How To Become An Affiliate Marketer

If you’re wondering how to become an affiliate marketer, it is fairly straight forward. You can join an affiliate program and get your unique identifying link. When you promote your link successfully, you get paid according to the sales you make. Amazon is a popular affiliate website, where anyone can join and promote their own links to the various products on the site.

how affiliate marketing works
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What isn’t so straight forward about affiliate marketing is actually making sales on a regular basis. Many affiliates join a program and get their link. Then they become stuck because they don’t know how to promote their affiliate link.

There’s many ways to promote your affiliate link once you have joined a program. You can build a website and create content. Or, you can run paid marketing. You can send people to an email list where you collect their email address.

Then you can follow up with useful email messages and promote your link through your emails. Social media offers many other ways to promote affiliate links, either through paid marketing or through the various organic and free methods available.

How To Become An Affiliate Marketer

There are many affiliate marketers who join a program but don’t know how to promote their affiliate link. The “Crux” of being successful as an affiliate marketer is in the name: affiliate marketer. Those who get good at putting their products in front of people who want them, become successful affiliates. Don’t aim to become an affiliate marketer because there are plenty of affiliates who don’t get their businesses to a profitable level. Aim to become a successful affiliate who can make an income from affiliate marketing on a consistent basis.

Being successful as an affiliate means going further than the many who quit! 95% of affiliates will quit, but that’s not to say affiliate marketing is impossible, just that it’s harder than most affiliates think. To make it work for you, you simply need to keep going where the others quit. The first step in making affiliate marketing work for you is in educating yourself to the best ways to make it work!

affiliate marketing benefits

How To Become A Successful Affiliate Marketer – Value

Successful affiliates have learned to put value before the sale. Whether you become a blogger, a video marketer, use paid marketing or use social media or email marketing, you’ll come to achieve success more quickly if you put the value before the commission!

As a beginner myself I used to only think about the sale. How could I get more sales? But after learning from successful mentors I realised I needed to help people before I could make the sale. So I changed my mindset from “getting” to giving!

It sounds like such a simple shift but for years I struggled with affiliate marketing. It was only when this occurred did I find lasting change. I no longer focused on selling, which I was pretty bad at anyway! Instead I focused on what value I could add. This led to more traffic on my websites and ultimately more sales.

how to become an affiliate marketer

Most people have experienced the sales person hanging over them in a shop, asking questions and being too needy. What does it do? Pushes you away! The same is true of affiliate marketing. Most people can sense when they’re being sold to and walk in the other direction. But when you give value people want more of you, rather than less!

How To Become An Affiliate Marketer – Be “You”!

Why do you want to become an affiliate marketer? Imagine yourself with your perfect affiliate marketing business running as you intended. What are you doing? Knowing the end goal of building an affiliate business is something useful in determining your path.

how to become an affiliate marketer

One of the best ways to approach an affiliate business is to choose a path which is congruent with you being you. Choose something to promote, for example, that you can fully get behind. Don’t choose a path you will hate!

In my early affiliate days I decided to build a blog about mushroom harvesting! I knew nothing of this subject so had to research every blog post I wrote. This was exhausting and after several months I was fully fed up of the topic! The website did rank on Google, and I got some traffic, but it wasn’t aligned with who I was, my passion or even an interest. So it quickly fell down the listings when another more enthusiastic mushroom harvester took first place!

The point of the story is to choose something you will be enthusiastic about for a long period of time. Affiliate marketing can be tough, so choosing something you enjoy is definitely a much better “seed” to build a business around. When you’re aligned, everything feels right. Work is easier and enjoyable. When you’re misaligned, you will procrastinate, worry, doubt and struggle.

Alignment comes from knowing you’re on the right path for you, in your affiliate marketing journey.

Marketing: Promotion Of Affiliate Marketing Products/Services

The promotion of affiliate marketing products and services is where the rubber meets the road in affiliate marketing. You can sign up to an affiliate program and get you’re affiliate link in only a couple of hours! That’s the easy part. But promoting your affiliate link can take a lot more effort.

It’s well worth joining a training program which gives you all the tools and software you need to get started more quickly. You can access one through this free email series. Once you have set up your website, email marketing software and affiliate links, you need to promote your landing page and/or website.

Access free video series here to learn more and get started

Here’s just a few of the methods you can use:

  • Paid marketing platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Adwords, Microsoft Ads etc.
  • Blogging – create written content on your website to attract the attention of web searches through Google, Bing, Yahoo. Duckduckgo etc.
  • YouTube organic marketing – YouTuBe can be used like blogging, although it’s much slower than paid marketing, like blogging.
  • Social media platforms can also be used for free to generate traffic to your website and/or landing pages.

See also 22 ways to promote affiliate products.

Faster Ways To Become Successful

Knowing more as an affiliate marketer can definitely serve you. For example, getting an email list massively fast tracked my affiliate business because it allowed me to control my traffic better. (See free autoresponder for affiliate marketing). Before I got an autoresponder I struggled getting people to my website and making affiliate sales.


Subscription affiliate products are also a massive game changer too. With subscription products you can get paid over and over again for your referrals. With high ticket affiliate marketing, you can earn much higher commissions for what can amount to the same work.

Getting help and support is another way to fast track your results as an affiliate. Access a free video series here to learn more.

how to become an affiliate marketer
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