Affiliate Email Marketing For Beginners

What is affiliate email marketing and how does it help beginners? If you’re a beginner affiliate, it’s definitely worth getting an email autoresponder which lets you collect subscribers and build an email list. What is email marketing and how does it help affiliate marketers?


Affiliates promote affiliate products using their affiliate links for a commission on any sales they make. An email list lets them do this very simply. TheA affiliate collect targeted subscribers who are likely to be interested in whatever it is they’re selling. By placing products in front of them, (through email messages), they can sell to a growing list of subscribers.

This whole process can be automated and you can grow a list into the tens or hundreds of thousands plus.

Affiliate Email Marketing For Beginners – The Form

To collect subscribers from a website, you can offer something of value to your website visitors. Here’s an offer from one of my landing pages:

affiliate email marketing for beginners

By entering your details into the form on a website or landing page, you join my email list. You’ll start to receive automated messages which deliver information on building an online business. You can see the landing page here.

To get your own form, you can access an email autoresponder for free here. Sign up and once inside the back office, you can create a form using the step by step instructions.

affiliate email marketing for beginners

Once you have built your form, you can place in on a landing page, website or even a free blog platform. The form is intended to capture your visitors email address. To encourage your website visitors to enter their details and join your subscriber list, you can offer to give something away – such as an ebook, pdf download or a video course, for example.

affiliate email marketing

Affiliate Email Marketing For Beginners – Queue Up Your Email Messages

Once you have designed and built a form, you will need to create a follow up sequence of messages. These email messages are triggered to be sent out when someone subscribers to your list. Here’s what it looks like in the back office of the autoresponder (my queued up messages):

beginners guide to email marketing

Long term affiliate marketers will build huge email lists of subscribers. With thousands of people on your email list, you have a much better chance of making an affiliate sale.

Email lists are used to build trust with people over longer periods of time than is possible from just a website. On a website, a visitor will only stay for a few minutes. On an email list, you can stay in touch for months and even years with your subscribers.

Building Your List

There’s many ways in which you can build an email list as an affiliate marketer. You can use a blog to attract traffic and place an offer on your site. Or, you can use a landing pages and send paid traffic directly to it. Landing pages are typically used with paid marketing. With paid marketing, you want to collect email subscribers because you’re spending money getting traffic. That traffic is worth much more if you can turn it immediately into subscribers for your email list.

affiliate beginners

On a normal website, you can attract traffic through blogging. This is a slow method but over time your traffic can grow exponentially once you have a large volume of content. For the best results, make sure you are targeting the right kind of people. Not all traffic is equal and most of the online marketplace won’t be interested in your product.

Make sure you align your giveaway product with the interests of your visitors and your product. Focus on the benefits of your offer not the features. This will increase the opt in rate of subscribers from a website.

Access A Step By Step Tutorial

If you’re ready to get started with an affiliate business – access a step by step process here. You’ll learn how to set up an email list with pre-written emails and products ready to sell. Your main hurdle then as an affiliate is to generate traffic to your email marketing capture form. This is done either with paid marketing or through content creation. You can also access training and support with this online training resource and all in one business system.

Access an email autoresponder here which is free for up to 500 subscribers.



An email marketing autoresponder is one of the best things you can get as an affiliate marketer. It lets you collect email subscribers from a website and build a list of potential customers.

It also puts you in charge of your traffic. Whether you are buying traffic using a paid platform, or building content for traffic, it takes either time, effort or money to get it! So building a list can save you heaps of money over the longer term and put you in charge of your visitors.

Trying to sell directly from a website is tough too. Most customers won’t buy on their first visit to a website. Most will need several touch points before they make a buying decision.

Email marketing lets you keep in touch with your potential customers for months. On a website, most visitors are gone within a few minutes, never to return.