Autopilot Business

An autopilot business is the stuff of dreams! It works for you even when you aren’t working. There’s no staff to employ, products to shift or customers to deal with! So how does an autopilot business work, what is it and how do you get started?

autopilot business
If you’re still trading time for money, you may feel like this!

There’s a few ways to automate a business and a couple of models which can be relatively hands free. Business models such as drop shipping and affiliate marketing allow anyone to become third party referrers of products. You don’t need to own any products or deliver any services personally. You simply refer customers online to other people’s products or services.

This can be done in a number of ways such as blogging, email marketing, paid advertising and other online (and offline) advertising methods. Initially, building an autopilot business can take some time and effort. But ultimately it can be running completely hands free, allowing you a very free and flexible lifestyle.

Autopilot Business – Which One?

I’m a fan of affiliate marketing because it’s a very simple business model. With drop shipping, there’s a little more involved because you are taking orders from customers and dealing with the product owners when ordering goods. With affiliate marketing, all you need to do is promote your affiliate link. See also affiliate marketing vs drop shipping.

autopilot business

When you make a sale through your link, you are automatically credited with the sale. Products are delivered by the product owners or manufacturers. There’s no need to deal with customers either as this is done in-house too. So the only job of an affiliate marketer is to send people to products and services online. This can be automated through the use of online marketing techniques.

Within the business model of affiliate marketing, there’s many models and strategies too. Not every affiliate marketer follows the same path. So it’s important to understand the various affiliate marketing business models so you can make the most of an autopilot business.

Autopilot Business – Types Of Affiliate Products

The best autopilot affiliate business gives you multiple earning methods from a product range. Selling only one product severely limits your earning potential from affiliate marketing. Depending on the type of product you sell, your earnings can be as little as 1% commission, as an affiliate.

But with the right kinds of products you can earn from 30% – 100% commission on certain products. Digital products typically pay much more than physical products. Amazon’s commission structure ranges from 1% to 20% commission. On average, most physical products pay from 5% to 10% commission.

autopilot business

With subscription affiliate programs and high ticket affiliate products you can earn the most from larger commissions and recurring commissions which come in month after month for each sale you make.

Fastest Way To Build An Autopilot Business Online

The fastest way to build an autopilot business online is to use a multiple income funnel affiliate program which offers a range of products including subscription affiliate products which pay ongoing commissions. With your sales funnel set up, access one here, you can turn your attention to marketing.

There’s several marketing strategies affiliate marketers use, but most successful affiliates will build an email list to help them build a customer base. With email marketing, you can collect email subscribers and automate the process of selling affiliate products online. See free autoresponder for affiliate marketing or access one using the banner below.

aweber email marketing

Knowing Your Perfect Customer “Avatar”

The fastest way to market an affiliate marketing sales funnel is by using paid marketing. Platforms such as YouTube, Adwords and Facebook offers the ability to target your ads towards a very specific kind of customer. Marketers should know their “perfect customer avatar”. That is the type of person who will be the best performing customer; it’s an important part of understanding advertising.

Once you an identify your perfect customer avatar, you can target them with your marketing and reach a huge audience very quickly. If you do this successfully, you can create an autopilot business. Plus, you can scale it up globally once you’re profitable too!

Digital products can be sold globally and downloaded or accessed remotely from the internet. This means there’s no cost involved in postage and handling. As such, affiliates are paid larger amounts per sale. Typically digital products will pay 30-40% commissions compared to 5-10% for physical products.

types of affiliate commission


You can build an autopilot business through using other people’s products and services online. The fastest way to do this is with paid marketing and a high ticket sales funnel.

You can access all the products, tools and software needed through this all in one online business system and training program.

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