Facing Clickbank problems? Whether you’re using Clickbank or any of the other affiliate programs out there, you’ll no doubt face certain problems which every affiliate will need to overcome to become successful. Clickbank is no different and despite the higher levels of commission you can earn from selling digital products (compared to physical), you still need to actually sell them to make any money!

What Clickbank problems are you facing? One of the biggest problems for affiliates is traffic.
Clickbank Problems – Traffic
Traffic is undoubtably one of the biggest problems which affiliate marketers will face. Without it, your affiliate business is dead in the water. Even with traffic, if that traffic doesn’t convert into paying customers, you’re still going to struggle! So what’s the best way to attract hungry buyers for your affiliate products?
While some affiliates will create content, this can be a long and difficult road, especially if you choose a popular product and there’s a lot of competition. Blogging is a solid cheap strategy for attracting an audience but what if there’s thousands of bloggers in the same niche as you, even selling the exact same product as you? If so, it can take months or years to gain traction from a blog.

Without a blog, you can use video blogging. YouTube is a popular alternative to a blog and there’s far less competition on YouTube than there is on Google search. Alternatively use paid advertising and drive traffic to a landing page where you can convert traffic into leads. On an email list, you have a much longer time period to interact with potential customers, build trust and make the sale. See also know, like trust funnel.
Whether you use paid ads, content marketing or social media to find customers for your Clickbank products, you need to get something right to avoid problems. That is to understand who your perfect customer is – your customer avatar.
Clickbank Problems – Customer Avatar
Yes, your customer avatar is the small cross section of the online marketplace who are most likely to want, need and love what you have to offer. If you get to learn more about this person (or type of person), you’ll save yourself a heap of problems, headaches and despair!
Once you understand the people you can serve best with your products, you’ll waste less time sending the wrong kind of people to your website/landing page. As a beginner affiliate I made this mistake too – the mistake of trying to sell to everyone! An expression in marketing is: “Try and sell everyone and you sell (to) no one”.

It’s easy to forget that with affiliate marketing you can attract a global audience – most of which don’t give a hoot about what you’re selling! To find those people who do care, and want what you’re offering, you need to get to know your target audience.
What’s your ideal customer like? Where do they live? How old are they? Where do they hang out online and what kinds of questions do they ask? What kind of content do they consume? It’s worth spending some time learning the answers to these questions. It will shave a lot of frustration and struggle off your affiliate journey. You can’t hit a target you haven’t got – which is why many affiliate struggle to sell online.
The cost of advertising with many of the online platforms is steadily rising as more and more people become affiliates. If you choose a competitive niche to build an affiliate business in, there’s a lot of competition for content but also ad cost rises too! So what’s the solution? Well one solution is to find a niche which is less competitive.
Although a lot of “guru’s” advise to choose Clickbank products with a high gravity, this may also mean there’s a lot of competition too. So choosing Clickbank items with lower gravity, (but which are still selling), is a good idea in some cases.
If you’re creating content as an affiliate, it’s worth checking out the content you’ll find on Google for the products you’re promoting. Reviews, for example, are popular among Clickbank affiliates because they are a simple way to promote any product. But if there’s already thousands of reviews on Google for your chosen product, you can struggle to get your content found. What’s the answer? Choose a topic you love creating content around and a product which will be around for some time. It can take months to build a niche website which gets traffic and if your product vanishes overnight that’s a lot of hard work wasted!
Making Sales, Recurring & High Ticket Items
Even if you get traffic to your affiliate products you can still struggle making sales. Some products sell better than others so it’s worth being prudent when choosing products whether you’re using Clickbank or not.
Certain products will pay out recurring income if they carry subscription charges. This gives you an obvious head start as an affiliate because it gives you a more reliable income more quickly. However, there’s a downside in that subscriptions require a high quality product otherwise customers won’t maintain them. Some good subscription affiliate programs are software products and memberships which offer training and education for online businesses, for example. See also subscription affiliate programs.
A $100 product form Clickbank will give you a commission of $30-$40 depending on the rate. To replace an income you’ll need to sell a lot of these products on a regular basis. But if you use high ticket affiliate products, a single sale will pay you the same as several low value products.