Inertia And Affiliate Marketing

Inertia and affiliate marketing are intricately linked. For example, as a beginner affiliate, it can be difficult to get things going. You start off with a few training videos and set up a website, for example. At the beginning stage of affiliate marketing you haven’t built up any inertia. However, once you’ve set off with some kind of marketing method, you start to see some things happening. It might be a hit on your website, or a lead into your marketing funnel. You might even make a sale or two!

This gives you motivation and you gain confidence in what you’re doing. If you get to this point you can see the inertia building. Greater belief leads to more activity, which in turn leads to more results and this further ingrains your belief in what you’re doing.

This is the cycle of inertia we want as affiliates. Positive intention and belief leads to positive actions which generate the results we want. The problem arises when there’s no inertia and not much belief. When you doubt whether your affiliate business will work, or you are uncertain of your next more and procrastinate, no inertia is built. You stall instead and this fuels your doubt because nothing happens!

Either way there’s inertia in effect – whether it’s in a positive way or a negative way!

Inertia And Affiliate Marketing – Building Inertia Through Belief

Building the inertia you want in your affiliate marketing business starts with belief. If you harbour doubts, these thought “seeds” will poison your “crop”! Even the tiniest seeds of doubt can lead you to inaction. When you believe you can do something, you take action. When you believe it’s impossible, you don’t. Both action and inaction lead to results of a like mind and your belief is proven correct! As Henry Ford is noted as saying:

the slight edge and inertia
The Slight Edge Is A Great Book Which Explains How Inertia Can Be Channeled In many life areas

“Whether a man believes he can or he can’t, he’s right”

Napoleon Hill states in his book Think And Grow Rich”

“The subconscious mind is a fertile garden spot in which weeds will grow in abundance if the seeds of more desirable crops are not sown there.”

The first thing you should sow, therefore, as an affiliate marketer is your belief, if you aren’t already doing so. When you’re fired up with belief and a “can do” attitude, nothing can stop you. When you’re full of doubt, scepticism and fear, nothing will start you! Inertia works in both cases to bring about the fruits of your thinking mind.

Inertia And Affiliate Marketing – Using An Email List

The email list is another good example of how inertia works with an affiliate marketing business. Most affiliates are encouraged to build an email list of subscribers to whom they can promote their affiliate products to. As a beginner, it can take some time learning how to build a list, but once you’ve learned, you can build a list in your sleep with the power of automation.

Inertia And Affiliate Marketing

As your email list grows, (and once you’ve automated delivery of marketing messages), you should find you make more and more sales. But it is often at the beginning stage where doubt slips in; especially if you’re paying to build your email list with paid marketing methods. Most affiliates will quit before they have built their email lists to 1000 subscribers.

This is a shame because once past 1000 subscribers, the power of inertia takes hold. Some affiliates even build email lists into the hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Since affiliate marketing is partly a numbers game, and the more people you put your offers in front of, the more will buy.

Of course you need the right people too, to join your list. But generally as your numbers increase so should your sales. Again this is inertia in action.

Inertia And Affiliate Marketing – Inertia & Blogging

I’m a blogger and I make affiliate sales when people find my blog posts, sign up to my free video series and make a purchase. In the beginning when I started blogging, not much happened! In fact, I struggled for a long time before I started seeing regular visitors to my blog posts.

Inertia And Affiliate Marketing

I doubted whether I could actually make my blog posts work for me. When in doubt, I stalled and didn’t blog. But when a sale dropped in, you can bet I was right back at the blogging – because I had proved to myself that it worked!

Over time, as my blog posts grew in volume, more and more of them started getting shares and more started ranking on the search engines. After a time your blog can hit a tipping point, where sales drop in more and more regularly. This is the inertia in full swing. But you have to put in the work beforehand and build up a large volume of content for it to work for you.

Inertia And Paid Advertising

If you’re running paid advertising as an affiliate there’s a period when you test and measure, spending advertising budget without selling anything. This is often where affiliates will quit – because they don’t see the longer term outcome. Once you break through this phase and start generating sales through paid ads, you can tweak your campaigns to increase the sales, for the same ad spend.

Eventually, if you stick with it long enough, you’ll be able to spend $10 and make $20, or $40! When you’re in this position, making money is simply a matter of increasing your ad budget. Top earning affiliates spend upwards of $20,000 a month when they have figured out how to generate profit when spending money on advertising. But before this can happen, they start with a small budget which they can afford to lose.

This is one of the fastest ways to earn with affiliate marketing.


It’s well worth thinking about how much inertia you have built up with your affiliate business. Ultimately you can use inertia to earn completely on autopilot with affiliate marketing once you’ve put the work in, setting up your automated systems and of course marketing.

Around 95% of new affiliates will drop out because they don’t see the big picture of automated earnings through inertia built up through the work you’ve done before hand. With a job, you always need to keep turning up to keep getting paid. But with affiliate marketing you have the benefit of automation on your side.

The fastest way to build an affiliate business through inertia is to sell a high ticket sales funnel through email marketing and invest heavily in paid marketing; testing and measuring your advertising carefully before scaling up. With recurring income affiliate products and high ticket products in your funnel to sell, you can recoup ad budget more easily and reinvest back into marketing, increasing your reach.

Inertia can work against you when you start out with affiliate marketing because there’s a lot of work needed to be done before you see any fruits of your labours. This is why so many quit (around 95%). But stick with it long enough and you can benefit from the inertia of the work you’ve put in and the automation you have created.

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