What is the best micro niche for blogging? Well this is completely objective of course. What might work well for one person, won’t necessarily work for someone else. A good micro niche site should attract some free traffic from Google and the other search engines. But it doesn’t necessarily “deserve” free traffic! You have to build a good resource and it has to out-rank other content to get found on Google.

But how do you do this? How can you rank a site and get free traffic? Micro niche sites usually capitalise on un-tapped keywords within a certain area. If you’re a blogger and love writing, chances are you’ll write better about subject you’re passionate about, or at least interested in. Write about something you don’t give a hoot about, and your content will reflect your lack of interest. Chances are good that it’ll bomb, or someone will overtake you because their interest in the topic is more genuine.
Best Micro Niche For Blogging – Start With “Why”
If you’re building a blog website to eventually monetise and earn from, you’re going to have your work cut out. There’s no two ways about it! Blogging is tough and it takes a long time before you’ll see the fruits of your labour. One of the biggest mistakes I made, although I like to think of it as a lesson, was building a niche blog site I had no interest in.

I was passionate about the process of course, but naive about what to expect. I thought, just by having a site rank on Google, I’d be in the money. Oh dear, how wrong I was. I researched a number of keywords and was keen to get started building a niche website. I found a keyword which appeared pretty un-tapped on Google and had a number of monthly searches. The keyword? “When To Harvest Garlic”.
Yep! That was one of my earliest niche website which I built! Not very exciting is it? Well for some people, that would be their passion. But not me. I just wanted the end result. The main problem with aiming a blog starting with the “end result” is a lack of purpose. I didn’t care about mushroom harvesting. I just wanted a site to work and make money.
So I built a lot of content around this keyword. For each article I wrote, I had to do tonnes of research because I knew nothing about the topic. It took a long time and eventually I ranked the site. But over time, other more passionate people took first place on Google, because they were genuinely passionate about their topic.
An Un-Tapped Niche
Finding an untapped niche for blogging is tough these days. There’s a lot of competition in most areas. Your best bet is to find a keyword which is somehow linked to your passion and which you’re able to rank for. This might be a challenge and you’ll need to work hard at creating content for it.But you can give yourself a head start by doing your research first, before you start out.
Finding your topic should be your primary concern. Once you decide what you would most like to write and create content on, you can start doing some keyword research. There’s lots of keyword tools available online and some of them are free. You can use Google’s free keyword planner as a start if you don’t want to pay. Type in your main keywords, in the area you are thinking of.
You should get a bunch of keyword come up in the planner. Then compare the monthly searches for the keywords agains their competition on Google. See micro niche blog ideas for a breakdown of how this is done. Ideally, you want to find a keyword which has monthly searches and low competition on Googles search results.
Best Micro Niche For Blogging – Ikigai

Ikigai is a Japanese term which means “reason for being”. If you can find the areas of your life which you’re passionate about, and which also you can earn from, it’s likely to be your “ikigai”. The best micro niche for blogging should relate to your own personal ikigai.
Many people segregate their lives into earning money, to do what they enjoy and they jump between the two. But if you find your ikigai, you can do both simultaneously.
A blog should represent your ikigai in some way. If you blog just for the money, eventually you’ll come up against a conflict. If you blog just for the passion, you’ll eventually have to go back to another unfulfilling job. Finding a happy medium between the two means you’ll be able to write about what you love, and make a living from your blog too!
Balancing Your Why With Making Money From Your Micro Niche Site
Blogging is definitely a slow method of generating traffic and sales online. So if you’re going to start a blog, it’s well worth laying down the foundations which will help you rank a site. This means building a site on some good keywords. Building a niche site to get traffic is only part of the process of course too. You also need to “convert” your traffic into leads and make sales to monetise.
This means you need to carefully balance your ikigai (passion and purpose) with a topic which reflects your products and/or service. The content I create links to affiliate marketing mentors, online business tools and various related products and services.
If my blog was about mushroom harvesting, I probably wouldn’t sell any products and so would soon have to go back to working in a job! So the best micro niche site for blogging isn’t simply one which gets traffic, or one which you love writing on; it’s both! For that reason, nobody can tell you which is the best micro niche for blogging.
Take a look at micro niche blog ideas for a basic keyword targeting strategy which I’ve used to build a number of micro niche sites.