Best Ebook For Affiliate Marketing

There’s no best ebook for affiliate marketing and they all have something to offer. In my ebook “Affiliate Marketing For Beginners”, I share the main things I wished I had known when I started out as a beginner affiliate. You can access it by clicking on the link below:

best ebook for affiliate marketing

In this post, I’ll share the main things I learned from my affiliate struggles. My reason for creating this ebook was to help others on the same path who could benefit from my experience.

Best Ebook For Affiliate Marketing – Types Of Products

When I started out as an affiliate, I bought a couple of courses which taught various online marketing strategies. One of them taught me to create written content. Another one taught me to use paid advertising.

best ebook for affiliate marketing

I made a few mistakes which meant my affiliate marketing journey wasn’t an easy one. One of the main things was to believe that everyone was like me; broke! I had no money for advertising and most of the products I bought online were of little value. So I would promote products that I bought such as books from Amazon or low value products from eBay.

But this short sightedness cost me dearly and I only made tiny commissions when I did finally make affiliate sales. My mentor taught me to find high ticket products instead. A high ticket item is worth hundreds or thousands, rather than just a few bucks. As a result, I made my first high ticket commission.

Best Ebook For Affiliate Marketing – Shiny Object Syndrome

While you’re going to want to try out a few courses as a newbie, it’s important to stick with a certain strategy and master it. Shiny object syndrome refers to a common problem with new affiliate marketers. When you’re a beginner, you’ll probably want to sign up to many affiliates’ email lists. This means you’ll be rather inundated with email messages promoting their courses. One course promises far faster results than another and you can easily fall into the trap of believing them!

affiliate marketing for beginners

I jumped from one course to another, each one promising more than the last. In each case my results were the same – I struggled. When you struggle, you look for another answer. The next shiny object in your inbox usually offers this! This is definitely not a strategy for long term success. Because I didn’t sustain any effort for long enough to get traction, I became perpetually trapped in the paradigm of looking for the next “shiny object”! Don’t do it! Find a course which offers support and stay the course. Most affiliates quit so your chances of success increase the longer you stick the course!

Best Ebook For Affiliate Marketing – Subscription Products

Another thing to consider is to sell products which offer a recurring income. I sold items which paid me only once (and which paid peanuts). So when I made a sale, the income was teeny tiny! Now I have learned to sell subscription products and memberships.

These keep paying you long after you made the sale. These are a great idea for beginner affiliates because the first main hurdle is making that first sale. It can take a while to actually generate your first sale online. When that sale gives you a recurring commission, month in and month out, it’s far better and more motivational than a one-off.

Choose high value items to sell, such as business tools and memberships which people actually need for their business. When a customer needs a product, or it’s very valuable, they are much more likely to maintain their subscription for life. Don’t sell small cheap items, especially physical items because they pay the least. So you’ll need to sell thousands of them just to make a small income. Sell high ticket and subscription items which continue to pay you commissions for years.

Getting Traffic Online

Most affiliates struggle with getting traffic to their website and this was a big problem for me. Get help with your marketing methods and learn from a coach or mentor. It’s worth the cost to get the best instruction and education you can because it will pay dividends later. Access an online course here, where I found mentors and coaches who have helped me.

targeted traffic for affiliate marketing

There’s two main ways to get traffic to your website/landing page: paid traffic and organic traffic. Organic traffic is much more difficult to obtain and much less scalable than paid traffic. But paid traffic is costly. But if you use a high ticket program you’ll more easily recoup your advertising costs. Or use organic strategies if you’re on a tighter budget.

Before you rush off on a strategy to get people coming to your affiliate products, spend some time learning about your customer avatar. That’s the kind of person who would likely buy your product. Most people online won’t buy your product, but certain people will. It’s those you want to spend your hard earned advertising budget on; not the people who will leave without becoming a customer.

Build An Email List

I spent hours upon hours online building content and trying to get people to my website organically. Most of that time was a complete waste! Most of my websites failed miserably! Paid marketing is far better if you can afford it because organic traffic is difficult to obtain and even more difficult to scale up to larger numbers. Whether you pay for traffic or you build content, an email list puts you in control of your visitors.

aweber - why build an email list

Build an email list of subscribers who are interested in your products/service. This is done through a website or landing page by offering something of value in exchange for your visitor’s email address. Once you have built an email list, you can send your subscribers to your content for free! Some affiliates build email lists into the tens and hundreds or thousands of subscribers. So a single email can mean many sales.


I’m not saying my ebook is the best ebook for affiliate marketing! I wouldn’t be so arrogant! But I hope it will shave years of struggle from your affiliate experience and show you that it is possible to make a great income from affiliate marketing.

You can access it here by clicking on the image below. Or join my email list to learn more about affiliate marketing.

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