What is high ticket digital marketing? Digital marketing is advertising digitally, or over the internet. “High ticket” refers to the price of a product which is sold online. A high ticket product is typically valued much higher than a standard product. A typical product might sell for less than $100 online. Whereas a high ticket product typically sells for over $500.
A high ticket sales funnel is often used to sell high ticket products online. With a sales funnel, a number of products are available. An “entry level” product will typically be valued at a low rate. As you are offered other products in a range, later products are of increasing value.
In the example of an online business program an entry level product might be $100. It will offer training and products for customers, perhaps to help them build an online business. The next level of digital product might offer more training and personal coaching and therefore be valued at a higher price; $2000, for example. As you move through a digital product range, you are offered more products which deliver more value.

High Ticket Digital Marketing – The Sales Funnel
To get people to enter the sales funnel, and find the products which are being sold, marketers send qualified leads to a landing page. The landing page is designed to collect the visitors email address. Subscribers enter their email details to access some information. This is usually in the form of a free guide or series of training videos. In this case it could be information about starting an online business, for example. (Click below for access)

In order for a digital marketer to find people for their sales funnel, they need to identify what kind of people are best suited to their product range. This involves learning about targeting the right customers for any marketing you might be doing. See how to know your target market. Once their target customer “avatar” is understood, a marketer will target adverts at that specific audience in order to send them directly to their landing page, and collect their email details.
Once someone enters their email details, they automatically receive email messages relating to the information they requested.
High Ticket Digital Marketing – The Email Autoresponder
An email autoresponder automatically collects email addresses from a landing page (or website) and sends out email messages. See free autoresponder for affiliate marketing to get access to one for free.
Emails can be queued up so that subscribers to an email list automatically receive emails. This is email marketing, which is used with great effect by digital marketers. See also the power of email marketing.

With an email list, a digital marketer can deliver value driven messages and video content over a number of weeks, months or even years. This is a great tool and much better than a simple website for attracting customers to a business. Over time, a marketer can build trust if they deliver value in their messages and if their advertising targeting brings the right kind of people to their list. on a website, someone only has a small window of opportunity in order to make a purchase. But once on an email list, this is extended to a much longer time period.
TripWire Sales Funnel
As people enter the email marketing funnel, they receive messages which offer products. Usually a low value product is offered first. Once someone purchases the low value product, they are automatically offered a higher value product from those in a product range. This can also be called a tripwire sales funnel because the later level product is only offered for those who purchase the basic level product.
Those who don’t purchase anything remain on the initial email list until they do. Those who make a purchase are offered another higher valued product. They are also often moved onto another email marketing list, which offers messages which are more appropriate to their position in the sales funnel.

Using such a system means a digital marketer can tailor make messages appropriate for anyone according to the products they have purchased. The whole process can be automated and scaled up. Once a sales funnel like this is profitable, the marketer increases advertising budget to send more people down the sales funnel.
Advertising Platforms
High ticket digital marketers often use paid marketing platforms such as Google Adwords, Facebook and YouTube, for example. With a paid marketing platform, a marketer can test their sales funnel before committing a huge amount of marketing dollars.

With small value products, this is more difficult because small value items don’t pay very much in terms of commissions. A smaller priced offering would means the marketer would need to use cheaper marketing solutions or be very good at making sales with a tiny marketing budget, which is much more difficult.
A YouTube advert can be set up through Google Adwords account and a little amount can be spent targeting the audience which will be more likely to convert into customers. After spending $30 or so, the marketer should know if any problems arise in their sales funnel, and whether they will make any commissions.
High ticket digital marketers use paid platforms such as YouTube and Facebook to send targeted traffic towards a landing page or website. From there they collect subscribers information and deliver email messages which offer products and services. As email subscribers purchase products within the sales funnel, they get automatically offered higher value products.
A high ticket sales funnel starts with a low value offering and has a number of products to offer customers. The more expensive products are offered later on, after an initial purchase is made.
Products ranges such as the SFM Digital Business System offer an in-built sales team who close sales on marketers behalf. Anyone can become an affiliate for high ticket business systems and get paid to refer people into such a funnel. You are effectively a third party referrer, sending people to an existing business model. You get paid for the referrals but don’t have to deal with customers personally.
Access a high ticket sales funnel and online business system through this workshop series.