Help With Affiliate Marketing

Getting help with affiliate marketing might be the best investment you can make. After all, an affiliate business can give you total time, financial and geographical freedom. Imagine automating a globally based business in which you can sell products and services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There’s no need to deal with customers, own any products yourself or handle products personally. Affiliate marketing is an incredibly desirable business to have, if you can make it work!

That’s a big “if” too, because around 95% of affiliates don’t make it work. Maybe you’ve been struggling too? So if you think you have what it takes to be in the 5% who stick at it when others drop out, you will be well advised to get help with your affiliate marketing business. Back in 2014 I found a community of mentors and coaches who helped me as a struggling affiliate. You can gain access here.

help with affiliate marketing

Help With Affiliate Marketing: Mindset & Clarity

Most affiliates will fail for a number of reasons. It may be lack of education, vision, clarity or focus. But the main reason is that most affiliates will simply give up before they gain the necessary understanding of the business they are in. Giving up is easy! Sticking at something and learning why you’re failing is much harder!

Affiliate marketing is a very easy business to get involved with and there’s a huge number of people who become affiliate marketers. Joining an affiliate program is relatively simple and straight forward. You can learn affiliate marketing from anywhere, too; all you need is a laptop and internet connection. But making affiliate marketing profitable is another story altogether.

The main thing holding you back from the profitable affiliate business you desire is ignorance! With the right mindset, you can replace this with knowledge and awareness. Once you’ve done this, nothing will stop you from wanting to grow. A growth mindset will replace fear, procrastination, doubt and uncertainty. With the right mindset, you will still fail, but you will see those failings as “learnings” instead.

Help With Affiliate Marketing: My Story

When I began doing affiliate marketing I tried all sorts of strategies. But I was broke, so everything I did was on the cheap. I bought courses on the cheap, and did my “marketing” on the cheap. The problem with this approach is twofold. I was holding myself back because I had a poverty mindset but also I didn’t get the help and support I really needed to make my affiliate marketing business successful. Free marketing methods are also slow and difficult. I built various websites and attempted to get the to rank on Google, with much disappointment.

When I did finally made an affiliate sale, it was for peanuts because I was selling items from eBay and Amazon which paid tiny commissions. All of this was difficult and agonising!

After joining an online community (join here), I found other people who were building online businesses too, and coaches and mentors who helped me. I also learned to use subscription affiliate products and sell high ticket affiliate products. This was a total game changer for me and I was able to sell a high ticket product within a few months.

The high ticket items also meant I could run paid marketing and get traction much more quickly. With a high ticket sale, you can build a larger marketing budget and scale more quickly.

Focus, Clarity, Vision, Mission & Purpose

For a long time before this I lacked focus and clarity. I would jump from one course to another, looking always for a quick win, rather than building a solid foundation. A good foundation I learned, is having clarity around why you’re doing affiliate marketing at all. Without this understanding, you can easily become lost trying to make the sale, but without offering any value in the marketplace. A persons income relates directly to their value in the marketplace.

If you’re very “me” centric, you’ll only focus on what you want from affiliate marketing – the commissions. But if you can align your values with your business, and focus on what you can do to help others, you’ll find purpose in your work. With a greater purpose in your affiliate business, you’ll be much more likely to sustain your efforts over the longer term. You’ll know your “why” for building your business, you’ll have aligned your mission, vision and purpose for building it.

“With a big enough why you can overcome any how” – James Clear Atomic Habits.

If you’re just “flogging stuff on the internet”, it’s not hugely inspiring. But if you’re inspired to do your work, there’ll be a much greater drive, purpose and ambition behind it.

Help With Affiliate Marketing; Let Me Help You

I do recommend this program, which has helped me with my affiliate marketing business, but I also offer personal 1 to 1 coaching for certain people. You can learn more about my coaching here.

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