What is the best niche to blog about? There’s many blog posts about this topic and many will list the top niches to make money in. But of course that assumes that making money is your intention. If money is the aim, you’ll need to create a lot of content over a long period of time in order to benefit from blogging. There’s fierce competition in many niches and particularly in the most profitable blog niches.

Top money making niches such as making wealth and money, health and fitness and dating and relationships will have more competition than most. Will you really be able to write fresh content in this topic for several months without seeing any financial benefit? How long does it take to make money blogging? The answer to this question will often determine whether a blogger keeps going or quits. According to your choice of blog topic, it can take several months or even years to break through and start profiting from your blogging.
So what is the best topic to build a blog in?
Best Niche To Blog About?
Many bloggers say that in order to succeed with a blog you’ll need to choose a topic you’re passionate about. While this is true in a sense, you also need to align your passion or interest with something which can be monetised well. Many fringe topics are more difficult to monetise, despite being less competitive. You’ll find there’s less interest in some topics and if you’re going to monetise with affiliate products, it’s more difficult to find successful affiliate products within a outlying niche.

The flip side to this is that it will be easier to attract traffic to your blog if there’s less competition. So if you have a product of your own, choosing a fringe niche which has less competition can work well for you. Before choosing a topic, make sure you figure out how you will be monetising it. If there’s few affiliate products in your niche, you could be blogging for years and still find you can’t make any money.
Monetising With Adsense
Of course in any niche you can monetise with Google’s Adsense (or similar) program. Adsense lets bloggers monetise their content with advertising. When website visitors come to your website and click on your ads, you earn a small commission based on advertising revenue.
While Adsense can work in any niche, less competitive niches will pay less for advertising, so you’ll receive smaller commissions per click. Going for a more competitive niche such as the “make money online” niche will pay much more, but it will be much more difficult to get traffic in this very competitive niche.
So either way you make a choice!
Micro Niche – A Niche Within A Niche
A micro niche is a niche within a niche. This is a good idea if you’re going to choose a competitive topic. In the money making online niche, for example, you’ll have a huge amount of work ahead of you if you’re going to be only blogging. So rather than target “money making online” you could choose a sub-niche within this topic such as “affiliate marketing for seniors”. Although this topic is still in the money making niche, it targets a select group within the main niche of money making online.

By doing this you can get more specific about your target audience and content. Instead of going head to head with the thousands of other bloggers competing for traffic for the main niche, you’re only focusing on the sub niche, where there’s less competition. See also best micro niche for blogging.
Best Niche To Blog About – Longivity
The most successful bloggers are those who stick with it for the duration – months and years! So if you choose a topic you dislike/hate, and/or know nothing about, you’ll have chosen a difficult route. How likely are you to keep going after several months of creating content in this kind of niche? The answer is not very. Choosing a topic you don’t know or care about can be tricky for two main reasons:
- You’ll likely run out of ideas and enthusiasm
- Each piece of content will need thorough researching, making it more difficult
On the flip side, if you choose a topic you’re passionate/interested in, you’re much more likely to stick to it over the longer term. This longer term view is definitely needed when it comes to blogging. It’s a long term strategy. If you want it to happen more quickly (making money online) choose the paid strategy instead! See PPC affiliate marketing for beginners.
Ikigai – Your Reason For Being

Ikigai is a Japanese term which roughly translates as reason for being. Finding your ikigai is a good way to approach your long term blogging plan. Your ikigai is where your passions overlap your mission, vocation and profession.
If you can determine where this lies, you’re far closer to finding your best blogging topic. Whether a topic is super competitive, or difficult to monetise, this will trump all. Even in a competitive niche, when you align yourself with your purpose, you’re much more likely to stay the course than in any other topic.
So it’s worth spending some time brainstorming what you believe in, what interests you and how you can use this to bring value to the marketplace.
So what is the best niche to blog about? Top earning niches are in topics such as:
- Make money online
- Health and fitness
- Finance
- Travel
- Relationships & Dating
- Self Help
- Personal Development
- Gaming
- Technology
- Entertainment
But while these niches can be hugely profitable, earning money through blogging is hugely dependant on acquiring traffic (and a lot of it). When a topic is competitive it means there’s thousands of other bloggers writing in the same area. This means getting free traffic from the search engines (e.g. Google) becomes more difficult. In less competitive markets it can be easier to attain traffic but harder to monetise a blog.
So what’s the answer? Successful blogging requires a huge commitment so ideally start with a topic you’re interested in and have a passion for. Think about how you can connect your passion to a niche which can be monetised. Ask yourself whether you can create an unlimited amount of content in this particular niche, and stick at it for several months and/or years.