Drip Campaign Examples

Looking for drip campaign examples? Drip campaigns are designed to lead your potential customers towards your products and services. A good drip campaign will automate the process of nurturing your leads through your funnel. See also lead nurture funnel.

When someone signs up to your email list on your website, they should automatically receive an email follow up campaign which builds trust and offers value. A good campaign will help subscribers understand your product/s and make an informed choice of whether to make a purchase.

Drip campaigns can also be trigged when certain subscribers take specific actions. This makes a campaign more personal to subscribers depending on the actions they take, or don’t take.

For example if someone has signed up to your list, but not watched your free video series, a campaign targeted at those who haven’t interacted yet can start with “hey, you haven’t watched this video yet”! This builds more congruence with your subscribers and can help generate more interaction.

Drip Campaign Examples – Segmenting

Segmenting customers by the actions they have taken is a good way to define a drip campaign. For example, say a customer has cancelled their membership. You can segment all your cancellations so they will receive a follow up campaign to win them back. Here’s a campaign run by Netflix which is designed to showcase Netflix’s offerings through regular emails and win back customers.

Over a 3 month period, should you cancel your Netflix membership, the brand sends out a series of emails showcasing new listings and reminding the customer what they are missing out on! Pretty clever eh! Plus it’s all automated so whenever someone opts of of their membership, Netflix will have set up a “segment” in their email marketing system. All un-subscribers will automatically switch over on to the new segment and receive the re-engagement campaign.

drip campaigns examples

Segmenting By Engagement

Some of your subscribers won’t engage or even open your emails. So you can create a re-engagement campaign directed at those people specifically! Here’s an example of a possible re-engagement campaign you can use to get people on your list to connect:

drip campaigns examples

According to the actions (or lack of actions) taken by your subscribers, you can tailor make email messages to increase engagement. Since an email list costs money to build and maintain, you don’t really want to keep a large list uninterested subscribers. So by talking to your subscribers in a more personal way like this, you can determine who keep on your list, and create more engagement.

You can create segments of subscribers based on their previous actions:

  • Did they open their initial email
  • Are they engaged with your follow up campaign
  • Did they watch your video series or read your ebook?

With each segment, you can communicate a different message which is more personalised according to what your subscribers have done.

Drip Campaign Examples – Your Offer

The offer you use to entice subscribers to join your list is pretty important. Unless your subscriber has a strong motivation to see your emails, they might simply not open them!

an enticing offer to get visitors to subscribe
I found this offer on a blog while looking for information about blogging. Here’s the site.

Images and a strong benefit driven offer are vital to increase your engagement with subscribers as they join your list.

using visuals in email marketing

The use of visuals in this offer makes it immediately appealing. Plus the follow up email reminds subscribers of the unique images on the blog itself.

Time Based Drip Campaigns

If you’ve collected some information from your subscribers, with an online form, you can use this date to send out timely messages. If someone has purchased insurance, for example, insurance companies will often send out an email around the time of year when the initial enquiry came in – even if the customer didn’t purchase! Car insurance is an example of this.

Here’s another example from TopShop using customers date of birth information to re-connect on their birthday!

birthday re-engagement campaigns

Limited Time Offers

Black Friday deals and limited time offers are often used in email drip campaigns. This can be useful to reengage customers who have not made a purchase for some time.

limited time reengagement offers

Memberships & Cross Promotions

Memberships are great for online businesses because they offer ongoing payments. See recurring income affiliate programs. But members are also much more engaged than subscribers who haven’t purchased anything at all! Here’s an example of how the Dollar Shave Club is cross promoting other products they offer to existing members of their subscription service.

drip campaigns examples
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