Affiliate Marketing Newbie

If you’re an affiliate marketing newbie here’s a few things you should know. When I started out as an affiliate, I made a lot of mistakes. I got distracted, trapped in learning mode, became a “busy fool” and wasted time. As an affiliate you need to focus on doing the work which is the most productive use of your time. Without sales you don’t make any money so it’s vitally important to keep your focus right and move your online business forward.

affiliate marketing newbie

That being said, it’s also important to get the right knowledge before setting out too. If you jump straight in, you can also waste a lot of time and effort like I did! Getting the right knowledge upfront can save you heaps of wasted time, money and energy.

Affiliate Marketing Newbie – Use Recurring Commissions

For starters you should definitely use recurring commission affiliate programs. Most affiliate programs don’t offer recurring commissions. If you rush into affiliate marketing like I did, you might be tempted to join the first affiliate program you hear of. For me this was Amazon and eBay’s partner programs. But unfortunately these aren’t the best payers.

Amazon affiliates only earn 3-11% commissions on sales they make from Amazon. If you’re going to be doing a lot of work finding customers for products, don’t you want to be paid the most you possibly can? Amazon products too are difficult to sell with paid marketing.

affiliate marketing newbie

This means you’ll need to create a lot of content in order to get traction. With recurring income products you only need to make a couple of sales and you’ve got a recurring monthly income. A couple of sales from Amazon will only make you a few pence/cents depending what the products are.

High Ticket Products

If you’re an affiliate marketing newbie you may not have heard of high ticket affiliate products. With high ticket products you can earn a lot more than the standard product you might promote. is another starting point for affiliate marketers. However, most Clickbank products only pay once and products are generally valued at around the $100 mark. With a 40% commission (much more than physical products) you’ll make around $40 on a sale. If you do use Clickbank, use a website called CBengine which will help you find recurring commission products.

affiliate marketing newbie

High ticket products give you a number of advantages when learning affiliate marketing. For starters you’ll earn a lot more for a sale. High ticket items are generally priced upwards of $500. With digital products you’ll earn more commissions than for physical products, too. See highest paying affiliate programs list for some examples. Digital products are no more difficult to sell than physical products. You’re going to learn a skill either way when you learn affiliate marketing; so why not learn how to earn the most from your time?

Affiliate Marketing Newbie – Multi-Tier Sales

A multi-tier commission is a commission you get for sales made by your referrals within a program. Most programs don’t offer multi-tier commissions and it’s not essential to have them. However, if you’re going to be doing affiliate marketing for a living, it’s worth a mention.

Within the SFM Digital Business system you can opt to position yourself at the top of the business structure. This means becoming a partner member of the company. If you decide to take this step, you can access multi-tier commissions and earn from sales made by your members. See best two-tier affiliate programs with recurring commissions.

Here’s what the commission structure looks like:

multi tier sales

Affiliate Marketing Newbie – Marketing

Every affiliate marketing newbie struggles with their marketing. It’s almost like a rights of passage! Whatever marketing you decide on be prepared for a certain amount of failure! But don’t call it failure – call it learning or “failing forwards”. Without failure you’ll never learn anything. Only by trying and failing do you learn what doesn’t work so you can learn to focus on what does work.

As a child you learned how to walk. You probably fell over a thousand times but you kept getting up and eventually you learned to walk. As an affiliate marketing newbie it’s much the same with learning marketing. You’ll want to give up a thousand times and it’s painful and traumatic when nothing seems to work. But those who succeed in affiliate marketing keep this analogy in mind and keep getting up!

Whether you’re a blogger, use paid marketing or social media, keep at it and gain experience by doing. Blogging and organic marketing will take a longer period of time than if you’re using paid marketing, though. Using paid marketing can be costly while you’re learning, but eventually you’ll have a more easily scalable business if you use it. However, you’ll need a good business model such as the SFM Digital Business System in order to use some of the more expensive marketing platforms.

With cheaper affiliate programs which offer lower levels of commission, it’s much more difficult using paid marketing and making a profit, so you’ll need to use cheaper or free marketing strategies.

Get Help

It’s worth investing in getting help and support if you’re an affiliate marketing newbie. It’s one of the most important things you can do for your future and affiliate business. Without help and support, there’s a million rabbit holes you can venture down as you trial all the multiple methods and strategies out there. Before I found an online training program and community of support, I jumped from course to course without really having a clear direction. Each course led me down a different route. I wasted years on strategies which simply didn’t work.

Access an online training platform and community through this free video series.

free video series

Online Business Mentors

Online business mentors can help you build an internet based business from anywhere. You don’t even need any experience or to have your own products either.

Before I found a community of online business mentors, I struggled to earn any money online. I tried various strategies including Forex marketing, buying and selling from eBay and even selling my own ebooks. After putting myself on a training course, I eventually found a business model which anyone can use called affiliate marketing.

With affiliate marketing, anyone can earn from the internet by selling other people’s products and services online. But this isn’t an easy thing to do; especially alone. You need online business mentors to teach you how to do it properly if you’re serious about building a profitable online business which can replace an existing income.

Online Business Mentors – The SFM

The SFM Mentors offers an all in one digital business system and training program which anyone can benefit from regardless of experience. You can promote an existing business model which includes multiple digital products and resources (see SFM Digital Business System). Or, learn digital marketing strategies through their online training programs to promote physical products or your own business.

online business mentors
During a live training session (pre-pandemic)

The SFM online business mentors program includes access to a variety of coaches and mentors through their various programs. Access a free video series here to learn more.

The SFM was founded in 2010 by Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek to help people earn through the digital market place. Since then they have built a community of thousands of people from all over the world.

I was able to meet Stuart and Jay at an event in London shortly after joining the community. Here’s me with Jay at Momentum Day in London 2014.

online business mentors

Online Business Mentors

Prior to the 2020 pandemic, The SFM offered regular events and training seminars around the world for their members. Since 2020, things have changed a little and they have altered their online business mentors program to give more value to their members online. Through online events, webinars and 1 on 1 affiliate coaching and mentoring sessions, the SFM offers a number of courses to help online businesses.

Here’s a mastermind event with several other members and coaches:

online business mentors

Here’s me on a local meet up in Chester, UK (pre-2020) with other SFM members. (I’m in the red jacket).

at a local meet up in Chester UK

Help With An Existing Business

Before building an affiliate business with the SFM, I joined the community to help me understand marketing for my own business.

I was struggling to build a martial arts school back in 2014, when I joined The SFM. Joining several groups, I learned how to promote my martial arts school with various online marketing strategies.

If you have an existing business and want to learn the marketing strategies to grow it, there’s a variety of trainings and resources within their training curriculum which can help you. See their All In Package which offers a huge variety of trainings and resources for business owners with an existing business.

online business mentors

Online Business Mentors – Without A Business Of Your Own

If you don’t already have a business of your own, or any products to sell, you can build a business from scratch using SFM’s own business model. As an affiliate of the SFM you can benefit from:

  1. Recurring commissions from membership sales
  2. High ticket affiliate products – offer larger commissions and a high value to the customer
  3. Multi-tier commissions – earn from sales made by your referrals
  4. A built in sales team – closes sales on your behalf.
  5. A product range – means you can earn commissions from later purchases by your existing customers.
the 6 figure funnel

You can choose from a range of digital products to place in your own digital “store”. Earn commissions by promoting your sales funnel (you’ll learn this through the trainings and groups).

Why You Need Online Business Mentors

Depending in your background and previous work experience you may have zero experience as an entrepreneur or business owner.

Even if you own a physical business, a digital business is very different. With a digital online business your potential for growth is huge. You can access a global audience through your digital business and build a 6 or 7 figure business online.

This of course takes time and investment but it also requires personal growth to overcome any limited thinking you bring to your online business. Certain psychological factors can limit the growth of your online business. If, for example, you are transitioning from an employment role, it can be easy to bring your work habits into your business. This isn’t always a good thing, and the key skills and habits that work for a job, don’t always work in business.

online business mentors

A Business Is Limited By Your Thinking

Online business mentors have been through a lot of change often to grow their online businesses from nothing. They know the roadblocks and problems which stand in your way.

In contrast, you often don’t see the problems in your own thinking which dramatically limit your own progress. So without an online business mentor to help you, you’ll often repeat the same limiting thinking which controls your actions. Then, you wonder why your results don’t change!

what you don't know about online business

Online business mentors can help you see and change your perspective to grow your business beyond what you believe is possible. If you don’t believe something, there’s very little change you’re going to bring it about. Your own doubts and fears will keep you inside your model of the world which is comfortable. But nothing grows in the comfort zone – especially you!

In a globally scalable business, the “glass ceiling” of it’s growth is often only the thinking you bring to it.

Access a free video series to learn more about the SFM Mentors here.

Or click on the image below to join one of my personal mentors on a live webinar.

online business mentors

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Pdf

So here’s my Amazon affiliate marketing pdf. You can download it here. Amazon was one of the very first programs I used as an affiliate marketer. Anyone who joins Amazon’s partner program can promote any of the thousands of products on the site and earn revenue share based on the sale.

Through the partner program, affiliates can earn between 3% and 11% commission depending on the particular product they’re promoting. Here’s the affiliate commission run down as of the current time:

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Pdf

There are, of course, better paid affiliate programs you can join. See highest paying affiliate programs list and what is high ticket affiliate marketing. But Amazon offers so many products, it can be a useful addition to your affiliate toolkit to become an Amazon affiliate.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Pdf

If you’ve already got a website which generates traffic in pretty much any niche, Amazon offers another way to monetise it. Just join their program, grab some products and drop them onto your website. Pre-pandemic, I ran a local martial arts school. To help monetise the school, I use products from Amazon which I recommend to my students.

Anyone with a local business can add another earning strategy by placing some Amazon code on their website and leading their visitors to products on Amazon.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Pdf

I don’t make a lot of sales through this site, it has to be said. But it’s another passive income “trickle” for not much work.

In order to make more money from Amazon, you need more traffic. You can generate traffic in a number of ways. However, with Amazon’s commissions being from 3% to 11%, you need to generate traffic fairly cheap in order to still come out ahead.

Marketing With Amazon – Review Site

One simple marketing strategy using Amazon is to create a review website. Review websites are great for affiliate marketers because they bring in visitors who are geared and ready to purchase something specific. They just need a bit more information to see whether the product is right for them.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Pdf

If you own a review website you can compare several similar products and give an honest comparison between them. Each review will have an affiliate link to one or more products on Amazon.

As people find your reviews, some of them will click your links and hey presto, a sale! Getting people to your website is key. You can spend a lot of time building a website to sell Amazon products and still get nowhere; so it’s important to do your research before hand so your time isn’t wasted.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing PDF – A Niche Website

Another option, other than a review website, is to build a niche website which specifically focuses on a particular niche you know about. As you build your site, and offer information on your topic, you will attract visitors who are interested in your topic.

You can then place products on your site which your visitors would be interested in. Like a review website, it’s worth doing some research beforehand so that you give yourself the best possible chance of success.

This starts with your topic and product. Of course there’s thousands of products on Amazon, how do you choose one? Start by looking at your own purchasing history. Ideally, you’ll choose a product which you know something about, or in a niche you know about or have an interest in. That way, when it comes to creating content, you have something to write, or v’log about (video blog).

Researching Your Topic

What you want from a niche website is to rank highly in the search traffic and attract free visitors. Then, visitors see your content and click on your affiliate links. But this isn’t an easy task. In the image below you’ll see a “camera review website” search brings up a few results and a number at the top of the page: 1,440,000,000.

topic research

You can apply this same search for a number of other product types to see which offers the least competition.

Here’s another search for earphone review website.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Pdf

But how many people are searching for earphone reviews? Look at Google’s keyword planner to find out:

keyword research

Earphone review website doesn’t get much traffic as you can see. So perhaps this isn’t the best topic to choose. But this can give you an idea of what you’re looking for. Ideally choose a topic which gets plenty of traffic and has the least competition. That way, you have more chance of ranking your site on Google (and other search engines) to get free traffic.

Think of a topic or subject which you would be happy writing about. To get a site ranking on Google does take some time and effort, so you’ll need to work at it for the long term to make it work.

See Niche Blogging For Profit for more on this strategy and also best micro niche for blogging.

niche blogging for profit

Amazon Commissions

Amazon’s affiliate program doesn’t pay huge commissions – paying between 3% and 11% commissions to its affiliates. This doesn’t leave a lot of scope for using paid marketing strategies so your marketing tactic will usually have to be cheap or free. Blogging and niche website building are only two marketing strategies and there’s plenty of others. Plus, consider using digital products too which pay much larger commissions (40% and above).

See also free traffic sources for Clickbank for more product ideas and marketing strategies.

For more training on affiliate marketing access a free video series here.

Download this article as a pdf file here.

A Practical Guide To Affiliate Marketing PDF

Download a practical guide to affiliate marketing pdf here.

A practical guide to affiliate marketing pdf should contain some marketing strategies. But, your marketing strategy will depend on your particular situation and the product or products which you promote. So before I go into marketing ideas, I’m going to discuss affiliate products.

When I first started out as an affiliate I ran ahead without getting the right knowledge. I promoted anything and everything; convinced I was going to “make it” quickly! I was wrong! It was years before I even earned a regular income from affiliate marketing. So I also feel duty bound to also discuss some of the mistakes I made, so you don’t have to make the same ones!

A Practical Guide To Affiliate Marketing PDF

Affiliate marketing is the business model which lets you sell other people’s products and services online for a share of the profit. It’s a great business model too because it can allow you to replace your existing income, work from anywhere and grow your earnings over time in an uncapped way – and without having to trade time for money.

But initially there’s a lot of work involved and you’ll need to keep going for long enough to break through. Before you hit the breakthrough stage, it’s easy to think that what you’re doing is a waste of time. A good analogy of an affiliate business is the Chinese Bamboo tree.

A Practical Guide To Affiliate Marketing PDF

The Chinese Bamboo tree doesn’t show a peep for four years. When you plant the seed, it would be easy to think you have a bad seed and to quit nurturing it. But come the forth year, within 5 weeks it grows up to 90 feet!

I know this article is “a practical guide to affiliate marketing pdf”, and you’re probably thinking, where’s the practical advice? But this is one of the most important things to understand with affiliate marketing. All the practical knowledge in the world is no good to you if you quit when nothing happens in the first few months, or years (depending on your route).

A Practical Guide To Affiliate Marketing PDF – Products

I’d be doing you a massive disservice if I didn’t mention products. The products you choose to promote as an affiliate marketer are vitally important. Choose the wrong ones and your time is wasted. You can spend months or years, as I did, working hard to promote affiliate products which outright don’t sell. Even if your products do sell, you could earn peanuts from those sales. So here’s a short look at some affiliate products and what they mean to your business:

  1. Physical products (e.g. Amazon) – pay you between 3% and 11% commissions
  2. Digital products – pay upwards of 40% commission
  3. Recurring commission affiliate products – pay you ongoing commissions for customers who maintain their membership (potentially for years with the right products and customers)
  4. High ticket products – pay you upwards of $1000 per sale.
  5. Multi tier products – Earn from sales made by your referrals
  6. A product range – lets you earn commissions from products purchased later by your referred customers

So, if you’re going to be working for months or years on a marketing strategy, which products would you prefer to have? Of course the answer should be those which pay you the most. See highest paying affiliate programs list.

A Practical Guide To Affiliate Marketing PDF

Product Choice

Of course your choice in products will depend on a number of factors and not just income. But if you’re wanting to make affiliate marketing pay, it’s advisable to go for the kinds of products which at least offer recurring commissions.

Your marketing strategy and budget will also be a factor in the products you choose to promote. High ticket product ranges which offer multi tier commissions will require an investment. Whereas lower value affiliate products can be sold without purchasing them yourself.

A Practical Guide To Affiliate Marketing PDF

But if you want your affiliate business to replace an existing income more quickly, you’ll need a high ticket product range in order to more effectively use paid marketing strategies. Otherwise you’ll be stuck using free marketing strategies which take a lot more time to work.

Ideally, choose a product to promote which you, yourself would purchase. You’re much better aligned with a product or service if you’re using it yourself. Plus, you can’t very well create content and write, or create videos about a product you know nothing about.

If you’re going for a cheaper marketing strategy such as blogging or content creation, choose something you know about or at least have an interest in. That way you are aligned with your content from the start. It’s difficult coming up with fresh content about something you have no interest in.

Blogging For Profit

Blogging is a simple cheap strategy you can use to make affiliate sales. You can use free blogging platforms such as, or But if you’re serious about affiliate marketing you should build your own blog on your own website.

Google and other search engines will give more credit to own-hosted sites over the free ones. Free hosted websites tend not to do very well in the eyes of the search engines and traffic can therefore be a problem.

blogging for profit

Once you have a site up and running, (see this article) you can use blogging to find potential customers. One strategy is to find long tail keywords which are being searched for and which relate to your product in some way. Do this using Google’s free keyword planner. See also Niche Blogging For Profit for more on this strategy.

Blogging is most definitely a slow strategy and you should expect to create a lot of content before you see any results. It can take years to become a successful affiliate through blogging alone.

A similar route is to use YouTube. Upload videos regularly for several months or years and over time you’ll see more people seeing your videos. If you build a following you can then recommend products and services to your followers.

Using Paid Marketing As An Affiliate

Using paid marketing is a strategy which can build an affiliate business much more quickly than with organic marketing (blogging or v’logging). However, you’ll need a good business model such as the SFM Digital Business system in order to be profitable while spending on advertising.

With paid marketing, affiliates send traffic to products to make commissions. Initially they will test and measure their advertising until they find a campaign which brings in a regular profit. Then they can scale up their marketing to make more sales.

Read more about paid marketing in the ebook The Ultimate Guide To Online Marketing.

Get Started

Access step by step practical affiliate marketing training and use an existing digital business model to generate online sales.

Start here by accessing a free video series to learn more.

You can download this short guide in pdf format here.

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

Here’s a collection of affiliate marketing books pdf format which you can access for free. I’ve created a few pdf affiliate marketing books over the years. They’re a great way to help you consolidate information you’ve learned but also great lead magnets you can use to get people to subscribe to your email list.

The first of my affiliate marketing pdf books is niche blogging for profit. In Niche Blogging For Profit I discuss a blogging strategy I picked up from several online courses I took years ago. You can checkout my digital profit course review which details some of the courses I took. A few of the courses taught this strategy which is based around ranking content, (or a website) for it’s main keywords.

Niche blogging for profit

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF – Niche Blogging

Niche Blogging’s basic strategy is based around a couple of courses I took. One of them taught how to rank a website on Google using keyword domain names. The same strategy can be used when blogging, to get your articles ranked on Google and other search engines.

Basically you use Google’s keyword planner to find long tail keywords which get traffic. Then, look on Google to find the “low hanging fruit” – that is, the keywords which offer less competition than most. Then build your content, or website around those keywords. It doesn’t work every time, but if you keep at it, you’ll find some of your content will rank. Access Niche Blogging For Profit here.

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF – Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

The next ebook I wrote is called Affiliate Marketing For Beginners. I wanted to write about my experience as an affiliate and what I had learned. Specifically I wanted to share the most important things I would want to tell myself if I could go back in time and start again! It would have saved me years if I had only have found this book when I began with affiliate marketing.

I made a lot of mistakes like using the wrong products and marketing strategies; not getting help and mentorship.

beginners guide

One of the things I discuss in this ebook is to use recurring commission affiliate programs. When I started out as an affiliate, I used cheap physical products which only paid me a tiny percentage of the sale value. This was a big mistake and it took me a long time to realise I was wasting a lot of time! Just this one tip would have changed my trajectory and put me ahead. With recurring commission programs, you can earn residual income even years after you have referred someone to a program.

The Ultimate Guide – Paid Marketing Ebook

Having spent rather a lot of money learning marketing strategies through an online mentorship program, I thought writing a book about marketing would be a good way to help me remember the strategies I was learning about.

The Ultimate Guide To Online Marketing came about after several months of training courses.

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

In this book I’ve included some free marketing strategies I discovered when learning how to build up my martial arts school. I also go into the various paid marketing strategies too such as Google Adwords and Bing. Paid marketing is the fastest way to build an online affiliate business. However, you need a good business model such as the SFM Digital Business System in order to be able to use paid marketing and make a profit.

Affiliate Marketing Ebooks – PDF Downloads

Affiliate marketing secrets came about after using the keyword research I talked about in Niche Blogging For Profit. I found that one particular keyword which offered some traffic also had very little competition.

affiliate marketing secrets pdf
40 hits a month is not much traffic, but it’s worth a shot!

So I created affiliate marketing secrets as a bit of an experiment to see whether I’d be able to rank my website for that particular keyword.

I’m still ranking for this keyword several years later! Checkout my listing:

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

Affiliate marketing secrets pdf was born! 40 hits a month is not much traffic, it has to be said. And when it’s spread out among the top 4-5 search results i get hardly any traffic still. But with a few hundred, or thousand of similar listings, it proves the “Niche Blogging For Profit” works – and it all adds up!

affiliate marketing secrets pdf

Affiliate Marketing PDF Downloads

Here’s another book I put together for similar reasons to the affiliate marketing secrets pdf. Although no listing yet but this was a more recent creation.

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

The affiliate marketing blueprint comes about also after following a number of successful online affiliates who have mentored me for several months and years now. Top affiliates have taught me to follow a different path that I started out with. They think differently to many affiliates who get stuck with low paying programs and slow marketing strategies.

Before Affiliate Marketing – Ebay Profit

Before I became an affiliate marketer I found a digital downloadable book and bought it from eBay. It taught me a strategy to profit from eBay by buying and selling items using a misspell search tool.

I used this method successfully for several months before putting it down. I knew there had to be a better way to profit from the internet and that eventually led me to learn affiliate marketing. But here’s the eBay strategy if you’d like to give it a go!

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

If you’re interested in creating your own ebooks, I put together an article on how to sell ebooks on your own website.

Affiliate Ebooks – Why Create Your Own

As you get more experience in affiliate marketing, or if you already know about a topic, it’s worth creating your own ebooks. Ebooks offer a great way to build an email list by giving them away in exchange for your subscribers information.

Here’s a final ebook I recommend for your affiliate marketing journey. This one isn’t mine so I can’t offer it for free. It’s a book by a guy called Stuart Lichtman, who has helped thousands of people train their minds for success. See also Stuart Lichtman Pdf.

stuart lichtman

Affiliate Marketing For Dummies PDF

Here’s a short “affiliate marketing for dummies pdf” manual covering some of the main things you need to know before you starting out.

Download this guide in pdf format here.

When I started out as an affiliate, I thought I’d be super rich very quickly. I rushed into building websites and joining affiliate programs.

But an investment in my education could have saved me years of wasted effort. Back then, it wasn’t clear how to do affiliate marketing. There were lots of courses you could buy. But most of them were just a few videos to watch. There wasn’t an affiliate marketing mentorship program you could join. Or, at least I didn’t find any back in the early 2000’s when I started.

affiliate marketing for dummies pdf

So, instead of joining a program which gave me access to successful affiliates, I jumped from course to course, learning one different strategy after the next. I got nowhere fast despite building hundreds of websites and joining many affiliate programs. I just didn’t know what I was doing. Eventually I found a mentorship program and things changed. Here’s what I learned.

Affiliate Marketing For Dummies PDf – Get Help

Firstly, as already mentioned you should get help. Affiliate marketing is just too difficult to do alone. There’s many paths you can take and get lost down. You need a mentor to help guide you on the journey. Access a training resources through this link.

Secondly don’t expect it to be easy. High expectations of huge financial outcomes for little work are one of the main reasons people quit. Expect to work consistently at your affiliate business for several months or years before you see any results financially.

affiliate marketing for dummies pdf

This will of course depend on your investment. If you can afford to purchase a large value sales funnel, and use paid marketing, you can build a profitable business much more quickly. If you take the slower route of blogging, for example, and getting traffic organically, it’s much slower.

The products you decide to promote as an affiliate will have a huge bearing on how well you can do financially.

Affiliate Marketing For Dummies pdf – Types Of Products

There’s thousands of products and services you can choose from as an affiliate marketer. So it’s a good idea to know what products are the best ones to earn from. Amazon and eBay were the first partner networks I joined but pay very low levels of commission. Amazon, for example pays between 3% and 11% to its affiliates. Unfortunately I didn’t know any better and spent a long time promoting Amazon products from a blog for peanuts!

Digital products on the other hand pay much larger commissions. They tend to pay 40% and upwards for sales made by their affiliates. One of the first places I found digital products was Clickbank has hundreds of digital products which can suit almost any niche you can think of. See Clickbank Secrets Pdf.

Then there are products with offer recurring commissions. Recurring commission affiliate programs tend to be things like memberships or software products. With a recurring commission, you can sell an item once, and benefit from commissions for years, even decades.

the six figure funnel

High ticket products are another thing to consider as an affiliate. With a high ticket digital product you can make up to $8000 on a single sale. See what is high ticket affiliate marketing. Obviously that’s a whole lot better than selling a book from Amazon at 3% commission.

Multi-tier commissions are also worth a mention here too. With a multi-tier program, you can earn commissions based on sales made by your referrals. See best two tier affiliate programs.

Using a product range is another consideration worth bearing in mind for affiliates. With a product range, you refer the customer to the entry level product. At any time, if your initial referral purchases another product from the range, you make a commission – even years later.

Marketing Strategies and Ikigai

As you can see, there’s many different types of products you can promote as an affiliate. Another consideration is how you are going to promote these products. There’s two main strategies for promoting products online: paid and free. Paid strategies are much faster, but you’ll need a good product range, or return on your investment (ROI) to make it work.

You can’t easily use paid marketing with Amazon products for example because they pay such low commissions. You’ll need a higher value product/product range.

Organic strategies such as blogging, or v’logging (video blogging), will take much longer to generate the same results you can see very quickly using paid strategies. But with organic strategies you can build traffic over time and eventually benefit from free sales through your content.

affiliate marketing for dummies pdf

Depending on your values, you can choose a suitable and appropriate marketing strategy which suits you. If you have a corporate job, and are time poor, blogging might not be the best option. You’ll want to use paid advertising. But if you’re only working part time and affiliate marketing is going to be another income source, organic marketing might be more suitable for you.

Ikigai is a Japanese saying meaning “reason for being”, or purpose. If you’re going to be a content creator, it’s a good idea to align with your ikigai. When you are aligned with your values and purpose, work seems easy and flows naturally. When you’re fighting against your values, everything seems like a hardship. Since organic marketing takes such a long time, it’s well worth choosing a topic and strategy which is aligned with your ikigai.

Affiliate Mistakes – Choosing A Blog Topic

Expect to make some mistakes as an affiliate marketer. Mistakes are made when you take action. Uncertain action is far better than certain inaction. One of the mistakes I made was to build a niche website around a topic I didn’t know or care about. It was out of alignment with my ikigai and I was just desperately trying to make money.

I built a mushroom harvesting site and blogged on it for several months. Every blog post had to be researched and it was incredibly difficult keeping going. Eventually I ranked the site at the top of Google for its main keywords. But it didn’t make any money and I eventually gave up on it. So if you’re going to write about something and become a blogger, make sure it’s something you care about and can continue for a good period of time.

Affiliate Mistakes – Throwing Money At Marketing

Impatience is the enemy of an affiliate marketer. I’ve made this mistake myself. I threw a lot of money at a marketing campaign because I got fed up of getting no sales! I got myself into financial trouble with a credit card and deep in debt running paid advertising on YouTube.

Affiliates who use paid advertising do so carefully at first. Only when they have a consistently profitable campaign do they increase their budget. Super affiliates often spend tens of thousands of dollars a day on their marketing campaigns. But they have done their research starting from $10 a day and slowly built up when they know they have a profitable campaign.

Beginner affiliates can get impatient and think throwing money at the problem is the solution! But Google, or any marketing platform will take your money regardless of whether you make any sales or not! So beware!

Affiliate Mistakes

There’s a lot to learn as an affiliate before you can even make your first sale. One of the main problems is getting stuck in learning mode. It can become a bit of an addiction watching videos and learning new skills. But learning doesn’t move your business forward. You also need to implement what you’ve learned as you go, otherwise you’ll find months have passed and you haven’t moved your online business forward.

See also 23 affiliate marketing mistakes newbie affiliates should avoid.

I hope this affiliate marketing for dummies pdf has given you some insights into the affiliate marketing business. Hopefully it will better prepare you for your affiliate journey if you choose to accept this mission!

If so, you can start by clicking this link to access a free video series.

You can also download this guide in pdf format here.

Sniply Affiliate Program

I just had a look for Sniply affiliate program. It turns out that they don’t have one currently (November 2020).

Sniply Affiliate Program

I did however notice this on the official Snipl.y website, but this was over a year ago. so perhaps Sniply do have plans for an affiliate program in the future.

Sniply Affiliate Program

Sniply Affiliate Program – What Sniply Does

Despite the nonexistence of a Sniply affiliate program at the current time, affiliates can use Sniply to create “snips” to promote their affiliate products. I first discovered Sniply a few years ago as a free marketing tool.

You can use Sniply in conjunction with another great affiliate tool called too!

With Buzzsumo, you can find the best performing content which is trending on social media sites and creating the most engagement within your niche.

Buzzsumo then lists the content which is doing the best. You can then take this content and put it into the Sniply tool.

Take a look at the image below which shows the top ranking articles/content for “affiliate marketing” when I typed it into Buzzsumo.

Then, I can take the top article and paste it into Sniply, adding my own pop-up advert to my affiliate products. (See below).

Sniply Link

I then take my Sniply link and paste it thoughout my social media sites, and wherever I can online. As the content is already clearly trending, there’s a high chance it will be shared and each share has your pop-up advert attached.

You can also email your Sniply link out to your email list too, if you have one. If not, email to friends if they would be interested in the content.

In an ideal world your Sniply link will go viral and get thousands or tens of thousands of shares online.

Using Sniply like this can be a good addition to any affiliate marketers daily habits.

Choosing Content To Snip

It’s important to choose content which is relevant to your affiliate link, or website. Ideally choose a topic which relates closely to your own. People who are interested in reading about knitting, for example, won’t want to necessarily buy your affiliate marketing course. On the other hand, if you offer health and fitness related products, you could use a trending article in that niche to attract potential buyers.

You can of course use Sniply with any piece of content – even your own. If you regularly post your blogs throughout social media, it can be worth putting your pop up on it too. It can add another opt-in option to help build your email list.

Sniply Affiliate Program

I would personally recommend Sniply to anyone who wants to get more traffic and sales online. I created a video about Sniply years ago and it still brings me leads to this day. (see below).

I apologise that there’s no Sniply Affiliate Program available and I’d certainly welcome a program if and when they do create one. In the meantime, why not use Sniply to generate more traffic to your website.

Here’s a short video explaining one strategy you can use with Sniply:

If you’re interested in other free marketing strategies check out my article the best free traffic sources for affiliate marketing.

Passive Income Affiliate Programs

Not all affiliate programs are passive income affiliate programs. Some programs only pay you once for a sale. Recurring commission affiliate programs are an example of how to earn passive income as an affiliate. These tend to be membership products and software products, and they can be harder to sell than physical products which people immediately understand.

passive income affiliate programs

With a physical product from Amazon, for example, you know what you’re getting. Memberships can take a little more persuasion, especially if someone doesn’t understand the product.

Digital products too, are much better for affiliates, especially if they offer some form of passive income. Amazon pays it’s affiliates between 3% and 11% for sales. Compare this to digital products and you see why many affiliates go down this route; 40% – 50% commission is typical for digital products, some even pay more.

Passive Income Affiliate Programs

To earn passive income from affiliate programs you’ll need to have sold products already. Then, you can keep earning if you’ve chosen the right products to sell. There’s other ways to earn passively through affiliate marketing too, besides using recurring commission products.

passive income affiliate programs

You can also benefit from passive income if you use a product range. With a product range, you refer a customer once. If they choose to purchase another product from that range, even years later, you still earn the commission.

The best way to earn passive income with affiliate marketing is to use multiple strategies which give you an “autopilot income”:

  1. Recurring commission programs – business tools for online marketers, for example
  2. A range of products – see SFM Digital Business System
  3. Multi-tier commissions – multi tier commissions offer the opportunity for affiliate marketers to refer members into a program. They they earn commissions on sales their members make. See best two tier affiliate programs.
  4. A built in sales team – having a sales team built into the business you’re promoting as an affiliate means you benefit from sales closed by your team. You still get credit if your referred the customer originally.

Building A Passive Income Online

Of course you still need to sell an affiliate product to benefit from the recurring commissions you can generate from membership and software products. Once you get good at selling other people’s products online, you’ll be able to automate this process too. So in a way, just learning how to sell products online is a form of passive income.

passive income affiliate marketing

Automation is built into online businesses to allow owners to work on them in their own time. Initially it takes quite a lot of effort to get an affiliate business off the ground. There’s a period of testing and measuring of advertising or learning how to generate content and get it seen. But after a while you’ll see what’s working and concentrate on the right actions which generate sales.

Paid marketing is an example of using automation to build an online business. Although paid marketing isn’t exactly passive, it’s not far off once you’ve got a profitable sales funnel and are running paid adverts generating sales. You can simply leave your adverts running on complete autopilot once you know a campaign is proven to be profitable.

Some Passive Income Programs

Ideally find a program which offers a lifetime value to the customer. Products like business tools which are needed for online businesses are really good because they are essential for the operation of a business. Once someone is profitable online, they’re definitely not going to cancel their membership if they need the software/tools.

Here’s a few examples of passive income programs which offer at least a recurring commission from referrals:

  1. The Six Figure Mentors – Digital Online Business Mentorship Program.
  2. Aweber – For email marketing
  3. Leadpages- For custom landing pages
  4. Get Response – Email marketing
  5. Elegant Themes – WordPress website themes
  6. Social Pilot – Social Media Tool
  7. SEM Rush – SEO tool
  8. – Conversion/opt-in tool
  9. HostGator – Hosting provider
  10. Shopify – Online Store Builder

Get Started

Depending on the affiliate program you join, you may be able to use paid marketing in order to drive traffic into your sales funnel. This is the fastest way to build an online business. Passive income affiliate programs are great if you can make your marketing work and sell them. Over time, as your sales grow, so does your income. Even a small monthly commission of $20 can give you a good passive income once you’ve got several of them coming in every month.

Access a training and education platform and learn how to sell recurring income products online using a pre built digital business system and online mentoring program. Click here for the free video series.

Super Affiliate Handbook

I wish I would have had a super affiliate handbook back in the early 2000’s when I first heard the word “affiliate marketing”. Back then I was struggling trying to sell my own ebooks, with very little success. I put myself on a course and since then was hooked on the idea of making money online through selling other people’s products.

Super Affiliate Handbook
Who am I?

I ditched the ebook idea and started promoting a course I had bought by a guy called Peter Lexis. He’s not around anymore in the online space, or at least I don’t think he is. But I learned a few things from him and from the many other courses I took.

Super Affiliate Handbook

Despite working for several years, jumping from course to course, nothing seemed permanent from affiliate marketing. I made the odd sale here and there, but really, I didn’t know what I was doing! I needed a super affiliate handbook – or some guidance from the “super affiliates” who had made it online! Eventually after a lot of failures online and many attempts, I found an online business community which gave me the direction and support I desperately needed.

Super Affiliate Handbook

This was in 2014 and I was pretty broke at the time, so wasn’t able to invest much initially. But I was able to access a number of mentors and coaches and online trainings which anyone can access through this link.

Skip to 2020 and I’m still there! Still learning and growing my online business. But now I’m armed with much more knowledge and experience through having had the support of an online business community. I’m not a “super affiliate” myself, but I’m learning from several mentors who could be called super affiliates. Here’s what I’ve learned that super affiliates do differently.

Super Affiliate Handbook – Get Support

Affiliate marketing is tough. I struggled for years before making a consistent income from affiliate marketing. I did many things which were a waste of time and didn’t understand the different business models of affiliate marketing. One of the wisest things I did was getting support. I was able to join webinars and seminars which were run by 6 and 7 figure affiliates who had already failed more times than I had tried!

Getting support was the best money I spent online. It’s not a business that can be learned from a single course and a few videos. It’s a pursuit which can take several years to get good at.

Me and Jay Kubassek
Me and Jay Kubassek on a Momentum Day in London with The SFM

Use The Best Business Models

Another mistake I made was jumping straight in without getting the right knowledge up front. Again this comes down to getting the right information. The wrong information can cost you dearly as it did me! With the wrong information you can struggle for years, as I did.

I spent months and years building content and throwing it up in the hope Google would rank my websites; picking the wrong kinds of products too, (initially using Amazon and eBay), like many new affiliates do. Amazon pays between 3% and 11% commissions on its products which is a tiny percentage. With digital products you can earn 40% + on your sales; by using recurring commissions products, high ticket products and multi-tier commissions, you have a more profitable business model which can be more effectively scaled up quickly.

the six figure funnel

By using only physical products with low commission levels, you’re stuck with slow marketing strategies which can take years. You can’t afford to use paid marketing with many of these kinds of products because you simply won’t be able to profit while running paid adverts.

I made this mistake early on as an affiliate. I spent months and years creating content, pointing my affiliate links to companies who paid peanuts. My content disappeared into the stratosphere and never got seen!

Super Affiliate Handbook – Position At The Top

Super affiliates position themselves at the very top of a business system so that they can earn the most commission from their effort. Take a look at the business structure below which shows a product range and level of earning potential from commissions.

a high ticket affiliate program

To position yourself as an affiliate to earn the best commission levels means investing in a business system like this one. The more you invest initially, the more you are capable of earning through sales you make.

Super affiliates realise that a greater earning potential means more can be spent on advertising while still being profitable.

With smaller valued products and services, you simply can’t spend as much because you won’t recoup your budget on sales, let alone make a profit. Super affiliates know this so they put themselves at the top of the commission structure.

Super Affiliate Handbook – Marketing

Once you have a business system (sales funnel) set up and running, you can send visitors (leads) into your sales funnel. There’s many ways to do this, but super affiliates think big! They know that with a digital product range and globally accessible audience, they can scale up and sell to many people all over the world.

With smaller value products you need to create content and work a lot harder to generate sales which aren’t worth as much. But with a six figure sales funnel, you can use paid marketing and scale up very quickly.

Super Affiliate Handbook

So, super affiliates start by testing and measuring their funnel with paid advertising. Initially they’ll start with a small budget which is easily affordable. As they run paid adverts from advertising platforms such as Facebook, YouTube or Google Adwords, they’ll collect data. With enough data they can make informed decisions as to whether a campaign is working or not. With those which aren’t working, they cut. Those which are profitable are scaled up through increasing their daily budget.

Knowing Your Numbers

A good digital business system will produce $4 for every $2 spent on advertising. Once you have such as system, you can easily increase your budget, sending more targeted visitors into it. Providing you’ve done your homework and know your numbers, you can start increasing your daily budget.

Super affiliates don’t start out being super affiliates. They start small just where everyone else starts out. But over time once they are consistently making profit by spending money, they simply up their budget and spend more money to make more money!

Super Affiliate Handbook

Super affiliates can spend upwards of $20,000 a month driving targeted leads into their sales funnels. This amount sounds ludicrous, but of course a smaller budget will have been meticulously scrutinised over many weeks/months of sales and slowly increased.

Super affiliates don’t just throw money at their business without good justification. That’s just gambling. Instead they learn to “play” with small amounts first. When they know a consistent marketing strategy regularly produces a profitable outcome, they scale.

Tracking All Leads And Sales

Everything an affiliate does should be tracked. That way, when an affiliate makes a sale, they know where it came from. Pareto’s principle of 80/20, means that 80% of the outcomes come from only 20% of the causes.

Many of an affiliate marketers attempts will fail. Often 80% of advertising campaigns will fall flat! The super affiliates know this but keep going. They only need to find the 20% which work, and they have a winning lottery ticket! Once they discover the advertising campaign which produces a profit consistently, they can simply leave it running and scale up.

Super Affiliate Handbook

By tracking all their adverts, leads and sales, they get to learn where their sales come from. Over time and with consistent effort, they can learn from their data and determine which adverts are best to focus on and which are best to end.

Modelling Success

This “super affiliate handbook” wouldn’t be complete without mentioning modelling of success. Without the help and support of others who have already succeeded online through affiliate marketing, it’s so much more difficult to take the right steps and keep going when times get tough.

With other super affiliates to help and guide you, you only need to choose never to quit and eventually you’ll succeed! There’s so many facets to affiliate marketing that it’s very difficult to do alone.

Get the help of others who have already succeeded online. Join an online community and get started today. Click this link to learn more and access a free video series.

Super Affiliate Handbook

You can also join a free webinar with 7 figure online entrepreneur Stuart Ross by clicking on the image below.

Super Affiliate Handbook

Earn Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing

You can earn passive income with affiliate marketing in a number of different ways. Of course, when you have put in the work upfront, your affiliate business should run largely by itself anyway. In general, the longer you have been working on your affiliate business, the easier it should get. Automation is one of the main perks of having built an affiliate business and there’s automation within affiliate marketing already through

  1. Websites, landing pages and email marketing autoresponders
  2. Digital or physical products which can be sold directly from emails and websites
  3. Third party companies fulfil the delivery and customer service so the affiliate doesn’t have to.

Earn Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing

Website content can bring in customers to affiliate products around the clock and 365 days a a year. Autoresponders collect emails automatically and send people into sales funnels where products are sold and products delivered. All this is done while you sleep, if you’re done the work already and built in the infrastructure of your affiliate business.

But there’s other considerations too, which can help you earn a passive income from your affiliate business. Choosing the right products or product range is a huge part of this. Ideally, there’s a number of considerations you should take account of before starting out promoting affiliate products:

  1. Use a product range not just a single products – single products pay you only once. With a range of products, you’l get credit for sales purchased even years after you’ve referred your customer.
  2. Choose recurring commission affiliate programs. With membership products or software products you earn commissions based on ongoing payments for subscriptions. So you’ll earn an ongoing passive income from each sale.
  3. Use high ticket affiliate products – this has a couple of main benefits; a) you can more easily use paid marketing for your advertising (which can be automated and scaled), and b) you can build a profitable business more quickly through reinvesting your profits and scaling up.
  4. Multi-tier commissions let you earn from sales made by your referrals.
earn a passive income with affiliate marketing

So you can earn a passive income with affiliate marketing much more easily with a business model like this one. See SFM digital business system for more on this.

Earn A Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing – Advertising Strategies

Of course you can earn a passive income with affiliate marketing without using such a business system. It’s just that this kind of business model gives you many more earning strategies and more potential.

With any affiliate product though, you can still earn passively. Ideally though at least use recurring commission affiliate products. With a recurring commission products, you can earn a passive income from each sale, not just a single commission. And potentially this can be for a lifetime; if you choose the right products.

Earn Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing

But before you’ll be able to earn anything from affiliate marketing there’s work to be done. Affiliate marketing does take some time to learn and master. To sell products online you can use websites, advertising platforms, paid marketing and organic marketing (content marketing). All of these can run completely hands free, despite taking some time to set up.

This piece of writing, for example, will be around a long time after I write it. Hopefully, it will generate some traffic too, and sales! Although blogging and article writing takes time and effort, over time your work compounds to generate passive income trickles, if you connect the right audience to products they would find useful.

Advertising Platforms – Paid Marketing

Paid marketing is the fastest way to build a passive income from the internet. But at first you obviously need to invest in building an email list and a product range too. With cheaper value affiliate products, it’s free to join a program. But these products often don’t offer nearly enough in the way of earning potential. To sell a $100 affiliate product using paid marketing, for example, is much more difficult than selling a $2500 product using paid advertising.

Given a 40% commission on each product, it’ll be much easier to make a profit on a product paying you $1000 than only $40. If you’re running paid marketing, you’ll want to be coming out on top – with a profit. Otherwise you won’t carry on very long with your marketing. Once you do start generating a profitable outcome with paid marketing platforms, you can simply leave campaigns running, forever.

Again, here’s another way affiliate marketing can offer a passive income. Providing you test and measure your advertising carefully in the first instance, and it proves itself, you can increase your budget and scale up. Leave your adverts running 24 hours a day, and in multiple countries even.

How Easy Is It?

Of course it takes some time to earn passive income with affiliate marketing. There’s a lot of work which needs to be done before you can earn a passive income. But affiliate marketing is far better than working a job, once it’s working. The trouble is, most affiliates will give up too easily because they don’t take the long term view of affiliate marketing. They do some work, don’t see any results so assume it doesn’t work, and give up! Back to the day job!

Within less than 5 years you can have built a passive income with affiliate marketing, depending on the steps you take. Or, you can still be stuck in the 9 to 5, or worse, corporate career for another 20 years! 3-5 years hard work for a passive income for the rest of your life is pretty good if you ask me!

If you’re interested in learning more about affiliate marketing, access a free video series here, or join Stuart on a webinar using this link.