Easiest Way To Sell Digital Products Online

What is the easiest way to sell digital products online? There’s several ways you can sell products online and some are easier than others. But one of the best and easiest ways to sell digital products is by sending paid traffic to a landing page. Collect subscribers by offering some freebie giveaway to them such as a free course or ebook. Follow up with an email marketing campaign which delivers value, builds trust and promotes your digital product/s.

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Convertri is a landing page software helping you to build fast pages that convert visitors into subscribers

There’s lots of good reasons to build an email list and particularly with digital products it’s because digital products tend to be more vague than physical products. With a physical product you know what you’re getting; what you see is what you get. But it can be more difficult to determine the value of a physical product because it is less tangible.

By delivering value through an email course you can also show the value of your product to your potential customers. From a website, this is more difficult because most visitors only stick around for a few minutes; after that they are gone forever. But once they are on your email list, you can extend the time period with which they make a buying decision.

Aweber lets you collect emails from a website and deliver automated messages

Easiest Way To Sell Digital Products Online

There’s another reason to use email marketing too and it’s because most people don’t buy a product on their first time seeing it. In fact unless a website is trustworthy, people need 6-8 touchpoints with that product/advertiser before they will buy.

This is very difficult to do if you only have a website to sell from. Most visitors will not come back after landing on your site, and they are only there for a couple of minutes if that. But once on your email list, you can follow up with useful information to keep them engaged over weeks, months and even years.

This gives you much more opportunity to interact with them, give them information about your products and build trust with them.

Easiest Way To Sell Digital Products Online – Traffic

The easiest way to drive traffic towards your landing page is with paid advertising. It’s fast and scalable unlike organic marketing which can take months before you see the results of your labour. One of the best ways to do it is through the use of video, too. With video you can convey more information in a shorter time period than you can with a written (text based) advert.

Easiest Way To Sell Digital Products Online

Over 50% of communication is unconscious, so video is obviously the answer to communicating online. The belief is that 55% of communication is body language, 38% is the tone of voice, and 7% is the actual words spoken, although opinions vary on this. In an online video there are also cues picked up from the lighting, background and energy or “feel” of the person talking.

Before setting out and creating a video advertisement, it’s worth knowing your target audience is first so you can effectively attract the right kind of people to your product.

Easiest Way To Sell Digital Products Online – Product Reviews

Another common tactic of an affiliate marketer is to create a product review, either in written or video format. A product review is one of the best ways to sell online because it attracts someone who is specifically looking for the product you’re talking about, or one like it. If they believe you and you’re not overly biased (because you’re also selling the product), the visitor has a high chance of buying through your affiliate link after they have found your review.

Easiest Way To Sell Digital Products Online

My first affiliate sale came from a review I wrote on a free blog website (Hubpages.com). Reviews catch online users in the last step of the buying cycle. Since most people are gathering information online, and not looking to buy, it’s well worth targeting this kind of person.

Someone looking for a review has likely already decided (to an extent) that they need a certain type of product. They may have done research already and are ready to buy, or looking to buy. They just need a little confirmation or to understand whether a product meets their needs, which your review can deliver.


To sell in bulk you need a lot of people to buy through your affiliate link. This can be done through building an email subscriber base and recommending products to your list. The fastest and easiest way to build such a list is to run a paid ad campaign sending people to a landing page. Collect their details and follow up with your email messages, promoting your products.

Reviews also offer a great opportunity to earn online through selling physical or digital products. A review works really well because you attract people looking to buy something. So if you can get a review in front of a lot of people somehow, it’s a great way to sell your products. You’ll find reviews on Google in written form and on YouTube in video format too. Getting a review to rank can be the biggest challenge here.

For more help and support with affiliate marketing click here.

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