There’s many blog niches that make money. In an “evergreen” niche, you can make money all year round. Evergreen niches are those which are popular all the time, whatever the month. Whereas some niches are based on seasonal trends, such as Christmas related blogs, for example.
Top performing niches are health and well being, money making and finance, sports and fitness, and dating and relationship related niches. However, a top performing niche which is evergreen is also usually massively competitive. So it’s much harder to break into these niches if you’re just starting out.
Blog Niches That Make Money
Reviews are another option too and can perform well in any niche. Review sites are good because a review is often the last thing someone reads before making a purchase. So if you can get eyes on your review site, it can do well for you.

Any niche can make money if you can get traffic and lead people to products online. Or, you can also monetise a website with Google Adsense; although this takes a long time and a lot of work, since you’ll only make tiny amounts from each advertising click.
Google Adsense is good for a blog niche which is difficult to monetise with affiliate products. You can of course use it in conjunction with promoting other people’s products too.
Whatever niche you choose to create a blog in, expect to build content and work on your site for several months or years before you break through and generate a liveable income from it.
Blog Niches That Make Money – Traffic
Blog niches that make money are often very competitive. Try and build a site around the making money online niche and you’ll have your work cut out. Just look on Google for the phrase “make money online” and you’ll see a huge number of competing sites for the keyword. Nearly 5 billion in fact!

What this means for a blogger entering into this topic with a blog is that they will need to work considerably harder, for less results than if they chose a less competitive topic.
Have a look for other competitive and lucrative blog topics such as health and fitness, dating and relationships and you’ll likely find the same. So before starting out looking for the most lucrative blog topics, it’s worth looking at the competition first. A blog can only be lucrative if you get people to it in the first place. Without traffic you’ll never make a thing from your blog!
Micro Blog Niches – Delve Into A Sub Niche
If you have an area in mind which you want to blog about, and it’s a competitive subject, you can delve deeper into the main keyword for your niche. Sub niches are niches within niches. So, instead of focusing your content on make money online, for example, you could create a blog around affiliate marketing for beginners.
This site ( is within the niche of making money online, but it’s a branch of the “make money online” topic. Affiliate marketing is still very competitive, but as you research keywords within your field, you’ll find longer tail keywords which offer less competition than most.
You can also build a niche website around a longer tail keyword, which can help you with ranking your site on the search engines.
To do this, use Google’s free keyword planner and enter in your main “seed keyword” of your niche you want to blog about. You should see a number of related keywords come up.

You can choose a keyword which offers less competition on Google but also gives you a good amount of traffic. Without traffic you won’t get any visitors to your site, but without a ranking you won’t either.
So choosing your keywords is quite important. If you go for a too competitive keyword to base your site around, you won’t stand a chance of ranking it and getting free traffic. If you choose a keyword which has no traffic, even if you rank your content, you won’t get enough traffic to make it worth your while!
Keyword Domain Names
This site, (affiliate marketing mentors online), has the keywords in the domain name. This strategy can be used to give you an edge when it comes to ranking your website on Google, and other search engines. It’s not the only factor of course, but it can help. If you know the subject you want to blog about, it’s worth putting in some work to find the best keywords for it, before building your website.

Ideally choose a “seed keyword” which will relate most strongly to your blog topic. Use Google’s keyword planner to find a keyword or phrase which offers traffic and is not too competitive.
The best micro niche for blogging will be one which suits you and in which you can continue to create quality content for the long term. Since the biggest ranking factor for Google is quality content, you’ll want to find a topic you can enjoy working on for several months or years. If you choose a topic you know nothing about, or aren’t interested in, this is a much tougher task than if you love your topic.
Choosing A Topic

Choosing a topic for your blog is pretty important. Without traffic you’ll never make any money with your blogging. To get traffic for free takes time and a lot of effort. In a competitive niche it’s so much more difficult, too. Successful blogs often have had a bigger reason to just the money. Many affiliate has quit in the search for a money making blog, because they put the cart before the horse – money before the passion.
In Simon Sinek’s book Start With Why, he shows that through history, those with a bigger reason for their objective can move mountains whereas those only after money, status or more superficial outcomes often fall by the wayside – fail or quit.

Therefore it’s a good idea to base a blog around something you have a passion for. With so much competition for money making blogs it can be hard to stand out – particularly if your blog only exists to serve you.
To make money from a blog, you have to attract an audience. You can do this by sharing your passion for something or creating something of use. Blogging is a slow, long strategy which takes a lot of time and effort. But without a passion for your topic, or what you’re sharing and creating, it can be very difficult to stay the distance.
Some of the most successful blogs didn’t start out as money making ventures. They were just people sharing their thoughts and experiences and trying to help other people solve a problem they had or have.
For more information about building a blog from scratch visit this article about building a niche blog from scratch to earn money from.