Content Ideas For Affiliate Marketing

If you’re a content creator, you’ll need to keep coming up with new content ideas for affiliate marketing. Once you’ve built a huge volume of content, that content can work for you, bringing in sales on complete autopilot.

But before that can happen you need to create enough content to get traction in your affiliate business. This can take some time and serious effort. Many affiliates will quit because they can’t keep coming up with new content and sustain the necessary effort required to make work.

So it’s a good idea to choose an affiliate topic or product which you have an affinity for. It’s much easier to keep finding new content ideas in a topic you have a passion for, or at least an interest in. When you are excited by your topic, you can continue to learn and build new content around your knowledge.

When you don’t care about your topic, this is much more difficult!

Content Ideas For Affiliate Marketing – Keyword Tool

One of my favourite hangouts is Google’s keyword planner which is always a good source of keywords for blog posts and videos. The keyword planner even gives you the volume of monthly traffic for specific keywords which you can create content for.

There’s a number of ways you can use Google’s keyword planner but one strategy I use is to find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty. You can do this by typing in your main “seed” keyword into the planner and you will find longer tail derivatives of those keywords. You can then compare the relative competition of those keywords on Google with a quick search of the keyword, and with a search of the keyword in quotation marks.

Google's keyword planner

These two searches can give you an idea of the relative competition for the keywords. Once you find a good keyword which is suitable for your audience, topic and product, you can go to work creating an article or video for it.

You can also add filters to your main keywords to show it with terms such as “why”, “who”, “what”, “where” and “when” for example, to find popular questions in your niche.

Content Ideas For Affiliate Marketing – is a popular question and answer website where people post questions in all kinds of topics. By searching the site for the keywords relating to your business/niche, you can find queries which you can write/create content for.


Because there are so many questions, you can use this strategy in combination with Google’s keyword planner to find long tail keyword questions which you can answer with your content.

You can also write answers on Quora too, and even link back to your content if appropriate. Quora does have a lot of spammers though so it’s important not to just spam your links but to also answer questions with some depth. When you do this, you can link to your content from your answers. See also affiliate marketing on Quora.

Content Ideas For Affiliate Marketing: YouTube

YouTube is a great source of ideas for content whether you simply browse the site for your particular niche, and use videos for inspiration, or use the search feature on the site. To use the keyword suggestion on YouTube just type your main keywords into the search bar. You should see a number of common searches for longer tail derivatives of your main keywords.

YouTube for affiliate marketing

You can then use these common keyword searches to build content around specific keywords.

Content Ideas For Affiliate Marketing: is a great site for finding trending popular content within your niche.

Type your main keyword (or a derivative of) into Buzzsumo’s search bar and you’ll get the most popular trending articles and content which is going viral on social media.

content ideas for affiliate marketing

Use the content for ideas, or the blog/video titles can give you insights into the best titles to use to get the most traction from your content. You can use Buzzsumo for free or upgrade for greater functionality.

Content Ideas For Affiliate Marketing: Use “How To” Posts and Videos/eBooks

Whatever niche you’re in, there’s a tonne of people looking at content you can provide on your website or YouTube channel. “How to” posts are very popular and people searching for “how to” in a topic relating to yours are potentially going to become customers if they land on your website.

You can find popular “How to” searches using Google’s keyword planner with the term added to your keyword, also use or YouTube by using the search bar; i.e. “how to {insert your keyword}”.

You can create a lot of “how to” pieces to help your audience with a specific problem and lead them to your products/services.

You can also do the same with an ebook giveaway which can be used to build your email list. Here’s an ebook I created for affiliate marketing to help beginners:

beginners guide to affiliate marketing

Shift To Helping, Rather Than Selling

When you’re stuck with your affiliate marketing content strategy it can also help to shift your mindset. When I shifted from a mindset of “getting” to “helping” things began to change for me.

Writing became more of a joy and less of a hassle. Because of this, I no longer got stuck with ideas for writing and creating video content. Instead of struggling trying to sell, I just asked how can I help someone with my content.

Having this mindset comes across in your content and helps to build trust with your audience too. If you’re stuck in your content marketing strategy, try shifting your mindset to align with your values. When you’re aligned with what you are doing online, it’s so much easier to create content because there’s no inner conflict with what you’re trying to do.

Product Reviews

Product reviews are a good idea for affiliates for a number of reasons. Firstly a review is something which attracts buyer traffic. Compared to “how to” traffic, a product review should convert many more visitors into buyers because you attract people on the last stage of the buying cycle. If someone is looking at a review, they are already interested in a particular product, or solving some specific problem with a product.

So if you have a particular affiliate product which you know well, write a review or create a video about the product or service. You can also look at other reviews of the product on Google and YouTube for inspiration and insight.


Lists are always pieces of content which seem to do well. There’s always lists on Google at the top of the search results pages.

content ideas for affiliate marketing

As you use Google’s keyword planner, look for ideas which can become lists. Here’s a few pieces of content I’ve put together into list format:

22 ways to promote affiliate products

23 affiliate mistakes newbie affiliates should avoid

Highest paying affiliate programs list

Interests, Hobbies, Passions

If you’re struggling for content ideas, brainstorm your interests, hobbies and passions. What topic would you be happy about learning about for the rest of your life? Zoning in on the topic you are aligned with can give you content ideas for the long term because you have a genuine interest and passion for the topic.

Long term content creation is definitely more difficult if you’re creating content in a topic you have no interest or enthusiasm for. There will always be someone more dedicated in a topic you have no love for!

It can take some time and experimentation to find your perfect affiliate topic, but it’s worth finding it because it can make all the difference.

content ideas for affiliate marketing
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