Best Place To Do Affiliate Marketing

Where is the best place to do affiliate marketing? Affiliates do all sorts of different things in order to make sales. Some affiliates will become bloggers; writing content which gets found from the search engines (e.g. Google). Others build landing pages and drive traffic from advertising platforms such as Google Adwords, Facebook or YouTube.

best place to do affiliate marketing

Some affiliates will upload content to YouTube and build a channel over a long period of time; getting their traffic organically for free. Whereas others will run a single advert using only one video and find thousands of subscribers by sending their visitors to a landing page and collecting email addresses.

There’s many ways to do affiliate marketing from using social media sites, blogging, email marketing and through running paid advertising. Depending on your particular niche, product/s and available time, you could choose any one of them. TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Linkedin and all the many social media sites all offer an potential opportunity for affiliates. So what’s the best place to do affiliate marketing?

Best Place To Do Affiliate Marketing?

There’s a lot of decisions to be made for affiliates. Those decisions will have a bearing on how successful they ultimately become, too. The products you choose, the niche you pick and how you market your products will all have a impact. So where’s a good starting point? Depending on your circumstances and situation, you might choose your strategy depending on your marketing budget. With a large budget, you can afford to purchase more traffic and test and measure some paid for marketing strategies.

best place to do affiliate marketing

In this case, you’ll probably want to invest in some ad campaigns. You can run banner advertising, use platforms such as Bing (Microsoft), Google Adwords, Facebook etc. Ideally run paid advertising to a landing page and collect email subscribers.

This gives you more opportunity to sell to your visitors over a longer period of time. If you send paid traffic directly to your products, you can easily lose a lot of customers (and money in the process). But collect their email address, and you can build a longer term relationships. See why use landing pages.

Best Place To Do Affiliate Marketing – On A Budget

On a tight budget and with no money for ads, you’ll need to get creative on your marketing strategy. Blogging and social media strategies might be more suitable if this is the case. See also unpaid social media marketing strategies.

Blogging is another option if you’re on a budget. Blogging is a longer term strategy for affiliates but it does work if you’re committed. But if you’re impatient, it probably isn’t for you. Bloggers can take some time before they start generating traction. It can be months or even years, depending on how competitive their particular niche is.

best place to do affiliate marketing

Ideally get an email list which you can build up over time, whatever your marketing strategy is. This gives you more leverage and better control over your traffic. Whether you use paid traffic or earn it through content generation, you’ll want to make the most of it. Get a free email autoresponder for affiliate marketing.


Intrinsic Motivation

Another consideration of the best place to do affiliate marketing is from a place of intrinsic motivation. 95% of of affiliates will quit which means to be in with a chance of winning with it, you’ll need to stick at when all the other affiliates quit! To stick with affiliate marketing for months or even years without results is an incredibly difficult thing to do. If your only motivation is the money, you’re surely going to find an easier way to make the stuff – especially if you struggle, which most new affiliates will.

best place to do affiliate marketing

How to be intrinsically motivated? Find a way to offer value through your affiliate business which is in itself hugely motivating to you. For me, that means creating helpful content to help other affiliates. I enjoy the process of learning too, so I often share psychology related material which I am learning about – such as the right mindset for affiliates. Find a strategy which you can enjoy the process of. I like blogging, for example, and I find it therapeutic.

Even without the income from blogging, I would probably keep doing it! If you can find a way to build an affiliate business and work in a way you love, you’ve found some intrinsic motivation which will keep you going long after all your competitors have quit!


There’s literally hundreds of ways to do affiliate marketing and everyone is different. So ultimately the best way to do affiliate marketing is your own way and a way in which you can succeed, whatever that means for you!

See also 22 ways to promote affiliate products.

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