Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Legit?

Is high ticket affiliate marketing legit? “High ticket” in affiliate marketing refers to the cost of the item. With a low value product, you’ll earn considerably less as an affiliate in commissions, especially if it’s a physical product. You can find high ticket products which are either physical or digital. Here’s a few high ticket physical products you can sell as an affiliate. You’ll find these products on a website called Hammacher Schlemmer, which and American company based in Illinois.

is high ticket affiliate marketing legit

Take a look at the Amphibious Sub-Surface Watercraft! It retails are $300,000! With Hammacher Schlemmer (at the time of writing) you get paid 8% commission by selling this item. That’s $24,000 in commission if you can make a sale through your affiliate link! There’s nothing untoward about selling high ticket products and you can earn a lot more (for what can easily be the same effort) as by selling low value items which only give you a tiny commission.

Take a look at a product from Amazon, as a comparison. Items in the electronics category pay only 3% on Amazon (at the time of writing). So if you sell a set of these earbuds for £54.99 you’ll earn £1.64 per sale (around $2)! So as a comparison you’ll need to sell around 12,000 of these to make the same as the previous example of the submarine craft!

is high ticket affiliate marketing legit

Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Legit – High Ticket Digital Items

With a high ticket digital item, you can earn even more than with a physical item because the commission structure is much higher. With a typical physical product you will earn somewhere between 1% and 10% in commission. But with digital products you can earn a lot more – between 30% and 40% in many cases. So if you’re selling a digital marketing course, or an online business training product, for example, you can earn 30%-40% on courses selling at $1-$10,000.

is high ticket affiliate marketing legit

Here’s a few high ticket digital items you can access on this website and their commission structures.

commission structure launch you

With certain products like these, you’ll need to invest in the product to access top commission levels. So your “buy-in” level will determine what commission you can earn from the sale. This is similar to buying into a franchise but with the added benefit of access to coaches, training and support.

High ticket digital courses typically offer much higher value for those wanting to start out building an online income from scratch. Done for you systems, 1 on 1 coaching, mentoring and complete digital business setups are some of the products on offer. Generally speaking, the more you pay, the more assistance and help you can access with high ticket digital training resources. The less you pay, the more you have to do yourself.

Access more information here.

Schemes & Get Rich Quick

Legitimate online products don’t advertise themselves as “get rich quick” schemes, nor do they guarantee income from the sale of their products. With any affiliate marketing endeavour, it’s up to the affiliate to generate results for themselves. So if you’re worried about investing in an online business make sure you do your research.

Even with a high cost digital course, no results are ever guaranteed in terms of affiliate commissions. Building an online business takes time and effort, regardless of how much you invest (financially)!

high ticket funnel

As with a high ticket physical product, affiliates will only earn commissions when they successfully sell a product through their affiliate link! Affiliate marketing is a performance related business model so even though high ticket affiliate marketing is legit, it comes with the same performance related conditions as with any other product you can sell as an affiliate.

However with a high ticket business model, it can be much easier to make a profit online; especially when using paid marketing strategies to promote it. With a low valued product there’s less room for error so especially for beginners it’s wise to use a high ticket digital sales funnel when they’re learning.

Learn more here.

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