Are you looking for a business coach for online business growth? Do you have an existing business or want to start an online business from scratch? Two of the best things you can get help with to grow a business are accountability and mindset. An online business coach can help with both of these.
An online business coach can help you uncover your limiting beliefs, unlock old thinking patterns which limit your business and hold you accountable to taking action steps which help your business (and yourself) grow beyond what it currently is.
Business Coach For Online Business
I found a business coach through an online education community. You can also access multiple accountability and training groups through this platform. Click on the image below to access a free video series and learn more.

The SFM also offers a “from scratch” business system which anyone can use to earn commissions from online sales. Their business model contain a number of digital products to earn from. See SFM Digital Business System for more information. The business community also offers training and mentoring to its members and a number of coaches are available within the product range. So if you’re looking for 1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching, The SFM Mentors could be a good fit for you.

Business Coach For Online Business – Why You Need One
So why hire a business coach for online business growth? For years I tried (and failed) to build a profitable online business. But part of the problem wasn’t visible to me until I joined the groups and webinars offered through the Mentors.

By listening to other members question and taking part in Q and A myself, I was able to discover some of the main reasons why my business wasn’t working.
I also have access to personal mentors who tutor me 1 to 1. Some of the main takeaways to this mentorship have been huge breakthroughs in my online business.
Breakthroughs I Made Online
Building a business is tough, especially when you’re alone with it. There’s no-one to hold you accountable, cheer you on or help you uncover your mental and internal blockages.
This is where a mentor comes in. With mentors, you can follow other 6 and 7 figure earners who have already overcome many of the limiting beliefs which still hold you back.

One of my main problems was I was spending a lot of time on activities which were unproductive. Superficial activities like making my website look nice, are irrelevant when you have no customers! But I focused on activities I preferred rather than those which were the most productive and meaningful.
The most meaningful activity for online business owners is finding a scalable strategy which drives customers to their business. Once you can do this well, and once it’s clearly profitable, you can increase your marketing budget and start to increase the number of customers you attain.
Fear Vs. Action
But increasing your spending is counter intuitive if you’ve been brought up with the mentality of saving money and being thrifty and conscientious about spending, which many people have.
To grow your online business beyond what it currently is takes a change of mindset as much as it does hard work. Unless you can change your comfort zone and increase your marketing spend, you probably will have a similar sized business in the next year or so.

This doesn’t mean to randomly spend money on advertising without thought. Quite the opposite, most online entrepreneurs will start with a small marketing budget and slowly scale only when it’s profitable.
To know whether a particular marketing campaign is profitable you need to track everything so you know where your customers are coming from. You need to know your average annual return per customer and the cost you can afford to acquire a customer with paid advertising.
Business Coach For Online Business – Free Marketing
Free marketing is time consuming and if possible should be outsourced, particularly if you can spend time on more important activities within your business. But if you have the time, blogging or video marketing can be good strategies to gain traffic for free on your website.
If you can turn this traffic into customers, free marketing by content creation, or even through social media activity, can be great for your business.

Blogging is one of my favourite activities because it compounds over time. Old content I created years ago still brings in customers to my online business. But this can take months or years before you start to see the effect. Using paid marketing is far faster if you have a business model which supports it.
Proud Of Your Business?
“Are you proud of your business, Tim”?
This was a question one of my mentors asked of me. I had to wonder whether I was. At the time, I was hiding my business from many of my friends because I was afraid I would fail, or be put off by their negativity. So many people had tried to “warn” me off building an online business, because they themselves were afraid of the idea.
They had my best intentions at heart of course (perhaps), but I wasn’t proud of my business, I was hiding it instead. This one simple question caused me to look at this mindset which had spread into my marketing message. I was hiding in my marketing too.
I was also advised to send out some of my video marketing to friends and relatives to get their feedback. This simple action allowed me to let go of what they thought about me. Most of my friends did give me feedback although some of it was negative much of it was positive. But it told me a lot about the fears I had been harbouring. They only held me back.
See also affiliate marketing coach.