Is Affiliate Marketing A Good Way To Make Money?

Is affiliate marketing a good way to make money? While it can take some time initially to set up an affiliate income, ultimately you can earn passively from your affiliate links once you have established a traffic source and learn how to generate sales. It is this initial setup time where many affiliates drop out. This is a shame because affiliate marketing can be used to replace an income from a job and free up your time. But expect to work at it for some time before this can happen.

Is Affiliate Marketing A Good Way To Make Money?

Is affiliate marketing a good way to make money? Most people make money by trading their time for it in a job. But this means if you stop working you stop getting paid. With affiliate marketing instead of trading time for money, you are setting up systems which sell products online instead. Once you have learned how to automate and scale these systems, you can generate money almost completely automatically!

But this requires some setup first and belief in what you’re doing too! If you’re unsure whether your going to make any money from affiliate marketing, it can be difficult to continue when you don’t see the results yet!

Is Affiliate Marketing A Good Way To Make Money – Business Vs. Employment

Making money in affiliate marketing is done through the referral of products and services, mostly online. Affiliates are third party referrers who only get paid when a product is sold through their affiliate link. So initially there’s some time which affiliates should spend learning their craft. You can’t skip this phase and become a successful affiliate.

95% of affiliates will quit during this phase because they don’t see immediate results from their efforts. But if they would only continue and use their “failures” as stepping stones, they would eventually see the bigger picture. Once you have made a sale online as an affiliate marketer, you have essentially figured out how to automate your income! Initially though it might cost you $100 to make just $1 in commission. But once you figure out how to make $100 from only spending $50, you can move on to generate any income you want from affiliate marketing.

This is by no means easy and this is why so many people struggle with affiliate marketing.

Is Affiliate Marketing A Good Way To Make Money – Blogging

You don’t have to spend money to make money with affiliate marketing. However, the less you spend, the more time you’ll likely be spending on content creation. Blogging is a form of content creation in which the affiliates creates content for their potential customers on a website.

niche blogging

As people visit their content, they can offer up affiliate products to their visitors. Over time with enough content and visitors, you can start to see sales coming in, even when you’re not working. This is very nice when it happens but it can be a long time after you have started.

Bloggers can spend months creating content to attract an audience. In a competitive topic, it can even take years to attract the volume of visitors required to make a consistent income from selling affiliate products.

Still, blogging can work wonders and it’s a cheap way of generate sales online if you’re an affiliate. You can work on your own schedule and around existing work, as with other forms of affiliate marketing. Ultimately affiliates create systems which sell products online around the clock, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Once this is working, bringing in money, it’s hard to compete with it through trading time for money in a job. But before that can happen there’s a lot of work which needs to be done.


So, if affiliate marketing a good way to make money? If you’re prepared to roll your sleeves up and build an affiliate business then yes, affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money. Once you have built online systems and strategies for attracting traffic and making sales, they can happen automatically.

You can make sales in your sleep. But before this can happen there’s a lot to be done. Whether you’re running paid ads or building content, it takes time to learn the ropes of affiliate marketing. There’s a large drop out rate of around 95% so don’t go into affiliate marketing thinking it’s plain sailing! There’s definitely work involved upfront.

But ultimately you can generate a passive income from affiliate marketing from your previous efforts. This doesn’t happen in a job and although in a job you get paid immediately, you still need to keep turning up for work or you don’t get paid. With affiliate marketing your systems can continue working for you, even after you stop. So you can make sales automatically and without having to turn up to work!

If you’re interested in getting started with affiliate marketing you can access an online program here.

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