Best Niche For Affiliate Marketing

What is the best niche for affiliate marketing? Some say the best niches to choose for affiliates are “evergreen” niches which are the best payers. Evergreen means they pay all year round. However, they only pay when you make them work! So if you’re building a website in a competitive niche, you’ll probably have to work pretty hard and for some time before you can compete with the websites in that niche already.

best niche for affiliate marketing

Conversely, you might choose a less competitive niche which has fewer competing websites. But although it might be easier to get traffic in such a niche, it can be harder to monetise. So what’s the answer? Some of the top niches are:

  • Lifestyle and wellness
  • Technology
  • Personal Finance
  • Pet care
  • Hobbies
  • Dating and relationship
  • Making money/investing

Best Niche For Affiliate Marketing – A Sub Niche

A sub niche is a niche within a niche. With a sub niche, you get very specific about one area of a larger topic. For example, affiliate marketing is a sub niche of the “making money online” topic. While making money online is a profitable niche, it’s also very competitive. So getting seen for your content is a much harder task in a competitive niche. To stand out, you can create a sub niche for your website.

“Fitness in your 40’s” could be a sub-niche for a fitness website.

“Online marketing for seniors” could be a sub niche in affiliate marketing.

“Investing for the clueless” could be a sub niche for an investment advice website.

With a sub niche, you are targeting a very small slice of the overall market in your topic. But there’s often less competition for a sub niche than the mainstream topics. This matters if you’re going after free marketing strategies by building content. In a very competitive industry, it’s so much more difficult to stand out from the crowd.

Best Niche For Affiliate Marketing – Ikigai

Ikigai is a Japanese term for “reason for being”. If you align your ikigai with your affiliate niche, you have a much greater chance of making it work for a couple of reasons. If your goal is to make money and quit, you’re probably not aligned with your ikigai. With affiliate marketing, and especially if you intend on building content within a niche, you will need to put some serious time and effort in, before you see anything in return.

best niche for affiliate marketing

When you are aligned with passion and purpose in your niche, you have a lot more staying power over the longer term. If you choose a topic you love, you can more easily create powerful and valuable content within that niche. If you choose something just because you think it might be profitable, you’re more likely to quit when things get tough. It’s also more difficult to create content in a subject you’re not familiar with.

Best Niche For Affiliate Marketing – Your Product Choice

The best niche for affiliate marketing will depend on the choice of product you want to promote. This is important as you’ll be creating content or advertising this product probably for some time.

Choose a product you have purchased yourself and that you can align with. If you don’t believe in a product, it’s so much more difficult to get behind it in your marketing efforts. Plus, your counter-intentions will show up in your marketing if you don’t believe in what you’re promoting.

If you’re going to be building content around your product, make sure your product is going to be around for a while. Cheap and low quality products can often disappear. If this happens you’re content and promotion strategies will go to waste. So pick something which has longevity and is hugely valuable.

Start with a single product and generate some traction before diversifying to other products.

Your Marketing Strategy

niche blogging

Your marketing strategy will to a degree depend on your individual circumstances. If you’re choosing paid marketing, you will want a high value product range to recoup your advertising budget more quickly. Choose high ticket affiliate products and/or recurring income affiliate programs which pay the most.

If your product only pays a small amount in commission (see affiliate marketing commission rates), you may need to choose a cheaper marketing strategy. This could be building a niche website, blogging or video blogging, for example. See also micro niche website example. Plus there’s other unpaid social media marketing strategies you can use. See also unpaid advertising examples.

Follow Your Passions But Follow The Money Too!

Some people say follow your passions when it comes to choosing a niche for affiliate marketing. But this depends on what your passion is and whether you can monetise it or not. Ideally choose something which you can get behind and spend a good deal of time on. If you have zero interest in your topic, it will be much more difficult to put in the necessary effort.

If your topic is difficult to monetise and there’s no affiliate products in it, you can spend a lot of time and get nowhere with it! So choose wisely and spend some time researching your topic and the affiliate products you can use to monetise it.


The best niche for affiliate marketing will depend on your marketing strategy, the products you choose and of course your own interests and passions. Ideally find a topic you can align with for the long term.

If you’re building an information resource like a YouTube channel or website, this will take some considerable time and effort. Keep in mind that the more competitive niches will be more difficult to get your content seen for. Consider choosing a sub niche – a niche within a niche which is less competitive and more focused on your target audience. See how to know your target market.

For more information on affiliate marketing, access this free “Your 1st 10K Online” webinar.

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