The best affiliate marketing mentor is the one who can help you to succeed online. Since every mentor is different, there’s really no such thing as the “best”.
Instead of looking for the “best” mentor, find someone who you can relate to and who relates to you. Look for a mentor who you can speak to one on one. See also 1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching.

Affiliate marketing is different for everyone and depending on your own particular circumstances, your path is likely to be very different from someone else’s. Some affiliates will come from a background of sales and from a high income job. Their marketing strategy will therefore be very different to someone who is only working part time and looking for a longer term but cheaper marketing method, such as blogging.
Both these paths are very different and an affiliate mentor who has build an 8 figure business might not be appropriate for your needs if you’re going to build your business in a different way than they have.
Best Affiliate Marketing Mentor: You!
Becoming self reliant is part of the journey of entrepreneurialism and of affiliate marketing. If you’re always looking outside of yourself for answers, you’ll keep deferring responsibility to someone else other than yourself. When you can take full responsibility, you will become a much more resourceful affiliate and learn to solve your own problems by finding the right solutions for you.
That’s not to take away from the usefulness of a mentor. Mentors are great at helping you un-learn bad habits and re-learn new ones which will make you a more resourceful affiliate. A good mentor is an inspiration and helps you with your thinking, planning and goal setting. But ultimately however good a mentor is, they can’t do the work for you. So a good mentor is therefore someone who helps you come to an understanding by helping you change your thinking.

There’s a quote from Jim Rohn: “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got”
Best Affiliate Marketing Mentor: Failure/Experience
Failure in affiliate marketing is the best experience you’ll ever get. You won’t really find truthful answers anywhere else! Mentors and coaches can help you find a direction and change your thinking, but without experience you most likely won’t succeed with affiliate marketing. Experience is something you only get through trial and error with affiliate marketing: (mostly error!).
There’s a saying in affiliate marketing that you should “fail forwards” which means to learn through “failures”! Failures are therefore only stepping stones to success on the path of the affiliate.

Unless you’ve failed many times as an affiliate marketer, you’re not really trying!
The best affiliate marketing mentor is one who can help you to build belief in yourself and your affiliate path. Belief is a key catalyst to success for affiliates because without it you can easily lose faith and drop out. Over 95% of new affiliates quit so the affiliate marketing success rate is really small. To keep going when so many drop out takes a lot of patience and resilience.
When you don’t have belief in your strategy, it can become impossible to keep going. All action is based on belief. So building your belief up is of key importance because without it you won’t survive as an affiliate.
If you don’t believe a certain course of action will lead to success you won’t take it! You need to keep feeding your own belief as an affiliate and on your own this can be difficult; especially if friends and family are trying to dissuade you from doing it, which is typical unfortunately for affiliates. Join an affiliate community for help and support and to find mentors and coaches. Learn more with this free on-demand video series.

The best affiliate marketing mentor doesn’t really exist. You’re your own best mentor on the affiliate journey. However, you can benefit hugely from surrounding yourself with coaches, mentors and even other affiliates on the same journey as you. When you’re surrounded by naysayers and distractors, it’s so much more difficult to carve out an affiliate path because you become the average of the people closest to you.
Join an affiliate marketing community, find coaches and mentors and other affiliates just like you. Access a free video series here to learn more.
I also offer 1 to 1 coaching for the right person. You can learn more about my personal coaching here.