There’s several free Facebook traffic strategies you can use to bring visitors to your website. Here’s a very simple one which I’ve used to generate a nice steady flow of traffic by using groups.
First you’re going to set up your Facebook profile with a link to your website in it. You want to succinctly explain the benefits of what you’re offering on your website, to entice people to come and visit. Here’s mine, although it could probably do with some work!

You can see the link under my main profile picture which goes directly to my website. Plus, there’s a clear benefit of clicking it, should you be interested in earning online. Knowing your target audience here is vital because you want to attract only those people who will be interested in your offering.
Free Facebook Traffic Strategies
Next you’ll want to clean your feed. You’re effectively going to make your personal Facebook page into a magnet for free traffic. So you might want to post only business related things on your feed.
Once you’re happy with your Facebook profile page, and have linked to your website from it, you can start looking at groups. You’ll find the “groups” icon at the top of your Facebook platform:

Click on it and you should see the groups icon appear in the top left hand side of your platform:

Here’s where you can search the various groups for people who might be interested in what you are offering on your website. So, for example, I help people with earning online so I might look for groups which relate to:
- Lifestyle business
- affiliate marketing
- drop shipping
- traffic generation
- earning online
- online businesses
- etc.
Once you start typing into the search box you’ll be show suggested keywords relating to your search like so:

Click on the most appropriate keywords which relate to your business or offering. Then you can apply to join groups to find people who might be interested in your business/website.

Free Facebook Traffic Strategies
You might have to answer questions in order to join a particular group and wait to be allowed in. So it’s worth looking for multiple groups within your niche that you can join. As you apply, answer the questions and agree to the terms of the groups.
Once in, you need to stick to the agreed terms or you can easily be removed from a group for non compliance. Most groups will simply require that you don’t spam or solicit your business! So pasting your website link in groups is often a no no!

Instead, what you can do is interact in the groups you join, ask and answer questions and be generally helpful. Make a daily habit out of interacting in several groups. It can be useful to log your daily activity so you know what you’ve done.
As you interact with people, you should find over time people come and visit your profile to have a look at you and what you offer. When they do they should be able to see your website link clearly and know immediately what you’re about!
People will click through to your website and also add you as a friend. As your friend list grows, you can also promote your website content through your Facebook feed.
Boost Your Posts
Once you’ve been at this strategy for a while, you should see more people coming to see your profile, asking to become Facebook friends and clicking on your website link. As with most free strategies it can take some time and effort to get the wheels spinning though, so don’t expect too much without any consistent effort. Ideally spend an hour or two per day for a consistent amount of time. The more time you spend, the better your results will become.
Another way of getting more people to your Facebook profile is through boosting a post or running a Facebook ad. Obviously though this isn’t free, but you can set your daily budget at a very low rate which you can easily afford.
See also unpaid social media marketing for more detail on this and other strategies you can use for free.