Are you looking for an internet marketing mentor? Join a tribe of internet marketing coaches, teachers and mentors through an online business community here. You’ll also find an online business platform you can use to build an online business from scratch.

Internet Marketing Mentor
But, if you already have an existing business, an internet marketing mentor can help you overcome mental and technical barriers to building your business through online marketing too.
There’s many ways to use the internet to market a service, product or even someone else’s product. With affiliate marketing, affiliates promote and sell other people’s products for a share of the profits. An internet marketing mentor can make a huge difference to your business.
Growing Your Business
Which marketing is suitable for your business and how would you like to market it? Depending on your business model, you can use a variety of different techniques. Some businesses use free marketing and others use paid platforms.
Paid marketing is the best way to market a business because you can quickly find customers and build your business by scaling up your marketing budget over time. But there’s also other marketing strategies which are cheaper such as blogging and using the various social media marketing platforms.

It’s important to stick with a particular strategy for long enough to make it work for you. Once you’ve mastered a particular strategy you can move on to another and then another. Ideally, your marketing strategies will keep bringing new customers into your business and can be compounded on over time.
Marketing Strategies – Blogging
Blogging is a cheap strategies which many marketers use to build an organic presence on the internet. Over time, a good blogging strategy can help you acquire customers for free. However, blogging is definitely a longer term strategy than paid marketing. With blogging, you won’t see a huge impact immediately. It can take months and years to start seeing business growth from a blog.
But if you keep at it, blogging can be a great way to generate a market reach and build your business.

Marketing Strategies – PPC
Pay per click marketing is a form of direct response marketing which many businesses use to great effect. With a PPC marketing campaign, you run adverts and only pay when someone clicks on your advert. Over time, and by measuring the response of your campaigns, you can determine which adverts work best. Many businesses give up too early with PPC because they see only the cost involved. But if you measure your advertising and record how it affects your ability to acquire new customers, you can focus in on what works and make it more affordable.
Over time you’ll be able to automate the process and spend less than you make. Once an advertising campaign is profitable, it can be scaled up. You can also leave a profitable campaign running and move on to your next marketing strategy.

Internet Marketing Mentor – Social Media
There’s many social media platforms available for business owners too. Social media platforms offer both free and paid marketing options for marketers. Here’s a few platforms which business owners can use to build their businesses:
- YouTube
- Tumblr
There’s literally hundreds of social media sites which can be used for marketing. Here’s some free traffic strategies you can use for your business.
Why A Marketing Mentor Is A Good Idea
A marketing mentor can help you navigate the many strategies to find new customers for your business – or even to start your own online business from scratch. Some people are way too busy with their business to learn how to do all the marketing. They would benefit from hiring the services of a marketing agency. But if you want to learn yourself, a mentor can help you with the various platforms.
Access a marketing mentors group here to learn the various marketing strategies.