Here’s a collection of affiliate marketing books pdf format which you can access for free. I’ve created a few pdf affiliate marketing books over the years. They’re a great way to help you consolidate information you’ve learned but also great lead magnets you can use to get people to subscribe to your email list.
The first of my affiliate marketing pdf books is niche blogging for profit. In Niche Blogging For Profit I discuss a blogging strategy I picked up from several online courses I took years ago. You can checkout my digital profit course review which details some of the courses I took. A few of the courses taught this strategy which is based around ranking content, (or a website) for it’s main keywords.

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF – Niche Blogging
Niche Blogging’s basic strategy is based around a couple of courses I took. One of them taught how to rank a website on Google using keyword domain names. The same strategy can be used when blogging, to get your articles ranked on Google and other search engines.
Basically you use Google’s keyword planner to find long tail keywords which get traffic. Then, look on Google to find the “low hanging fruit” – that is, the keywords which offer less competition than most. Then build your content, or website around those keywords. It doesn’t work every time, but if you keep at it, you’ll find some of your content will rank. Access Niche Blogging For Profit here.
Affiliate Marketing Books PDF – Affiliate Marketing For Beginners
The next ebook I wrote is called Affiliate Marketing For Beginners. I wanted to write about my experience as an affiliate and what I had learned. Specifically I wanted to share the most important things I would want to tell myself if I could go back in time and start again! It would have saved me years if I had only have found this book when I began with affiliate marketing.
I made a lot of mistakes like using the wrong products and marketing strategies; not getting help and mentorship.

One of the things I discuss in this ebook is to use recurring commission affiliate programs. When I started out as an affiliate, I used cheap physical products which only paid me a tiny percentage of the sale value. This was a big mistake and it took me a long time to realise I was wasting a lot of time! Just this one tip would have changed my trajectory and put me ahead. With recurring commission programs, you can earn residual income even years after you have referred someone to a program.
The Ultimate Guide – Paid Marketing Ebook
Having spent rather a lot of money learning marketing strategies through an online mentorship program, I thought writing a book about marketing would be a good way to help me remember the strategies I was learning about.
The Ultimate Guide To Online Marketing came about after several months of training courses.

In this book I’ve included some free marketing strategies I discovered when learning how to build up my martial arts school. I also go into the various paid marketing strategies too such as Google Adwords and Bing. Paid marketing is the fastest way to build an online affiliate business. However, you need a good business model such as the SFM Digital Business System in order to be able to use paid marketing and make a profit.
Affiliate Marketing Ebooks – PDF Downloads
Affiliate marketing secrets came about after using the keyword research I talked about in Niche Blogging For Profit. I found that one particular keyword which offered some traffic also had very little competition.

So I created affiliate marketing secrets as a bit of an experiment to see whether I’d be able to rank my website for that particular keyword.
I’m still ranking for this keyword several years later! Checkout my listing:

Affiliate marketing secrets pdf was born! 40 hits a month is not much traffic, it has to be said. And when it’s spread out among the top 4-5 search results i get hardly any traffic still. But with a few hundred, or thousand of similar listings, it proves the “Niche Blogging For Profit” works – and it all adds up!

Affiliate Marketing PDF Downloads
Here’s another book I put together for similar reasons to the affiliate marketing secrets pdf. Although no listing yet but this was a more recent creation.

The affiliate marketing blueprint comes about also after following a number of successful online affiliates who have mentored me for several months and years now. Top affiliates have taught me to follow a different path that I started out with. They think differently to many affiliates who get stuck with low paying programs and slow marketing strategies.
Before Affiliate Marketing – Ebay Profit
Before I became an affiliate marketer I found a digital downloadable book and bought it from eBay. It taught me a strategy to profit from eBay by buying and selling items using a misspell search tool.
I used this method successfully for several months before putting it down. I knew there had to be a better way to profit from the internet and that eventually led me to learn affiliate marketing. But here’s the eBay strategy if you’d like to give it a go!

If you’re interested in creating your own ebooks, I put together an article on how to sell ebooks on your own website.
Affiliate Ebooks – Why Create Your Own
As you get more experience in affiliate marketing, or if you already know about a topic, it’s worth creating your own ebooks. Ebooks offer a great way to build an email list by giving them away in exchange for your subscribers information.
Here’s a final ebook I recommend for your affiliate marketing journey. This one isn’t mine so I can’t offer it for free. It’s a book by a guy called Stuart Lichtman, who has helped thousands of people train their minds for success. See also Stuart Lichtman Pdf.