Content Ideas For Blogging

How do you come up with content ideas for blogging? If you’re a blogger, chances are good that at some point you’ll face bloggers block. Or writers block anyway! Blogging is a good long term strategy to get free traffic to your affiliate offers and/or business. But unless you keep it up, and keep up the momentum, your blogging can easily lose momentum and you’ll also start seeing a drop in traffic too, if you had it to begin with.

Keeping up your blogging is as much about maintaining your own motivation as it is about coming up with ideas. If you keep learning and growing, blog post ideas will come to you more easily. Read books on your topic, look at for the kinds of questions people are asking in your blogging niche. Above all, keep going! So here’s a few content ideas for blogging which I use to keep coming up with fresh content for my blog. If you know any more, please share in the comments below.

Content Ideas For Blogging – Your Own Knowledge & Books!

Nothing quite beats your own knowledge for content ideas. If your chosen topic means a lot to you, it’s much easier to maintain your interest in blogging over the longer term. If you don’t care about your topic, it’s much harder to sustain the effort for the duration. Likewise, writing about a subject you know about will have the words flowing. Writing about something you’re unfamiliar with is much more difficult.

By choosing a blog area which is aligned in some way with your own personal growth, passion and interest, you can keep reading new material, growing and all the time writing new and informative content – based on what you learn.

I’m personally a big fan of self help books. So some of my ideas come about through the books I read that inspire me. See motivation books pdf free download for a few I share on this site.

Content Ideas For Blogging – is a great place to go if you’re lacking in imagination for blog post ideas. is a question and answer website where people post questions and have them answered by experts in their fields.

You can find your blog topic or niche with a quick keyword search on the site. You’ll then be shown questions which relate to your blog topic. These are questions which your target market or audience will want to know about. So they are great for delving into the mind of your potential audience.

content ideas for blogging

Whatever your niche is, you’ll likely find content on to inspire you to write some fresh content. Plus, you can also answer questions on Quora too and drop links back to your more lengthy descriptions on your blog. This is a great resource to build traffic to your blog. See affiliate marketing on Quora.

There’s other Q and A sites too such as Yahoo Answers, Linkedin Answers, etc. Have a look at these sites and you’ll find a resource to build links to your blog from too!

Content Ideas For Blogging – Keyword Research

Your blog titles can get you a heap of free traffic over time. Especially if you find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty. With a long tail keyword, you have so much less competition than with shorter term keywords. So you have more chance of getting your content to rank on the search engines. To find these gems and get more traffic, you can use Google’s keyword planner. Type your main keyword into the planner and it will give you a bunch or related terms which people are searching for on Google.

By scrolling through these keywords, you can find those which give you some kind of inspiration. Look for long tail keywords which are suitable for your target audience. Those kinds of keywords which your perfect customers will want to know about. That way, you know when someone comes to you through that piece of content, they are all the more likely to want your service/product.

You can also use Google’s keyword planner with your main keyword using questions which will bring up an array of longer tail keyword questions which you can create content for. Use the following keywords with your main keyword in the planner:

  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • Who
  • Why

This should bring up the most commonly asked questions within your niche!


Neil Patel has a great resource called Ubersuggest which lets you plug your website (or a competitors) into its tool and it kicks out some keyword suggestions.

content ideas for blogging

This can give you a tonne of ideas if you use a keyword, your website or a website similar to yours for ideas.

Answer Your Own Questions

I’ve often asked myself what the best kind of content is to put on my website. A lot of it comes from my own research using Google and simple search queries. When I started out online, I wanted to get more traffic. So, I would research “Get traffic to your website free“, with a simple Google search. As I put what I learned into practice, I became more comfortable with the ideas so I would share them on a blog post.

Every time I learn something new, which is relevant to my blog, I tend to share some new content which helps other people with the same problem. So if you do a Google search for something, follow it up with a blog post when you have some answers.

By now you will probably have some content ideas for blogging from reading this post. If your topic is around the blogging sphere, you can write some information in a post about blogging ideas, having read this post.

Create An Ebook

Ebooks are great lead magnets and they are a good way of focusing your attention and creating content.

You can also use existing content on your blog to write an ebook with. Consider your audience and your topic. What would be the best ebook for those visitors? What’s the biggest problem you’ve had that you can solve in your ebook for your visitors?

niche blogging

I’ve written a couple of ebooks and offer them as lead magnets for my blog visitors. Once you have written an ebook you can also continue to write content which will draw more people to it organically through using keyword research. For example one of my ebooks is called Niche Blogging For Profit.

To get more traffic to this book, I write around the topic of blogging, affiliate marketing and other related areas to draw in people who might be interested in my ebook.

Ezine Articles is not only a great place to grab and paste awesome articles for free, but it’s also a huge source of inspiration for your blog posts. Yes that’s true! You can go to the site and simply copy and paste content from other contributors on Ezinearticles. The only requirement to do this is to give credit to the authors when you do this. They receive a link back to their author bio and/or website. You get their content to share on your website! It’s a win win!

Lacking Inspiration – What Lights You Up?

If you’re lacking inspiration, ask yourself what lights you up? What inspires you? If your blogging topic doesn’t inspire you, you might have picked the wrong blogging niche. Blogging takes time and you need to maintain your focus for it over the longer term. If you find yourself getting burned out, take a break. Focus on something else and look for inspiration for yourself, not just for your blog!

I find inspiration flows much better when I’m not struggling in the present moment too. So if your creative juices aren’t flowing, it might not be the right day to be blogging. Read a book or someone else’s blog for inspiration. Write down your ideas when they pop up so you don’t forget them.

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