Is Affiliate Marketing Right For You?

Is affiliate marketing right for you? Wondering whether you’re a good fit to become an affiliate marketer? Affiliate marketing has a whole host of benefits you can enjoy if you’re prepared to work hard at it and make it work for you. You can work alongside another job until your business starts to generate profit. This is one of the best benefits, a I see it. Affiliate marketing is super flexible and you can choose your own hours and work from anywhere with a laptop and internet connection.

is affiliate marketing right for you

Affiliate marketing offers performance related pay. This means that unless you start generating sales, you won’t make any money! In the first instance this can be a little daunting. But once you start seeing sales come in, you’ll be glad there’s no ceiling to what you can earn. To start generating sales you’ll need to put a lot of work in beforehand, building systems, choosing your products and getting everything set up. This takes some time and commitment and during this time you’re not even selling anything! So you won’t get paid!

Is Affiliate Marketing Right For You?

Affiliates who succeed are very focused on building their business. It takes time and patience and you’ll need to be disciplined with your time. If you’re better at being told what to do by an employer, for example, it may not work for you. The affiliates who generally succeed have a very strong “why”. That it, they have a burning desire to succeed and earn online, be their own boss, sack their job off, and/or ditch the commute.

People who are highly motivated can endure a lot more than those who are simply “giving it a go” on a whim. This is important because affiliate marketing isn’t that easy!

is affiliate marketing right for you
Build a lifestyle business from scratch – start here!

So if you don’t have a strong desire for one or more of these:

  • free yourself from your employment, or
  • build another income stream, or
  • work on your own terms
  • become your own boss
  • Have geographical freedom
  • Become financially independent
  • Become financially free
  • Spend more time with family
  • Choose your own working hours

..then affiliate marketing probably isn’t for you.

Since 95% of affiliates quit, it’s a good idea to be informed before taking a direction on your affiliate business; especially if you don’t think you’ll stay the course. The 5% of the people who succeed with affiliate marketing stay the course and commit to the journey!

Is Affiliate Marketing Right For You – Affiliate Marketing Vs. Employment

It’s definitely worth holding on to your job (if you have one) if you’re considering building an online business. A job gives you financial stability and you will need to invest in your online business is you’re serious about it.

While employment gives you stability it doesn’t necessarily give you freedom. Many people feel trapped in a job, building their life around it. With an online business, you can build it around your life! But you’ll need to get into profit first before you can enjoy the benefits of owning an online business and this can take some time and investment.

is affiliate marketing right for you

Many “digital entrepreneurs” have invested heavily in their online education, sacrificing things which most would never do. They re-mortgage houses, sell cars, even cancel their Netflix to inject money into building their online businesses! Heaven forbid! So, it can take some sacrifices in order to grow your affiliate business to a level where you can replace your income.

But ultimately once this happens, you can go full time with an online business and scale it up to a five or six figure income if you wish. This can give you both time and financial freedom since you’re no longer trading time for money. You’re using a different business model and selling products online instead. Since this can be automated, you’ve escaped the need to trade time for money in a job when this happens.

Characteristics Of Entrepreneurs

Online entrepreneurs are self motivated and self disciplined. Since you’re effectively a “solo-preneur” as an affiliate, you’ve got a lot to do and you’re going to have to do it! No one else will do the work for you!

This can be a challenge especially when you don’t see clearly the action steps you need to take. This is where an online business training resource can help you. It can give you the direction and training you need, even if you’re starting from no knowledge and as a complete beginner.

The “fuel” for your entrepreneurial journey is your self belief, goals and aspirations. As Henry Ford said “whether a man thinks he can or he can’t, he’s right”.

If you’re not great at working alone and motivating yourself, an online business might not be the best fit for you.

If you’re thinking about building an online business from scratch you can access an online training course and community here.


Is affiliate marketing right for you? There’s many ways to do affiliate marketing. You can run ad budgets into tens of thousands on a monthly basis, making multiple high ticket sales. But you can also start blogging, and become a content creator.

Whether you have a huge budget or a tiny one, you can still do affiliate marketing. It can be part time or full time and you can choose hours to suit you. But ultimately you’ll want to be making some money from your efforts before too long. When this doesn’t happen this is where many affiliates drop out and quit. Around 95% of them drop out which means there’s only 5% who actually succeed long term as affiliates.

These people are highly motivated, self disciplined and have a very strong “why”? – Their reason to carry on through the disappointment and “failures” takes them to the levels where they can command their own salary, scale their businesses and quit their jobs.

Learn more and get started with your own affiliate marketing business here.

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