What are the best products to sell internationally? Today you can pretty much sell anything anywhere. But if you’re promoting your own products you’ll need to think about international postage, which can be a bit of a problem.
Even if you’re an affiliate selling other people’s products, many programs, such as Amazon, will require you to join in each country separately in order to sell internationally; since technically, every country has its own program. See this article for more information on international selling on Amazon.

Physical products definitely aren’t the best products to sell internationally. The selling of physical products can be done from anywhere to anywhere, but the postage will be different for every country. There’s a lot of potential problems with international postage, handling and different tax laws operating in different countries.
For this reason sone of the best products to sell internationally are digital products.
Best Products To Sell Internationally: Digital Products
Why choose digital products to sell internationally? It’s simple; there’s little hassle, no postage costs and transactions are instantaneous and can be done online from anywhere globally. You can therefore save a heap of problems selling digital products. Not to mention that digital products pay affiliates a larger cut of the profit, due to these savings.
With physical products you have manufacturing costs, handling costs and postage. The affiliate receives a small amount after everyone else has taken their cut. Amazon, for example, pays affiliates between 1% and 20% on sales the affiliates make. So it can be very difficult to profit as an affiliate for Amazon. But digital products pay much more: between 30%-40% in most cases.

There’s no rules with digital products crossing borders, no fees to pay and no potential delays. Digital products therefore offer one of the best options for anyone wanting to sell internationally from a website.
Best Products To Sell Internationally: Subscription Digital Products
While many digital products aren’t in the same demand as physical products are, some are incredibly useful. For example business related products are vital for the running and operation of online businesses. By selling digital software products, marketing products and training products, you are offering some of the most sought after products on the market.
An example is Aweber, which is an autoresponder service used by affiliate marketers and online business owners. One of the main benefits of selling such as software is that Aweber pays out recurring commissions to it’s referrers. This is something which could not happen with a physical product. A physical product only pays out once.

So if you sell a physical product you need to sell many of them in order to be consistently profitable. However, digital products can be software products, training products and other related services which can pay out recurring commissions to those who refer them (affiliate marketers). The best recurring affiliate programs are those which offer a huge value to the customer and are useful for a lifetime.
Best Products To Sell Internationally: Training & Education Related Products
Another type of product which sells well internationally is training and education programs. One of the biggest problems you can solve with a product is the problem of income. Online business training and education programs offer one of the best types of products you can promote as a third party affiliate.

These types of program help people build online businesses and offer coaching and mentoring to get people up and running online with their own businesses.
Selling online means either building content or running paid advertising, or both. Since paid advertising is expensive, high ticket affiliate products are a good idea because they allow you to more easily profit when using paid advertising methods.

So what is the best product to sell internationally? One of the best types of products to sell globally are digital products because there’s no postage or handing costs. Affiliates are therefore passed larger rates of commission; around 30-40% compared with 1-10% typically for physical products. Digital products can be sent automatically upon purchase which makes them some of the most convenient and scalable types of products you can sell online too.
With high ticket digital products and subscription products you can build more a much more scalable business much more quickly due to the larger and recurring commissions you can earn. This makes it much easier to choose paid advertising to attract customers which is faster and more scalable than content marketing.
Access an online business system which uses both high ticket and subscription digital products within its inventory here.