Search results for: “blogging”

  • Passive Income From Blogging

    You can earn a passive income from blogging in a number of ways. However you do it though you’ll need a lot of visitors to your blog. That can take time and some serious effort. So before you set about building a blog, it’s wise to consider your blog topic. Choosing a topic only for…

  • Blogging Vs Vlogging

    Blogging vs vlogging? Both blogging and v’logging (video blogging) are great ways to generate organic traffic for an affiliate business; or any business for that matter. By creating content either through writing or video, anyone can attract website visitors to gain greater exposure. This can drive affiliate sales and/or customers to a business. Blogging has…

  • Alternatives To Blogging

    If you hate blogging but want to build an online presence, there are alternatives to blogging. Blogging is a good cheap method of building an online presence; but it’s not for everyone. Some people just don’t like writing or perhaps your topic is not one which lends itself well to blogging regularly. If you’ve made…

  • Benefits Of Blogging

    What are the benefits of blogging? For a business, a blog can be a good way to increase your sales. Blogging helps to gain website traffic and draw in potential customers. But there’s more to blogging than simply making more money. Many bloggers enjoy blogging as it helps them focus and it’s an outlet for…

  • What Is Blogging And How Does It Work?

    What is blogging and how does it work? The term “blog” is short for “weblog“(website log) which refers to an online journal. Blogs began as personal mini-websites that people used to record their views, stories, hobbies, and other writings as well as photos and videos. A blog can be used to share insight into a…

  • Why Blogging Is Important For Business

    There’s a few reasons why blogging is important for business. Blogging is a good, cheap way of generating traffic to a website. Without it, you rely solely on paid marketing or word of mouth advertising which is out of your control. When you have built a lot of content through blogging, it can attract traffic…

  • Most Profitable Niche For Blogging

    What is the most profitable niche for blogging? While top niches such as money making, dating and relationships and health and fitness are super profitable, blogging is a slow and lengthy process. There’s a tonne of competition on Google and other search engines. This means if you choose blogging for your marketing strategy, it can…

  • Best Niche For Blogging With Low Competition

    What is the best niche for blogging with low competition? While competition is an important factor to consider in blogging, you also need to choose how you will monetise a blog. If you’re monetising with affiliate products, for example, you’ll need to find a product (or products) you want to promote. So this can effect…

  • Pros And Cons Of Blogging

    What are the pros and cons of blogging? Blogging is a very cheap way to do marketing which can, over time produce some fantastic results. There’s also millions of bloggers out there too, which means there’s a lot of competition. If you’re choosing a topic which is very competitive, it can be more difficult to…

  • Blogging To Earn Money

    Blogging to earn money is a versatile career path if you have the endurance for it. It lets you earn from anywhere and work in a manner which suits you. But there’s a tonne of competition out there so blogging to earn money isn’t a quick fix solution. It can take months or even years…