How To Change Subconscious Beliefs

Wondering how to change subconscious beliefs? If you’re looking for this article you have probably realised how powerful your subconscious mind is. It’s far more powerful than your conscious mind and it attracts things according to a consistent world view. So if you’re currently struggling to overcome an aspect of your life, you have probably come up against some unconscious belief which is holding you back.

Subconscious beliefs are powerful because you have built them over a lifetime. Your consistent world view is built on experiences which shaped you. Most of your biggest unconscious jigsaw pieces were adopted in childhood before your conscious reasoning mind developed. You learned about the world much like you learned how to talk – unconsciously.

You may have an unconscious belief about money, love, work, career or relationships. “Life is hard”, “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “rich people are greedy”, “men/women are jerks”, “people always let you down” are just ideas. If you recognised any of these as your own, it’s potentially stopping you from achieving the good you desire.

How To Change Subconscious Beliefs

Things you picked up before the age of 10 are the most powerful. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung. Changing your unconscious beliefs isn’t easy. They will have been with you for years and the are under the surface of your conscious attention. But if you are constantly struggling against something, it is likely to be a subconscious success blocker. You just need to know how to remove success blockers.

Becoming more conscious of your ideas, beliefs and attitudes is one way to shed some light on the issues which are holding you back. One way to do this is to notice how you talk, particularly about yourself. What do you say about the things which you are struggling with? How much energy are you giving in your speech and self talk to your problems? How much energy are you giving to their solutions? Have you talked yourself out of happiness and fulfilment?

how to change subconscious beliefs

How To Change Your Subconscious Beliefs

Here’s a powerful exercise which can give you some insight into where your attention is going on a daily basis.

You’ll need a timer and a pen and notepad. The timer should be set for irregular intervals which you can’t predict. Ideally you should know or expect it when your timer goes off, so hourly is not great because it is more predictable. 2.5 hours or something random works well. Set your timer alarm to go off at intervals through the day.

Each time your alert goes off write down these three things:

how to change subconscious beliefs

What were you doing? What were you thinking? Do you want this?

Do this exercise for a week and you will see where your attention is going on a regular basis. Meditation is also a great tool to use to learn more about what your inner dialogue is giving energy to. You might find it is the very issue you want to fix.

How To Change Subconscious Beliefs

Now that you have brought more awareness to your inner dialogue and focus of energy, you can stop giving energy to the things you don’t want. Negative self talk and focusing on your limitations and excuses might be just some of the things which come up for you when doing the above exercises.

You will have likely been telling yourself what you can’t do for years. Any limiting ideas which come up for you in the area you would like to improve in your life should be duly noted. Here’s some examples of limiting beliefs which you might be telling yourself over and over:

  • It’s easy for them but…
  • I can’t do that because of…
  • Relationships are impossible
  • Life’s a struggle
  • It’s not easy
  • If only I’d have had…
  • Work is meant to be miserable
  • I’ll never find..
  • I’ll always be broke
  • I never have any money
  • I’m not good enough
  • etc.

Your subconscious mind is wise and listens to everything you tell it. It is keeping you safe by giving you the life you talk into existence through your ideas and self talk. If you keep on telling the same story, you keep getting the same results. You can’t change something if you are opposed to it in some way.

Changing Your Patterns With Powerful New Suggestions

Every time you tell yourself something you are reinforcing an idea which grows into a belief. Beliefs are powerful because they are the precursor to action. If you don’t believe you can achieve something, you won’t even try it. You therefore create evidence that what you believe is true through your actions, (or inactions) further entrenching your ideas.

Noticing your behaviour, self talk and dialogue is a good first step but you can also choose some new powerful suggestions to replace your old limiting ones. Each time you notice yourself say or think a limiting idea, stop and re examine it. This is a powerful moment to create lasting change.

  • I am worthy
  • Money comes easily and effortlessly
  • I enjoy my work
  • Yes – I am good enough
  • I deserve to be happy
  • I deserve love in my life

Changing long standing ideas and self talk can be a major task, particularly at first. Be gentle with yourself and simply notice. Choose some new positive affirmations to tell yourself instead of the old, limiting ideas which are your habits.

It will take some time and repetition to make new unlimited ideas and mantras your natural default suggestions. You will have put years into reinforcing old, limiting ideas which are going to be deeply routed in your belief system, unconscious mind and life.

So telling yourself everything is hunky dory when it isn’t will be a challenge. You can still be truthful to your feelings without reinforcing your limiting ideas though, so initially just softening your harsh suggestions should be the goal. Over time, you can introduce some opposing beliefs when you are ready.

How To Change Subconscious Beliefs – Repetition & Emotion

Stuart Lichtman’s Cybernetic Transposition uses all areas of the brain to create a “Meta story”. This meta story becomes a subconscious “flag” which you can use to change any area of your life. It’s powerful because it gets you to use all of your senses and repetition to program your subconscious mind to focus on a specific outcome you would like to create.

If there’s an unconscious blocker to your success, it can be overcome through using repetition of a new story which you introduce to your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is indifferent and creates whatever you program it to focus on. When we are unconscious of our thoughts, words, mantras and limiting beliefs, they can stop us from achieving success in many areas.

how to change subconscious beliefs

A meta story is a powerful new idea/story you can introduce to your subconscious mind which replaces your existing limiting ideas. When you focus on a new intention and replace old limiting ideas with new unlimited ideas, changes can happen quite quickly.

Your meta story is a new story you are going to create regarding some success you want to achieve. Through daily repetition, you reinforce the idea to such an extent that you are going to be subconsciously “flagging up” the idea, even when you don’t think about it. Your subconscious mind will work on creating the outcome you choose.

how to change subconscious beliefs
Author of How To Get Lots Of Money For Anything Fast – Stuart Lichtman uses Cybernetic Transposition to change subconscious beliefs.

Most people are completely unaware that the things they talk about are limiting their success in life. When a powerful suggestion is repeated continually, you overwrite the old negative and limiting ones because they have no more space! Over time, new suggestions take hold in the subconscious mind and replace the old ones.

Remember though that old beliefs have been built up over long periods of time. So you will need to make daily habits out of repeating new mantras once you have them. Access Stuart Licthman’s book on Cybernetic Transposition here.


It takes time to change beliefs which have been built up over a number of years. Old ideas will have come from when you were younger than 10 years old and before you developed conscious reasoning.

Notice your self talk, and how you talk about yourself to others. By spending some time on this, you will see a different side to yourself. Just notice at first and pay attention to your self talk – (how you talk to yourself in your head), and how you feel about yourself.

As you do this, you will notice some of your talk is negative and limiting. How does this conversation stack up against what you are struggling to achieve/create? If you’re feeding yourself negative emotions and limiting ideas, does this support your ambitions and goals?

Create some new affirmations which do support what you want to achieve. As you notice old, limiting ideas come up in your consciousness, replace them with your new mantras. Repeat positive affirmations daily and develop a mantra you can use in place when the old ideas come up.

Over time, your new ideas will replace your old ones. But this takes work and you’ll need to repeat your new mantras continually over a long enough time frame. Old beliefs will have had years to develop and you might struggle at first because you are so entrenched in older ideas which shape your world view and keep you “safe”.

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