Affiliate Marketing Tools For Beginners

What are the best affiliate marketing tools for beginners? I started learning affiliate marketing in the early 2000’s and had a lot of problems. There was no simple strategy for doing affiliate marketing and I was bamboozled by many different methods and tactics. I jumped from course to course, looking for the “magic formula”, never thinking that it was hard work and persistence! But of course you can still work hard in the wrong direction! Working hard and smart is the key to success in affiliate marketing.

In 2014 I found some affiliate marketing mentors and coaches who helped me learn the best strategies and overcome my lack of faith in affiliate marketing for good! So I built this site to help other struggling affiliates who were in the same boat I was. So, in this article I am sharing some of the tools which have helped me the most with my affiliate marketing business. I hope they can help you too and give you the ability to make affiliate marketing work better for you.

Affiliate Marketing Tools For Beginners – Autoresponder

When I began affiliate marketing I didn’t have an autoresponder. I relied heavily on free website traffic which I couldn’t really control. I spent a huge amount of time trying to get free traffic from the search engines. But I didn’t know to build an email list. A list is one of the most important tools an affiliate marketer can have. It gives them the ability to control their traffic, build longer term relationships with their subscribers and promote affiliate products while offering value to their list.

You should definitely get an autoresponder if you’re going to take affiliate marketing seriously. Get a free autoresponder for affiliate marketing by clicking on the image below.

aweber autoresponder

Affiliate Marketing Tools For Beginners – Help & Support

One of the best things I found online was a community of other affiliate marketers. Without help and support from people who are going through a similar learning curve as you, you will default back to friends and relatives for emotional and mental support. Sadly most people aren’t entrepreneurially minded, and they will often tell you not to bother:

“Go back to your job, stop dreaming of making an income online and grow up!”

Finding others on this path is difficult in the normal world. Affiliates are still a minority in most people’s lives. You can join an online community, get help and support and access tools, training and resources through this all in one business system and mentorship community. Click on the image below for more information and access.

Affiliate Marketing Tools For Beginners

Affiliate Marketing Tools For Beginners – Get More Traffic

One of the best companies I’ve found online to help with website optimisation, link building and SEO (search engine optimisation) is This company offers all kinds of website services which can help you gain more traffic to your website. Without traffic an affiliate will struggle to make sales. So whether if you’re creating content as an affiliate, you can enlist the help of experts to make your job easier.

I’m not a fan of link building and so I found this company to be genuine and helpful regarding finding a strategy which meant I could focus on the things I was good at and not spend time on those actions which I hated!

Affiliate Marketing Tools For Beginners

Affiliate Marketing Tools For Beginners – Google’s Keyword Planner

I’ve used Google’s keyword planner extensively as an affiliate. The keyword planner should definitely be in your affiliate tool box; whether you are using paid marketing or you’re a content creator.

What does the keyword tools do? Google’s keyword planner shows you the most popular keywords being searched in your key topics. You simply type in your main keywords into the planner, and it shows you all the keyword searches happening on Google over the last several months and years.

Google's keyword planner

This is super useful because you can either target your adverts towards those keywords which are most relevant for your product/s, or create content relevant for your audience if you’re aiming for free traffic from the SERPS – search engine results pages.

You’ll need a Google account to access the keyword planner but it’s completely free. Access here.

Keywords Everywhere

Keywords everywhere is a useful keyword research plugin which connects to your browser. When you do a Google keyword search, it gives a tonne of data including related long tail keywords, search volume, cost per click and volume data.

Rather than using multiple data collection websites, and crossing backwards and forwards, Keywords Everywhere gives you everything on the same page. This can save you a heap of time and effort. There’s a free version and a premium version. Access here.

Affiliate Marketing Tools For Beginners

SEO Tool For Bloggers

Yoast SEO is definitely one of my favourite tools which I’ve used to great effect. It’s a free plugin which helps you with your content writing. The tool connects to any WordPress blog and helps you write SEO friendly content which performs better in the search engines.

Yoast SEO basically gives you a green light when all your ducks are in a row in terms of SEO – search engine optimisation. If you’re a blogger, or content creator your SEO efforts are massively important because they determine how well your content will fair in the free search engines results. Access here.

Affiliate Marketing Tools For Beginners

Of course this also comes down to the quality of your content and the relative competition. But the plugin can give you a massive advantage by helping you place your keywords in your copy, image alt attributes and headings. There’s a tonne of free plugins which can help you get more out of your content generation too. See best free Blog plugins for WordPress.

SEM Rush – Data Analytics For Content Generators & PPC

SEM Rush is a great service which offers an all in one online visibility and content marketing “suite”. It offers tools and analytics which can:

  • Give you a structured list of SEO actions to boost your traffic
  • Use competitors performance metrics to boost your own website/traffic
  • Keyword research tools and metrics
  • Audit your website for improved performance

SEM Rush also offers digital marketing academy courses to improve your own skills and help you become a better marketer. Access here.

SEM Rush

Revive Old Posts

Revive Old Posts is another free WordPress plugin which I’ve found amazing! It lets you automatically syndicate your blog posts (old and new) to social media platforms.

Revive Old Posts

Once set up this tool will work completely on autopilot, helping you get more eyes on your content. The free version lets you share automatically to two social media platforms. You can upgrade to get more access but you can also use this plugin in combination with another amazing tool to do the same job for free! Access Revive Old Posts here.

If This Then That – ITTT

IFTTT is another clever plugin which allows you to connect your social media platforms together to syndicate content automatically.

When used in combination with the above plugin (Revive Old Posts) this is incredibly powerful! Once you automate posting to Twitter, you can set IFTTT to automatically post to any number of other social media platforms, based on your Twitter “tweet”. If This Then That is a free application which you connect to your social media platforms to help you share content and get more views on your website. Access here.

Content Syndication

Push Engage

Push Engage is another free plugin which can help your engagement on a blog or website. It allows you to notify your regular website visitors of your new content when you publish it and it’s a great way to grow your viewer base. You can also reengage website visitors according to their activities.

The free version gives you basic functionality but there’s also more you can get from it if you choose to upgrade at any point. Access Push Engage here.

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