If you’re serious about affiliate marketing then getting some affiliate marketing coaching is definitely a good idea. Before I found a coach, I struggled for years trying to make money from affiliate marketing. In this article I’m going to share some of the top reasons why it’s worth paying for an affiliate marketing coach.
If you want to get started with a from scratch affiliate business and connect with coaches, you can join through this link.
Affiliate Marketing Coaching
So why get affiliate marketing coaching? One of the best reasons to get a coach is that it’s very difficult to make an affiliate marketing business work on your own. I tried this for years and bought many online business courses. See my digital profit course review for details of the many trainings I purchased.

One of the problems with jumping from course to course like I did is that the courses all taught something different! One course taught using paid marketing while another taught generating organic traffic. The mix-mash of marketing strategies left me confused and worn out. After attempting many different strategies I was still no further towards replacing my employment income through affiliate marketing.
Once I found a coach, and a business strategy which worked, I was able to tread more confidently in the right direction. Until this point, I was still carrying scepticism and doubt in my mind. This works against your best intentions and keeps you stuck in fear mode.
Affiliate Marketing Coaching

So what does affiliate marketing coaching do for you? With a coach, and a good business strategy, you can become more empowered to take larger steps in your affiliate business.
While I worked hard for some time before finding a coach; I was still trapped in strategies which didn’t propel my online business forwards. I hoped that “one day” Google would reward me for all my hard work. But that day never came! It wasn’t until I shifted into another marketing strategy that things really started happening. Perhaps you’re the same? Trapped on the treadmill of building content without really getting any traction?
Affiliate Mindset
I have written about your affiliate psychology as one of the main things holding back your affiliate business. You might not think that mindset has anything to do with your bottom line. Let me tell you that it has everything to do with it! Whether you are holding yourself back for financial reasons or because you’re afraid of taking the big actions in case something doesn’t work, your mindset is in charge.

Do you have a vision for your life, which an affiliate business can enable to happen? Or are you plodding along, hoping “one day” things will eventually work out in your favour? I did this for years and spent far too much time on the free strategies which simply didn’t work. I chose the wrong business model and promoted cheap products which paid a pittance.
With the right mindset, your intention changes and you’re prepared to take full responsibility for your outcomes. The wrong mindset will keep you stuck forever. Affiliate marketing coaching can help you see and understand that your thinking is the cause of all your effects in life; not just for your affiliate business.
Entrepreneurial Thinking – Your Business Will Never Outgrow Your Thinking
Your affiliate business will never outgrow the level of thinking you bring to it. If you’re aiming for a bit of extra pocket money, this thinking will manifest in your business. If you want to create a 6 or 7 figure business from your laptop, you can do it but you’ll need to think differently about the kind of business model you’ll need.
With a website and a few Amazon products you can make a little “on the side”. With a business model which offers high ticket items, subscription products and multi-tier sales, you can build an online business which can replace your existing income. (See SFM digital business system). It is your thinking which will determine which one you go for and the risks you’re prepared to take.
What are you prepared to do to build your business? Will you pay for a coach or do you want one for free?
Affiliate Marketing Coaching & Ikigai

Ikigai is a Japanese term which can be summarised as “reason for being”. Your Ikigai is where what you love, who you are and what you do for a living intersect. It’s useful to know your ikigai in your affiliate business for a number of reasons. If you’re not loving what you do, it’ll be very difficult to keep doing for the time necessary for it to work.
This is particularly relevant for an affiliate business. Putting the money before my ikigai was a mistake I made early in my affiliate career. I built one website with the view of making money and spent about a year building it. Eventually I ran out of steam and gave up on it.
Although it did rank on top of Google for a while, I wasn’t interested in the topic, but had chosen it only for the money it might bring. Ultimately the site failed and another one took over on Google; someone who was passionate about the topic. Try as I did, I just couldn’t get passionate about mushroom harvesting (the topic of the site)!
Read Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” for more on this subject.

The Upper Limit Problem
The upper limit problem is particularly relevant when it comes to building an affiliate business. Gay Hendrick’s talks about this in his book The Big Leap. An upper limit problem is the psychological reason why people stop growing and developing themselves as their affiliate business grows. Instead, they reach a “glass ceiling” and can’t get beyond it. This can be for several reasons such as beliefs about money, poor self image or limiting beliefs.
Often when people are at the pinnacle of their success, they create some self sabotaging outcomes which destroy their happiness and/or success. You can see this happen for many celebrities and famous people as they fall into situations and drama which destroys what they have built, often over many years.

If you’re serious about getting affiliate marketing coaching, access an all-in-one business system and mentorship program here.