Affiliate Marketing Niches

Despite the competition in affiliate marketing, because there’s so many affiliate marketing niches there’s always room for new affiliates. What is an affiliate marketing niche? An affiliate “niche” is a specific topic or group of topics in which the affiliate builds their business.

niche affiliate

For example, this website is based around the “make money online” niche. More specifically it’s the “affiliate marketing” niche, which could be said to be a niche within a niche! There’s many affiliate marketing niches and here’s a few of the most popular niches which many affiliates will gravitate towards:

  • Making money online
  • Health and fitness
  • Wealth generation, investing and finance
  • Pets and hobbies
  • Dating and relationships
  • Gadgets and technology
  • Home and garden

Within each niche are also several sub-niches. So for example in the niche of dating and relationships you might find niches such as:

  • Confidence with men/women
  • Dating advice for seniors
  • Communication tips in your marriage
  • etc

Affiliate Marketing Niches: Benefits Of A Sub-Niche

There’s several benefits of building a business around a sub-niche in affiliate marketing. For starters some niche topics are super competitive. So if you’re running advertising in them, you’ll be paying a lot for ad clicks. If you are trying to build a niche website for them, there will be a tonne of competition on Google, so it’s harder to get any traction.

In a sub niche though, advertising will be less costly because there’s fewer people competing for advertising space. Likewise, there’s fewer websites competing on Google for organic space in a sub niche. So whether you are thinking of building an affiliate business with paid marketing, or through content creation, your niche is an important factor to consider.

affiliate marketing niches

A sub-niche too is more specific and attracts a very specific type of visitor. This can be beneficial if you’re selling a particular type of affiliate product. For example if you have a Yoga course for seniors, the broader “Yoga” niche may attract the wrong kinds of visitors. Whereas “Yoga for seniors” as a niche will attract more people who are a likely fit for your target audience, assuming you’re promoting a “Yoga for seniors” course.

Affiliate Marketing Niches: Choosing A Niche

It’s a good idea to choose a niche which you have an interest in because it can take some time before you gain traction, depending on your marketing strategy of course. If you’re going to build content in your niche, expect to work at it for some time, uploading content on a regular basis. Depending on the relative competition of your niche, it can take several months before you start seeing the outcome you are looking for, with content generation.

affiliate marketing niches

With paid marketing of course it’s much faster. But you still need to maintain the work long enough to start generating regular sales. In a niche you are fanatical about, this is so much easier! At the very least, choose a topic you want to learn about so you can maintain this interest for the longer term.

I made a big mistake choosing a niche I wasn’t interested in several years ago. I chose to build a website around the topic of harvesting mushrooms! It was a low competition niche I thought I could rank a niche website for. It did rank at the top of Google for its main keywords: When To Harvest Mushrooms! However, each piece I wrote on the blog needed thorough research, so it took a long time. After six month of writing, I had had enough! I didn’t even have an interest in this topic, and only pursued it for the money. It turned out that it was also a difficult niche to monetise, with little to offer in terms of affiliate products.

It’s very difficult to sustain the necessary work required to profit from affiliate marketing niche if you have no interest in it! Choose something you love and it’s a pleasure doing the work!

Evergreen Niches

An “evergreen” niche is a niche which is profitable all year round. My mushroom harvesting niche wasn’t evergreen and only got the bulk of its traffic in mushroom harvesting season. even then, I couldn’t monetise it well because there weren’t a lot of affiliate products in the niche which would sell. An evergreen niche is one which gets traffic all year round. So it’s a good idea to avoid niches which are seasonal.

The niches mentioned at the start of this article are all evergreen, and building a niche can mean you get paid all year round as an affiliate, if you’re successful:

  • Making money online
  • Health and fitness
  • Wealth generation, investing and finance
  • Pets and hobbies
  • Dating and relationships
  • Gadgets and technology
  • Home and garden

If you have a unique interest of some kind, it can give you the edge in building a niche website, or offering something of value to your followers. So it’s worth investigating whether your niche is easily monetised with products you value and which sell.

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