How To Sell Other Companies Products On My Website

Are you wondering: “how to sell other companies products on my website?” There’s a clever business model known as affiliate marketing which lets you do exactly this. Simply find a company which is a good fit for your audience, join their affiliate program and put a banner on your site! Hey presto, you’re now an affiliate marketer!

How To Sell Other Companies Products On My Website
Here’s an example of how to find affiliate programs in the “DIY” niche. You could also use the term “handyman” or “do it yourself”, or example.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to earn an income online. If you already have a website, you can join any affiliate program and promote a variety of products from it. One of the best ways to find an affiliate program which suits your particular niche/topic is to do a search online. Type in “{your niche} affiliate program”. {Your niche} being the main keywords people would use to find your website. Look for a suitable program and apply to join.

How To Sell Other Companies Products On My Website

So that’s it? Isn’t there more to it than this? Well, yes of course there is. But that’s the basic starting point. Before you can successfully sell other people’s products, you’ll need to have a fair amount of website traffic. Unless you have traffic, joining an affiliate program will only give you the ability to promote products and services online. It doesn’t get you traffic!

How To Sell Other Companies Products On My Website

If you already have a website which gets traffic, you need to carefully choose products which align with the interests of your audience. It’s no good joining a company who promotes kitchenware when your website deals with musical instruments, for example. Your website needs to be a good match for the products you’ll be promoting from it. Otherwise, nobody who visits your website will be interested and you won’t make any sales. This is what’s known as your “customer avatar” or target audience. See how to know your target market.

If you already have a tonne of website visitors, you’re in a good place. Most websites don’t get much traffic, particularly brand new websites which have just been built. In order to get traffic to a website you can either pay for it, or build content on it. See how to get traffic to your website free.

How To Sell Other Companies Products On My Website – Product Choice

Once you find a suitable affiliate program which meets your needs, you’ll need to apply to join the program. This isn’t always straight forward and depending on the program, you may have to show your website, or prove that you can drive enough traffic to make sales consistently. Many affiliate programs are quite happy for new affiliates to join them though, even without a proven record of traffic generation.

Google search for affiliate programs in your area
Amazon is one of the most well known affiliate programs and pretty much anyone can join it.

Once you find a company which sells products suitable for your audience, look on their website for their affiliate program. If you can’t immediately see an affiliate section of a company, you can approach them by email and ask if they run one.

Once you have joined an affiliate program, you’ll usually have access to banners, links and various sales pages which have already been built. You can promote the products/service through a variety of ways on your website:

  • Banners and images – (see below)
  • Links embedded in your text – (example: here’s a link to a free affiliate training webinar).
  • Through an email marketing campaign – sending emails to subscribers

Here’s an example of a banner advertisement for a webinar I promote, as an affiliate:

How To Sell Other Companies Products On My Website

Email Marketing From Your Website

Email marketing is another technique which website owners can use to sell other people’s products from their site. On a website, it’s much more difficult to sell something because most visitors only stay a short amount of time; usually less than 10 minutes. But once you get them to subscribe to your email list, you can automate a long list of follow up emails which promote products over months, years and even decades!

To get people to opt in to your email list, you can offer something of value for free on your website. I offer ebooks, webinars and downloadable files to my subscribers. Once on my list, I follow up with useful information about the topics discussed on this site. I also promote products and services which I think would be of interest.

an email marketing form
Many websites will have a form like this one so you can sign up to the owners email list.

The power of email marketing is huge because you can eventually build a huge list of subscribers who are interested in your products/service. When this number grows, you’ll be making more sales simply by working the numbers! To do email marketing from your website, you’ll need to purchase an autoresponder which can allow you to collect information from a form on your site. Here’s the one I use! It offers a free trial period so you can try it out.

How To Sell From Your Website – Summary

Your website is unique and your messaging will be unique too. This is why it’s important to choose companies and products carefully. You will need to choose products and services which align with the topic of your website and the interests of your visitors.

So if your website sells kitchenware, you’ll want to find a kitchenware related affiliate program you can join and promote their products. You won’t have much luck selling protein shakes from a website which sells kitchen ware because your visitors didn’t come for that!

Once you find your topic, search online using Google (or one of the other search engines), and type in your main keyword which relates to your website; ({Your niche} affiliate programs).

How To Sell Other Companies Products On My Website
Most affiliate companies offer banners and marketing materials you can use on your website.

Once you find a suitable program you like, join it and login to your affiliate area which is usually somewhere on their website. Get banners and affiliate links from the affiliate area.

You can also purchase an email marketing service (autoresponder) which lets you collect your visitors emails and promote products through an email marketing campaign.

Once set up, you’ll want to turn attention to building traffic to your site, to generate an ever growing number of sales. This can be done in several ways including using paid advertising or content creation. See Best free traffic sources for affiliate marketing for more on this.

For more training on affiliate marketing access this free videos series.

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