How To Create An Audience For Affiliate Marketing

If you’re wondering how to create an audience for affiliate marketing, this one’s for you. As an affiliate you need to sell products and one of the best ways you can do this is to build an audience of raving fans! Not everyone will like you in the online world, but if you can offer value and help people with a specific problem they might have, you can sell them products and they’ll not only love you for it, but thank you when they buy!

When you can put helping people in front of the sale, you’ll be doing your customers a service. If you try and sell first, you can easily repel them instead. What happens when you enter a store and the salesperson comes up trying to make the heavy sell? You are repelled by them! The same thing happens online. People don’t want the hard sell. They have plenty of time to shop around, especially online. So by helping them by giving value, they are attracted to you instead of repelled by you! This is what’s known as attraction marketing!

How To Create An Audience For Affiliate Marketing – Law Of Reciprocity

The law of reciprocity works online very well. When you give, there’s an almost irresistible urge to return the favour. Not everyone will buy from you, but this law is an important thing to know when you’re selling online. If you’re building an audience, you want to deliver value to your people.

how to create an audience for affiliate marketing

That way they will get to know, like and trust you. Trust is a pretty important commodity online because everyone is trying to close the deal. When you’re giving instead when everyone else is trying to get, you set yourself apart and stand out to the online marketplace.

How To Create An Audience For Affiliate Marketing – Have A Point

What’s the point of you? Really? When you’re selling an affiliate product, you need to place yourself in-between the customer and the product. To do this as an affiliate, you need to offer something of value yourself.

When you have something to offer – such as information, insight and advice, you can use it to to attract your audience and sell them affiliate products at the same time.

Once you know your point, you can start building an email list of subscribers. Here’s the practical nuts and bolts of doing this.

Building An Email List

how to create an audience for affiliate marketing

An email list is one of the simplest ways to build an audience for affiliate marketing. There’s many ways you can build an email list, such as from a blog, a YouTube channel, or through using paid advertising.

One of the quickest ways is to send paid traffic to a landing page and collect email subscribers. Here’s an example of a landing page I built which I use to build my email list:

create an audience for affiliate marketing

A landing page lets you optimise to give you a lead cost at the lowest possible price. Whereas sending traffic to a normal website would mean you’ll lose a lot more valuable subscribers. On a website visitors can browse around and click through your content. But on a landing page, they only have two options: sign up or leave.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the “ace” up the sleeve of an affiliate marketer. On a website, people only browse for so long. After that they are gone forever. But once on your email list, you can follow up with an email marketing campaign which helps you build trust and get your subscribers to know, like and trust you.


The key being to give value to your email list first, rather than just sell, sell, sell! If you learn how to do this well, and put helping before selling, your subscribers will know and trust you because of it. Then, if appropriate, they’re more likely to buy from you when you suggest an affiliate product.

Too many affiliates just spam out links to their list. That has always turned me off and eventually I stop opening the emails. Stand out by giving value driven messages. Give value, entertain and deliver on the promise you made when your subscribers signed up to your email list in the first place.

Building A List From Blogging

This blog helps me build my email list and the list is where I make my affiliate sales. Blogging can be a great way to help you build an audience through an email list. It’s much slower than paid marketing of course, but if you enjoy a certain topic, people will be attracted to your blog posts and you’ll get a few subscribers if you offer a great giveaway on your website.

You can checkout the offers on this site and sign up to my list. You’ll probably have noticed a pop up and some banners leading you to my list. Feel free to sign up and check out my emails; you can always unsubscribe if you’ve had enough of me!