such as making money online, there’s going to be a lot more competition than in an uncompetitive niche such as pets or hobbies.

By niche’ing down to a sub niche you can cut out some competition and get a slice of the market more easily. But ultimately it’s going to be the passion and enthusiasm which gives you an edge, so choosing a topic which you love working on is going to play a part in your success.

best low competition niches

The other main consideration is how you will monetise your blog. Initially, you want to create a lot of content to attract traffic. This can take some time and serious commitment, so make sure you’re ready for this! Not all topics are as easily monetised as each other, so it can help to start by looking for your monetisation method before you start. With affiliate marketing, you’ll want to choose a good product to sell from your blog. Even with a lot of traffic you can still struggle to make money with a bad product. So this is a vitally important factor too!

Niches To Choose From

There’s hundreds of niches you can choose from. Here’s a short list to draw some ideas from:

  • Wearable Technology.
  • Home Security.
  • Glamping.
  • Online Dog Training.
  • Maternity Clothing.
  • Eco-Friendly Products.
  • Vanlife.
  • Garage Gym.
  • Pets.
  • Hobbies.

Ideally choose a topic you align with, delve down and find a niche within the niche, where you’ll find less competition. Prepare yourself to build a lot of content in your topic and find a way to monetise it before you start. There’s over 600 million blogs on the internet so there’s going to be competition in nearly every niche. Find a topic you can create an unlimited number of posts on and get to work! Good luck!

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