Earn Money By Posting Articles

Can you really earn money by posting articles? Freelancers earn money writing for other people’s blogs. However, with the surge in AI there’s a whole lot of bots writing now instead of people.

So even if you could land a gig using UpWork or Fiverr.com, both of which are very competitive, the work may not last for long. To even land a job, you may have to work for free while you build up your profile and collect reviews. Since there’s hundreds of writers on these sites, who have already built up a reputation, you’re going to need to do a lot of work to make this profitable.

earn money by posting articles

As a freelance writer, you’re selling your time writing content for cash. But you can’t earn from your work unless you keep working. This is becoming more and more difficult because of AI which can write articles and create content in a fraction of the time, and for much less cost than a freelancer can offer.

Earn Money By Posting Articles – Blogging

So how else can you earn money by posting articles? Another strategy is to use affiliate products and build a blog of your own. Once you have a resource which you own online, you can sell affiliate products from your blog.

It can take some time to build a profitable blog, but once you have a nice source of traffic from content you’ve built, you can sell products through it. This can also bring in a passive income once you’ve spent enough time on it.

niche blogging

So, how do you build content on a blog and earn money from it? Start by choosing a niche in which you wish to write. (This blog is centred around the topic of affiliate marketing. So I post articles on this and related topics).

Over time, your blog will generate free traffic, if you stick with it for long enough. At this point you can start to monetise your blog. You can either do this through the sale of affiliate products or through placing advertising on your site. When someone clicks on your ads, you earn a percentage of advertising revenue.

Earn Money By Posting Articles – Choosing Your Niche

Your choice of niche for blogging is pretty important. There’s over 600 million blogs on the internet and this means there’s plenty of competition, in most niches. However some niches are more competitive than others. In a super competitive niche, it can take a few months before you can earn from a blog. But in a less competitive one, it can start generating an income in a matter of weeks.

earn money by posting articles

Ideally pick a niche which you have a passion or interest in. That way, you can continue writing indefinitely. In a niche you known nothing about, it can be tricky. You’ll need to research each post and it will be less of a passion project. This can mean you’re more likely to quit before it becomes profitable.

If you’re not passion about your topic, it will also affect your writing. If you don’t love your topic, your readers will be uninspired too! Hence it’s much better to choose a topic you love writing about.

Getting Traffic To Your Blog

A blog won’t earn any money unless you get traffic to it. To get traffic you need to create a lot of content. This can take a bit of time and effort but if you stick with it, you can ultimately attract free search traffic from the SEPRS – search engines results pages.

To give yourself a good chance at getting traffic from the SERPS, you can find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty. Most keyword terms in any given topic are fairly competitive. Two and three word phrases, for example, will have a lot of content already on the search results. So by finding longer tail keywords for your article titles, you can get your content found more easily.

As you create more and more pieces of content for these terms, you’ll start to increase your authority with Google (assuming your articles are good, of course!).

Getting Started With Blogging

You can get started with blogging completely for free using free blog platforms such as Hubpages and Blogger.com etc. However, it’s also a good idea to build your own website. Your own domain name and hosting will give you more authority with Google and with your readers. Google doesn’t rank content based on free blog sites as highly as it does owner websites. So it can be much more difficult to get traffic to your free blog platform than your own website.

Getting your own website is pretty simply. You need to purchase a domain name and get some hosting. There’s plenty of videos explaining how this is done online, so I won’t go into it here. See also how to make a profitable website. You can also access a step by step process for doing this through this website. (Sign up on this site for more information).

Once you have your website setup, you’ll need to write articles in order to start generating traffic. See also niche blogging for profit for more on this.

Monetising A Blog With Affiliate Products

There’s thousands of affiliate programs available online to choose from. Pick an affiliate product which aligns with your blog topic. That way, more of your visitors will be interested in what you’re selling. To sell from a blog you can link to products within your text, place banner advertising and build an email list.


The power of email marketing is pretty huge for online selling. On a website most people only stick around a few minutes. But email marketing gives you the ability to sell to them over and over again; even months or years after they sign up to your email list.

Access a free autoresponder for affiliate marketing and learn how to sell through your blog.

For more information on affiliate marketing, blogging and getting help and support earning online, sign up on this website using the popup or form.

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